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Xiao Ming doesnt go to school because he _. falls ill 生病 Could you give him a hand? Sure! What is it? give sb. a hand 帮助某人 Would you mind teaching him English? Not at all. Would you mind doing sth? 你介意做某事吗? Listen and answer the following questions. 1.Which class are they going to play against? 2.Whats wrong with Kangkangs teammate? 3. Would Kangkang mind teaching him? They are going to play against Class Five. He fell ill. Not at all. 1a 录音1a-P9 Watch the flash and complete the sentences. 1b 1.Kangkang and his team are going to have a soccer game against _ on Saturday. 2.Kangkang asks Michael to join them because a teammate _. 3.Michael is not good at _,but he likes to have a try. 4.Michael and Kangkang are going to _ for the game. Class Five fell ill (playing) soccer practice 视频1a-P9 But one of my teammates fell ill. fall ill 得病 be ill 生病了,强调状态 Eg: 上星期天我妹妹生病了。 My sister fell ill last Sunday. 别太累了,否则你会生病的。 Dont be too tired, or you will be ill. Would you mind teaching me? Would you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事吗? Would you mind not doing sth.?你介意不要做某事吗? Eg: 你介意不要在这里吸烟吗? Would you mind not smoking here? 你介意把窗户打开吗? Would you mind opening the window? I will kick you the ball again. 这是含有双宾语的句子。 kick sb. sth.=kick sth. to sb. 类似用法的动词有:pass, give, bring, take 在1a中找出相似结构的句子: I kick the ball to you. = I kick you the ball. You pass me the ball like this. = You pass the ball to me like this. Eg: 请把书包拿给我。 Please bring me the schoolbag. =Please bring the schoolbag to me. 不要把钱给他。 Dont give the money to him. =Dont give him the money. Retell the dialog with the useful expressions: Could you help me? have a soccer game against One of my teammates fell ill Will you ? be glad to Would you mind ? Lets go and practice. 1c Read and understand the first sentence. Then complete the second one with the correct form of each word or phrase in the box. be ill give a hand do well in Could you please football Class Five 1. - Could you help me, please? -Sure. - Could you please _? -Sure. 2. We are going to have a soccer game against Class Five on Saturday. We are going to have a _ game against Class Five on Saturday. give me a hand football 3. One of my teammates fell ill. One of my teammates _. 4. I am not good at football. I dont _ football. 5. -Would you mind teaching me? -Not at all. -_ teach me? -Certainly. was ill do well in Could you please Suppose you will have a basketball game against Class Six this Friday afternoon. But your teammate Li Ming is ill. Make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. 2 A. Listen to the conversations and number the pictures. 录音 2-A-P10 1 23 4 2 B. Listen again and fill in the blanks. 录音 2-B-P10 A: Would you mind _? B: Of course not. Ill do it right away. A: Would you mind if I try it again? B: _. Please do. A: _ putting your bike here? B: Sorry. Ill put it somewhere else. A: Would you mind not throwing bottles around? B: _. I wont do it again. passing me the ball Certainly not Do you mind not Im sorry about that Make a similar conversation with your partner. The following phrases and sentences are useful. 1. Would you mind ? Of course not. / Certainly not. 2. Would you mind not ? Sorry. / Im sorry about that. Match the requests with the right responses. 1. Would you mind not playing the piano so loudly? 2. Do you mind if I open the window? 3. Could you tell me which bus goes to the Capital Stadium? 4. Dont be late next time. 5. Would you mind making your bed? 6. Do you want me to clean the room? a. Youd better not. b. Sorry. Ill do it right away. c. Im sorry about that. Ill play it more quietly. d. You need to take Bus No. 2. Its far from here. e. Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself. f. Sorry, I wont. c a d f b e We can: We learn: 1. Phases: fall ill, be ill, do well in, be good at, would you mind, give me a hand. 2. Sentences with direct and indirect object structure. Make requests and responses 1. 背诵1a。 2. 完成同步练习册 Section A。 3. 预习Section B。
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