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论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 年 月 日 摘 要随着我国社会的不断发展,各行各业都在不断地追求转型升级。对于建筑行业来说,实现更为绿色、环保、创新的发展理念能够更好地助力建筑行业实现产业转型升级。相较于以往传统建筑的施工方式,装配式建筑因其更为精简、高效的施工方式逐渐成为建筑业的新星。装配式建筑主要通过先行预制建筑构件、部品、材料,后再运输到施工现场进行安装,最后通过浆锚或后浇混凝土的方式连接。这样的建筑施工技术不仅有效地减少了建筑施工的人力、物力以及时间成本,更能进一步提升建筑的质量保障。装配式建筑的发展前景良好,但目前我国的装配式建筑行业发展还存在许多不足之处,在装配机械化程度、行业技术标准以及建筑企业总体的建设能力等方面都需要进一步优化。本文以装配式建筑技术为主要研究对象,梳理装配式建筑行业发展现状,通过案例分析法与访谈法探究其对现代化的工程项目管理产生的影响与作用,进一步剖析具体的影响要素,最后针对行业存在的一些问题提出针对性的建议与优化路径,以期为该行业未来的发展出谋献策。主要包括以下几点:1) 从现有的施工总体情况反馈来看,装配式技术在整体的施工过程中的表现又遇以往传统的现浇技术。本文结合工程项目管理相关理论与具体的案例研究,较为全面地比较了二者在工程项目中各方面的表现,进一步探究了造成这些表现差异的原因。2)本文对装配式建筑的工程管理模式进行深入分析,在分析目前现有发展问题的基础上,创新型地提出了EPC五位一体+并行+BIM。相较于以往传统的承包模式,这种创新模式将并行思想理论与BIM信息化技术相结合,可以促进项目工程更为高效地展开。3)文章从多个层面较为全面地对目前我国装配式建筑行业的发展短板与不足之处进行了深入的分析,提出具有针对性的建议与优化方案,认为政府应当从政策层面来进一步引导行业发展,推动行业标准的进一步完善。建筑企业需要进一步提高创新能力,提升建筑效率,积极适应市场变化,提升自身的竞争力。关键词:装配式建筑工程项目管理;管理模式;影响因素;发展问题AbstractAssembly architecture refers to the construction of building components, parts and materials prefabricated in the factory, then transported to the construction site for installation, and finally connected to the building products through the way of pulp anchor or post pouring concrete. Compared with the traditional cast-in-place construction method, the fabricated building construction method has the advantages of shortening the construction period, reducing the on-site labor force and improving the building quality. As the environmental protection is becoming more and more important today, the construction mode of the traditional construction industry is not in line with the needs of the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and the development of assembly architecture will become an inevitable way for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. At present, there are still many problems in the development of assembly architecture. It also needs to improve the level of mechanization, establish a perfect technical standard and improve the construction ability of the enterprise.This paper mainly studies the influence of the assembly architecture technology on the management of modern engineering project. It combines the actual case with the expert interview, analyzes the influencing factors, puts forward the improvement opinions of the management mode, and puts forward some thinking and Countermeasures against the development of the assembly architecture in our country, so as to further promote the development of the assembly architecture. The main contents are as follows:1) in actual project management, assembly technology has more advantages than cast-in-place technology. From the point of view of project management, this paper systematically studies the influence of assembly architecture technology and cast-in-place technology on the cost, progress, quality, safety and other aspects of the project, and summarizes the relevant factors respectively, and combines the related case analysis to conclude that the cost of the assembly building is higher than the cast-in-place project. The difference between the traditional construction methods and the advantages of fabricated building technology is highlighted.2) of EPC + +BIM in parallel five project management model on prefabricated construction. According to the related management theory, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the project management of assembly architecture. It should abandon the traditional contract mode, adopt the EPC five in one model, and use the parallel thought theory and BIM letter J coupon technology to carry out the project management of the assembly architecture, and maximize the advantages of the assembly development.3) summarized the suggestions for the current development of fabricated buildings in China. From the aspects of policy, technology and economy, the reasons for the slow implementation of assembly architecture in China are discussed, and it is suggested that the policy should be strengthened to support and guide, accelerate the research and development of assembly architecture, establish relevant standards and guidelines, and the government and enterprises should also join the market, adapt to local conditions and reduce costs. Speed up the development of prefabricated building.Key words: assembly project management, management mode, influencing factors and development problems.目录第一章 绪论55610111314第二章 装配式建筑的概念、特征及必要性分析1515181820第三章 装配式建筑技术对现代工程管理的影响2223252930343539第四章 装配式建筑的工程管理模式研究39394246484.5 EPC管理模式+并行思想+BIM信息管理的运用505157第五章 制约我国装配式建筑发展的因素分析5858606263第六章 改善我国装配式建筑发展的措施建议646.1完善政策体系,加大扶持力度646.2创新装配式建筑技术,设立相关标准6669第七章 总结和展望73737374致 谢75第一章 绪论1.1选题背景建筑行业对我国的经济贡献十分突出,我国的经济发展步入快车道离不开建筑行业的重
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