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Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) Unit 2 This is my sister. This is my friend Jane.Thats my grandfather. These are my brothers.Those are my parents. Whos she?Shes my sister. Whos he?Hes my brother. Whore they?Theyre my grandparents. Grammar Focus Attention! thats that is Whore who are Whos Who is Theyre they are this that is (this that is (单数单数) ) these those arethese those are(复数(复数 ) brother brother is is brotherbrothers s areare that is = that sthat is = that s 1. this 2. that 3. is 4. he 5. she 6. it 7. you 8. I 9. book 10. brother 11. parent 12. friend these those are they they they you we books brothers parents friends 单数复数 写出这些单词的复数形式 (你们) (我们) 3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. A: That my family. Thats my mother. B: he? A: my father. B: Whos ? A: Shes sister. B: And who they? A: my grandparents. is Whos Hes she my are Theyre 3b Look at the picture. Make sentences with the words in the three boxes. this that these those Father mother parents grandfather brother sister my your They are cousins. This is my niece(侄女). She is my brothers daughter. This is my daughter. /ni:s/ This is my nephew(侄子). He is my brothers son. /nefju:/ 3c Bring some family photos to class. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Whos she? Shes my grandmother . A: Who is he? B: He is my uncle. Hello! Everyone This is a picture of my family. This is my , That is my , These are my . 1. This is his sister. 介绍别绍别 人用句型:This is. Thats . 辨认认某人用句型:Is this? Is that? 当第三者给给双方做介绍时绍时 , 通常用“this is +姓名”这这个句型, 在这这种场场合不说说she is /he is 如: Tom, this is my brother. 向别别人介绍绍第三者,并指远处远处 的人时时, 应应用thats, 意思为为“那位是”。如: - Whos that? - Its my brother. - Is Guo Peng your brother? -No, he isnt. he 是人称代词词, 用来代替“男他”, 句中用来代替上句中的Guopeng。 在英语语的简简略回答句中, 要用代词词代 替上句中的名词词, 不可让让名词词出现现在 简简略答语语中。 -Is he your friend? -Yes, he is. 肯定的简略答语中, 不能用缩写形式。 即 Yes, he is. 不能写成 Yes, hes. 单数 this that it/he/she is Attention! 复数 these those they are . Choose the correct answer. ( )1. Hello, Tom. _my new friend. A. He is B. This is C. She is ( )2. _their names? They are Lucy and Lily. A. Whats B. Who are C. What are ( )3. My father is a teacher. _name is Mr. Green. A. Hes B. His C. Him D. Its B C B Exercises ( )4. These are _ parents. A. he B. she C. her ( )5. Look! _is your brother, Guo Peng. A. that B. these C. she ( )6. Whos that? I think _is Mrs. Green. A. he B. she C. it D. this C A B 解析:it 通常用于指时间、天气、距离 和不知性别的婴幼儿等。但在表示猜测时, 也可用it指代人。 ( )7. My family _all at home. A. am B. is C. are D. be C 解析: My family显然是第三人称, 所以首先 可排除干扰项A,D。当family作为一个整体时, 应为单数,动词要用单数形式;若family指家庭 成员时, 谓语动词用复数形式。本题句中有all 暗示三人或三人以上,排除B。 . 改错题 解析: 英语中, 表示“我和”时为了表示 礼貌, 通常将“我(I)”放在最后, 如: Jim and I, My sister and I。但是在承担责任 或承认错误时, 则习惯把I放在最前面。如: I and she are wrong. (我和她都错了) 答案: 调换I和 you的位置并大写you的第一个 字母。 I and you are in the same class.
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