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Unit 8 A green world 课时 2 Reading 译林版初中英语八年级下册 课堂导入01 课文呈现02 知识讲解03 课堂练习04 课堂导入 Green Switzerland 课文呈现 Green Switzerland I love Switzerland. It is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes. It is beautiful, and we should try to keep it that way. In Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper are Kittys online friend Martina is a middle school student in Switzerland. She is writing in her blog on 5 June, World Environment Day. Here is her article. separated into different groups and then recycled. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled. I learnt about an organization for recycling clothes. It collects old clothes from all over the country. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling. My family and I often send our old jeans and Tshirts to this organization. Our government has many laws to protect the environment. For example, we are not allowed to cut down trees. Otherwise, we will be punished. If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined by the police. There are also laws to limit air and water pollution. Nature is our greatest treasure. We depend on its rich resources to live, so it is important for us to protect it wisely. Luckily, we are starting to use energy from the sun, wind and water. These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out. Moreover, they produce little pollution. Today is 5 June, World Environment Day. What have you done for the environment? Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference! 知识讲解 try to do sth. 尽力做某事知识识点 1 eg:Try to do only one thing at a time. 尽力一次只做一件事。 辨析try to do sth.与try doing sth.考向一【重点】 try to do sth. “努力去做某事”,表 示努力去做某事,但 实际上并不一定成功 ,侧重尽力,为了达 到目的而努力。 I will try to finish the work in an hour. 我会尽力在一小时内完成 这项工作。 try doing sth. “尝试着做某事”,指 只是一种新的尝试, 并没有明显的目的性 。 Why dont you try doing the experiment in another way? 你为什么不试试用别的方 法来做这个实验呢? 考向二 含有动词try的常见短语: try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事 ; try on 试穿(衣服等);try out 试验 eg:You should try your best to do it. 你应该尽你最大的努力做这件事。 【重点】 some.some.others.有的有的 还有的,一些一些还有一 些 知识识点 2 eg:Some dinosaurs were really small,some were in middle size, and others were really big. 有的恐龙很小,有的中等身材,还有的真的很大。 depend on 依靠;取决于 知识识点 3 eg:The cooking time needed depends on the size of the potatoes. 所需的烹饪时间取决于土豆的大小。 depend on意为“取决于;依靠,依赖”。不能用 于进行时态,也不可用于被动语态。后接名词 、代词、动名词或从句。 考向一 eg:(济南中考)The development of human society depends on not only peoples scientific knowledge but also their creative spirit. 人类社会的进步不但取决于人们掌握的科学知识,还 取决于他们的创新精神。 depend的两种用法考向二 人depend on 意为“依靠 ,依赖” You cant depend on your parents forever. 你不能永远依赖你的父母。 物depend on 意为“取决 于” Health depends on good food and exercise. 健康取决于好的食物和运动 。 eg:Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out. 情况变得更糟糕,补给快用完了。 run out 用完,耗尽知识识点 4 考向 辨析run out与run out of run out和run out of 这两个短语都有“用完”的 意思,但用法不同。 词条含义及用法示例 run out作不及物短语,表示“被用完 ;被耗尽;”,其主语通常是 时间、金钱、食物等无生命 名词。 Time is running out. 没有时间了。 run out of 是及物短语,表示主动,“(人 )把东西用完(或花光)”,其主 语通常是有生命名词。 He has run out of the red ink. 他把红墨水用完了。 eg:Can you tell the differences between the two pictures? 你能看出这两幅图有什么不同吗? difference/dfrns/n.差异,不同知识识点5 考向 difference常与between,among连用,表示 “之间的不同”。其形容词形式为different ,副词形式为differently。 eg:(扬州中考)Hi, guys. Where were we yesterday? 嗨,伙伴们。我们昨天(学)到哪儿了? We learned the differences between fact and opinion. 我们学了fact和opinion的区别。 搭配 make a difference (to sb./sth.)(对某人/某物)有影 响,起作用 eg: I recorded the concert so that I can hear it tomorrow. 我把音乐会录下来,以便我明天可以听它。 so that 以便,为了知识识点 6 考向 辨析 so.that.,such.that.与so that so. that. 引导结果状语从句soadj./adv.that 从句 such. that. 引导结果状 语从句 sucha/anadj.单数可数名词that从 句 suchadj.复数名词that从句 suchadj.不可数名词that从句 so that 既可引导目 的状语从句 ,也可引导 结果状语从 句 引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便 ;为了”,从句中常使用 can/could/would/should等情态动词 或助动词;引导结果状语从句时, 从句中一般不用can和may等词,在 so that 前可以用逗号,意思是“因此 ,所以” eg:This teacher is so kind that we all like him. 这位老师如此和蔼以至于我们都喜欢他。 He is such a clever boy that everybody likes him. 他是如此聪明的一个男孩以至于每个人都喜欢他。 You should get up early so that you wont be late for school. 你应该早起以便你上学不会迟到。 课堂练习 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 1. In my opinion,teenagers should be _ (允许)to choose their own clothes.(孝感) 2. The teacher _(惩罚)her students for cheating in the exam. 3. This patient should be _(隔离)from the others. 4. You will be _(罚款)if you dont obey the rules. 5. How many bicycles do you _(生产)every week? allowed punished separated fined produce 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 6. _(luck), he didnt hurt himself badly. 7. The harder we study,the_(good) result we will get.(郴州改编) 8. Jack asks his cousin _(join)the reading club. 9. People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce _(pollute). 10. There are many _(different)between them. Luckily better to join pollution differences 本节课主要学习了以下知识点,请同学们及时巩固练 习: try to do sth. ,some.some.others.,depend on , run out,difference,so that , 课堂小结 感谢您的聆听 课时 2 Reading 译林版初中英语八年级下册
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