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自学考试密押题库与答案解析外语教学法真题2010年下半年自学考试密押题库与答案解析外语教学法真题2010年下半年外语教学法真题2010年下半年.Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 20 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct choice.问题:1. The purpose of foreign language teaching is to enable the student to actively use the target language in the _ possible time.A.shortestB.longestC.fastestD.quickest答案:A解析 总的说来,外语教学的目标是帮助学生花尽量少的时间掌握所学语言。所谓掌握所学语言,指的是学生能够成功地运用外语进行交际。问题:2. _ were known as the representatives of the structural linguistics.A.Bloomfield and FriesB.Terrell and ChomskyC.Fries and TerrellD.Krashen and Terrell答案:A解析 布鲁姆菲尔德和弗赖斯是美国结构主义语言学的代表人物。乔姆斯基是转换生成语言学的代表人物。问题:3. A.S.Homby compiled _, a great contribution to EFL teaching.A.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishB.The Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current EnglishC.Everymans English Pronouncing DictionaryD.The Concise Oxford Dictionary答案:B解析 霍恩比、盖滕比、韦克菲尔德在分析英语语言时,将其主要语法结构分成可以用来进行口头练习的句型结构。这种句型分类法被写进了1953年出版的当代英语学生辞典,这是为学英语的外国学生编写的第一本英语辞典。问题:4. _ was developed in the late 19th century as a reaction against the Grammar-Translation Method.A.The Oral ApproachB.The Audiolingual MethodC.The Direct MethodD.The Cognitive Approach答案:C解析 19世纪末,语法翻译法被一些人反对,新兴的工业和国际贸易和旅游都急需一种更好的学习外语的方法。在这种历史背景下直接法应运而生。问题:5. Noam Chomsky wrote the book _.A.LanguageB.Syntactic StructuresC.How to Teach a Foreign LanguageD.The Practical Study of Languages答案:B解析 乔姆斯基是转换生成语言学的创始人,1957年他出版了他的专著句法结构(Syntactic Stractures),这本书在语言学界掀起了一场革命。语言(Language)的作者是美国结构主义语言学之父布鲁姆菲尔德。如何教外语(How to Teach a Foreign Language)的作者是叶斯帕森。语言的实用研究(The Practical Study of Languages)的作者是斯威特。问题:6. One of the disadvantages in the Grammar-Translation Method is that the texts are taken from _, the language of which doesnt often meet the practical needs of the learners.A.literary worksB.newspapersC.talesD.critical reviews答案:A解析 采用语法翻译法的课堂上讲授的课文大多数选自文学作品,因此学生从中所学的语言常常不能满足学生的实际交往的需要。问题:7. Palmer and some other linguists of his time believed that _ played one of the most important roles in foreign language learning.A.grammarB.phoneticsC.vocabularyD.rhetoric答案:C解析 帕尔默和当时其他的一些语言学家都认为词汇在外语学习中的地位非常重要。问题:8. Halliday advocates that the social context of language use can be analyzed in terms of the field, tenor and mode of _.A.contextB.discourseC.contentD.situation答案:B解析 英国著名应用语言学家韩礼德(Halliday)认为语言使用的社会语境可以从以下三个方面进行分析研究:(1)话语篇章的范围;(2)话语篇章参与者的关系;(3)话语篇章的方式。问题:9. What can be introduced as a means of consolidation and evaluation in the Direct Method?A.Fill-in-the-blank.B.Dictation.C.Writing.D.Reading.答案:C解析 在直接法教学中,写作是被用来巩固和评估所学内容的一种手段。问题:10. What Krashen and Terrell emphasize in their approach is the primacy of _.A.formB.vocabularyC.meaningD.phonetics答案:C解析 克拉申和特雷尔认为,交际是语言的首要功能,强调了意义的重要作用。问题:11. Which of the following methods advises teachers to consider their students as whole persons?A.Community Language Learning.B.The Silent Way.C.Total Physical Response.D.Suggestopaedia.答案:A解析 集体语言学习法(Community Language Learning)是由柯伦和他的同事们共同倡导的一种方法,该方法建议教师把学生当成一个“完整的人”(whole person)来看待。完整的人的学习意味着教师不仅要考虑学生的情感和智力因素,还要懂得那种存在于学生的身体反应、本能的自卫反应和学习愿望之间的关系。问题:12. In essence, the Global Method is a text-based, top-down approach in which _ is a means as well as an end in itself.A.listeningB.speakingC.readingD.writing答案:C解析 整体教学法(The Global Method)是以课文为基础自上而下的教学法。它强调先要整体理解课文的意思,然后再去处理局部问题或细节。阅读既是手段也是目的。问题:13. Which of the following is NOT one of the hypotheses put forward by Stephen Krashen?A.The acquisition-learning hypothesis.B.The natural order hypothesis.C.The input hypothesis.D.The hypothesis of linguistic universals.答案:D解析 克拉中的理论包括以下五个基本假设:习得-学习假设(The acquisition-learning hypothesis)、自我监测假设(The monitor hypothesis)、自然顺序假设(The natural order hypothesis)、语言输入假设(The input hypothesis)、情感过滤器假设(The affective filter hypothesis)。问题:14. The process of learning by discovery, according to Brunet, involves _ with the minimum of instruction and errorful learning.A.generalizationB.associationC.deductionD.induction答案:D解析 发现法的学习过程包括简单讲解后的归纳(举出典型例子以得出一般结论,举一反三)和通过犯错误不断摸索学习(学生通过尝试错误和反复实践来学习知识)。问题:15. The theory of language underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from _ Linguistics.A.AppliedB.Comparative HistoricalC.TraditionalD.Structural答案:B解析 语法翻译法所依托的语言理论是由历史比较语言学派生出来的。问题:16. A variety of games, role-plays, situations, etc. are _ communicative activities prepared to support the Communicative Language Teaching.A.text-basedB.task-basedC.game-basedD.situation-based答案:B解析 交际法当前使用的教材主要有三种,它们分别是篇章型、任务型和实物型。任务型教材为了配合交际法教学,设计了各种各样的游戏、角色表演、模仿和任务型的交际活动。问题:17. According to Skinner, a well-known behavioris
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