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新目标九年级期末测试Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. When Liu Ming was young, he often caused problems for and his family. A. heB. himC. hisD. himself ( )2. Her elder sister often practices English chatting with her American friend. A. in B. by C. for D. with ( )3. I am usually those who cut in line. A. afraid of B. interested inC. angry with D. worried about ( )4. The art club is for members only. You cant go in you are a member. A. unless B. becauseC. if D. though ( )5. I havent seen Li Xia for a long time. I havent seen her, . A. though B. tooC. either D. instead ( )6. Excuse me, sir. You take the seat which is for children and the old. Oh, sorry.A. needntB. cantC. mustntD. wont( )7. This is the museum we visited last year when we were here.A. whatB. whenC. that D. where( )8. Its the first time the Smiths have been to New York. They the heavy traffic here.A. arent used toB. used toC. arent used for D. used for( )9. Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? Id love to, but I have housework to do.A. so manyB. too manyC. too muchD. much too( )10. Many famous writers by our school to the party next week.A. have invitedB. will inviteC. were invitedD. will be invited ( )11. Our class won the table tennis match. Congratulations! You _ proud of that.A. can be B. mustnt beC. must be D. cant be( )12. The skirt _ is made of silk is very expensive. I cant afford it. A. what B. / C. that D. it( )13. Mr Li, did your son get married in 2005? Yes, he _ for about five years.A. has married B. was married C. has got married D. has been married ( )14. Excuse me, could you tell me _ for Taiwan? The day after tomorrow.A. when were you leaving B. when you are leaving C. when are you leaving D. when you were leaving( )15. Im sorry to keep you waiting so long. _.A. I dont think so B. Dont say soC. It doesnt matter D. Id love to二. 完形填空 (10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Have you ever heard of the Slow Food movement? I heard about it a year ago 16 I did not really pay much attention to it. I just thought that it would be a good thing to share the 17 with you. The Slow Food movement began in Italy in 1989. A group of people were 18 about the state of the worlds food. They discovered that local food and local food traditions were beginning to disappear 19 many people around the world liked the Western idea of “fast food”. The people of Slow Food believe that food should taste good. Food should be produced in a 20 way. The food we eat should not hurt the environment, animals, or the health of people. That is why 21 say that chemicals (化学制品) and food should not mix (混合). Chemicals can harm the environment, animals, and people. And 22, Slow Food believes that food producers should receive fair (公平的) pay for their work.So, 23 do you eat? Where does your food come from? Are there harmful chemicals in your food? Is the person who grew your food being 24 fairly? These are questions that Slow Food would like you to ask!I do not think that it is 25 for me to eat organic food (有机食品) only. But I do respect the people behind this movement.What about you? What do you think of Slow Food?( )16.A. soB. butC. and D. or( )17.A. workB. foodC. planD. idea( )18.A. excitedB. happy C. worriedD. nervous ( )19.A. althoughB. becauseC. so that D. if ( )20.A. clean B. fastC. simple D. new( )21.A. I B. we C. theyD. you( )22.A. actuallyB. finallyC. recently D. luckily ( )23.A. what B. when C. how D. why ( )24.A. treatedB. seen C. helped D. paid ( )25.A. helpless B. polite C. possibleD. expensive三. 阅读理解 (30分)ADo you like dogs? Do you know the following things about dogs? The first pet dogDogs are meat-eating animals. They belonged to the family of wolves a long time ago. About 15,000 years ago, people started keeping wolves for hunting (狩猎). Over the time, the wolves began to look like dogs and they became peoples pets.What a dog looks likeDogs come in different sizes, colours and shapes, but theyre the same in some ways. All kinds of dogs have a set of forty-two strong teeth for eating. They have sharp claws (利爪) at the end of their feet for digging up soil (挖土) and holding onto the ground when they walk. They have very good eyesight. They also have high ability (能力) to hear and smell. How a dog growsA mother dog gives birth to one to twelve babies at a time. New-born baby dogs cannot see or hear until they are two weeks old. The mother dog gives the
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