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英语试卷 一、单项选择(共16小题;共16分)根据语境,选出最佳选项。1. I tried to pass the driving test, but I failed._. Good luck to you next time.A.Thats greatB.Its interestingC.Thats a pityD.Glad to hear that 2. Choose me as your class monitor and I promise _ everyone, classmates and teachers.A.helping B.to help C.helps D.helped 3. Betty is _ of things for her trip. She likes to get things ready earlier.A.getting into troubleB.making a listC.waiting a minuteD.taking a walk 4. We got _ when we went to different schools last term, but we stayed in touch.A.totalB.certainC.humorousD.seperated 5. In China, red is the _ of luck and happiness.A.nameB.showC.natureD.symbol 6. Yang Liwei is _ astronaut.Yes. He is _ first Chinese person in space.A.不填; aB.an; aC.an; theD.the; a 7. Mrs. Smith showed the boys how to behave _ like a gentleman at the dinner table.A.happilyB.bravelyC.politelyD.carefully 8. I always get nervous when I start a(n) _ with others.Take it easy. Believe in yourself.A.educationB.introductionC.communicationD.exhibition 9. Amy takes exercise every day. Thats why she is slim, healthy and always full of _.A.silenceB.memoryC.pressureD.energy 10. This afternoon the classroom had a power cut while they _ a physics lesson.A.are havingB.will haveC.were havingD.have had 11. The brave soldier went on fighting, _ he was wounded.A.thoughB.ifC.becauseD.since 12. This pair of glasses _ be Dianas. Shes the only student who wears glasses.A.mightB.needC.mustD.cant 13. The traffic was very heavy, but nobody was late, _ me.A.exceptB.aboveC.throughD.below 14. Ill never succeed _ your help. Thank you, my dear friend.Its my pleasure.A.withoutB.withC.inD.for 15. Nice to see you. I _ you for a long time.I _ in Beijing. Ive just come back.A.havent seen; amB.havent seen; wasC.didnt see; will beD.wont see; was 16. Summer vacation is coming! Could you tell me _?Xian. Im really looking forward to visiting Terracotta Army.A.where are you goingB.what are you doingC.where you are goingD.what you are doing 二、完形填空(共2小题;共20分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。I was recently invited to dinner by a friend. During the meal, the manager of the restaurant came _17_ and said that our meal was free. He stood there _18_ at me and he seemed a little familiar to me but I couldnt quite remember him. _19_ I asked him if he knew me. He laughed and said I had probably _20_ him, but that Id changed his life. My friend was quite curious and asked him how Id done this.He said that twelve years ago he _21_ a stress (压力) management class that I was giving. I asked the group what their greatest stress was and most of them, including him, said it was their bosses.He said I listened carefully and then took a chair and placed it in the center of the room. I _22_ on the chair for a few moments and then I invited everyone to come and do the same. I wanted them to look at the room from up there. After everyone had done it, I asked the group to _23_ how the room looked different when they changed their perspective (角度).Then I asked them to _24_ their bosses. Was this the same person who had seen their good qualities and hired (雇用) them? Did they remember how happy they were to be chosen for the job? But how did these wonderful people become terrible bosses?He said I looked at him and asked if he had ever said thank you to his boss for the opportunity to make a living. He answered he hadnt. Then I asked him why he hadnt tried being grateful to his boss.He told us his _25_ changed that night. He went back to work the next day with a thank-you card to his boss. He said Id _26_ him to look at life from different perspectives and express thanks.17. A.outB.backC.onD.over18. A.smilingB.glaringC.knockingD.shouting19. A.ImmediatelyB.FinallyC.SuddenlyD.Firstly20. A.dislikedB.knownC.foughtD.forgotten21. A.missedB.preparedC.attendedD.heard22. A.satB.layC.stoodD.rested23. A.think aboutB.work onC.look intoD.fill out24. A.rememberB.dislikeC.respectD.consider25. A.jobB.lifeC.luckD.company26. A.orderedB.allowedC.taughtD.persuaded One night a man came to my house. He told me, There is a family with eight _27_. They have not eaten for days. After I asked him where the family was. I took some _28_ with me and left.When I finally got to that family, I _29_ those little children were too hungry to say a _30_. There was no food to the mother. She took half of it, and then _31_.When she returned, I asked her curiously, _32_ did you go? She gave
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