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单元主题阅读与写作 An old man tried to move the mountains.Unit 6 单元话题阅读与写作 你曾在小时候常常听妈妈讲女娲补天后 羿射日精卫填海神笔马良等美丽的传说 吗?你曾读过白雪公主小红帽海的女儿 等美妙的童话故事吗?它们会使你想起那些神奇 的世界吗?同学们,给大家讲讲那些故事吧! 阅读下面的短文,完成相关的任务。 Long long ago, there was a young man. His name was Wars. He lived in a little house near the River Vistula. He went fishing every day for a living. One day he saw a beautiful girl in the river. The girls name was Sawa. From then on, the young man and the beautiful girl met every day. They fell in love with each other. When Wars 佳篇品读 asked Sawa to marry him, Sawa was very sad. She told him that she was a mermaid (美人鱼) and she couldnt marry man. But she said she would give him something when they met again. The next day, Wars went to the river and met Sawa. Sawa was waiting for him with a sword (剑) in her right hand and a shield (盾) in her left hand. She told Wars that they wouldnt meet again. She gave the sword and the shield to him. She said he would be successful with the sword and the shield and become a great hero. Then she went away. Wars missed Sawa very much. He always remembered his first love. What the mermaid had told him came true. Wars became a great hero. He got the land by the River Vistula. There he set up a city. He called it Warsaw (the name of Polands capital). 根据短文内容完成下面的任务。 任务一:回答下列问题。 1. Why couldnt Sawa marry Wars? _ 2. How did Wars become a great hero? _ 任务二:完成下列句子。 3. The story mainly tells us that the name of Polands capital came from the names of _ and _. Because Sawa was a mermaid. With the sword and the shield (that Sawa had given him). Wars Sawa 结合以上完成的任务,请你思考: 1. 这篇传说按故事发展的过程可以分三个层次,即第一 层交代故事中的时间、_的基本情况和地点; 第二层叙述故事_,第三层故事的结局。 2. 在叙述故事时常用_时态;故事开篇的常用 时间状语是_。 写作指导 人物 一般过去 Once upon a time / Long long ago 情节 同学们一定听过守株待兔的故事吧,根据图片和 提示请用英语描述这个故事。 写作实践 注意:文章开头和结尾已给出,110词左右。 提示词:farmer农民;field田地;hare野兔;hole洞; hurried匆忙的;knock against撞上;lazy懒惰的 Once upon a time, _ _ _ He was so lazy that he couldnt get anything again. 思路构建 步骤构思列纲 1引出话题 Once upon a time, 2 故事情节 描述 He sat near a big tree. A hare ran out of a hole. Its head knocked against another tree. The farmer no longer went for farming. 3故事结局 He was so lazy that he couldnt get anything again. Once upon a time, there was a farmer working in his fields. Soon he was very tired. So he sat near a big tree. The sun was very hot, but he was cool under the tree. A hare ran out of a hole. When it saw the farmer, it was very afraid. It ran very quickly. It ran so hurriedly that its head knocked against another tree. It died soon. The farmer was very excited to see it. He picked up the dead hare and took it home for dinner. He was very happy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 自我展示 From that day on, he no longer went for farming. He stayed by that tree, waiting for hares to come again. But he didnt meet any hares. He was so lazy that he couldnt get anything again. _ _ _ _ 本文按照故事的“开端、过程、结局”为线索展开叙述。 运用Once upon a time, there was a farmer. . . 交代故事的 背景; 恰当运用了so. . . that, there is . . . . doing等句型,使语言 更丰富。 运用了一些短语:run out of; knock against; pick up; no longer; wait for; not. . any more。 高分点评:
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