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资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年最基本的英语短语 最根本的问题在于它还没来,所以宴会不能开头。下面就由我为大家带来关于最根本的英语短语集锦,盼望大家能有所收获。 关于最根本的相关英语短语 1. This has stripped the contest down to its essentials. 这就使竞赛精简到最根本的环节。 2. It is essential that you are able to read a thermometer. 最根本的是要能看懂温度计。 3. Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light. 最根本的是,葡萄藤和葡萄需要水、热和光。 4. We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment. 我们供应双人帐篷和最根本的炊具以及露营装备。 5. Access to justice is a basic right. 享有司法公正是一项最根本的权利。 6. This law will deprive us of our most basic rights. 这条法律将剥夺我们最根本的权利. 7. One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook. 不管以什么方式钓鱼,有一个锐利的鱼钩都是最根本的要求之一。 8. The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology. 关于他的那些最根本信息离奇地湮没无踪了。 9. They are deprived of the ability to exercise the most rudimentary workers rights. 他们被剥夺了行使最根本的工人权利的资格。 10. Newspaper reporters were given nothing but the bare facts by the Superintendent in charge of the investigation. 报社的记者们从负责这起调查的督察那里得到的只是一些最根本的状况。 11. The important thing about cooking is not to try to run before you can walk. Get the basics right and the rest will follow. 烹调时最重要的就是不要急于求成. 把最根本的几手学会了,剩下的就简单了. 12. In the essence of these facts lie the first principles of morals. 这些事实的本质中隐藏着道德的最根本原那么. 13. Morpheme is the basic unit in the study of morphology. 词素是形态学讨论的最根本的单位。 14. A fundamental human right is being withheld from these people. 这些人被剥夺了一项最根本的人权。 15. Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations. 医院连最根本的外科手术药物也没有。 关于最根本的相关例句 在我们的餐厅我们回绝供应最根本的效劳。 We refuse to offer the most basic service in our restaurant. 这个编写模板应当是您能找到的最根本的模板。 This authoring template should therefore be the most basic template that you can find. 在全部管理工程的技能中,管理工作方案或许是最根本的一个。 Of all of the skills of managing the project, this one is perhaps the most fundamental. 婚姻对于各种文化的人而言都是最根本的生活改变之一。 Marriage is one of the most basic life changes for people of all cultures. 即使最根本的有关现实的信仰都未必是正确的。 Even the most fundamental beliefs about reality are not true in themselves. 光与物质之间的互相作用表达了一个最根本的物理过程。 The interaction between matter and light represents one of the most fundamental processes inphysics. 这两个趋势会影响到安康的一些最根本打算因素,如空气、食物和水等。 Both trends can affect some of the most fundamental determinants of health: air, food, andwater. 这些是最根本的电脑维护工具包,我觉得任何用户都应当有。 Heres the most basic computer maintenance kit that I think any user should have. 墙纸是电子设备中最根本的自定义设置之一,无论是您的计算机屏幕还是您的手机。 The wallpaper is one of the most basic customizations on any computing device, be it yourcomputer screen or your phone. 我们至少必需让人们看到我们,以供应最根本的效劳。 We need to stay visible at least to provide the most basic service. 其中一个最根本的不同点是,男性大脑可以对单一的性刺激产生反映。 One of the most basic differences is that the male brain responds to any single sexual stimulus. 要答复这个问题,我们必需从最根本的说起饮用水。 To answer this question, we have to go back to the basics drinking water. 你的公司宣言是一个时机去定义你的商业在最根本的层次。 Your mission statement is an opportunity to define your business at the most basic level. 关于最根本的双语例句 这些是政治讨论,最根本与根底的问题,但,你们可能会说,那人们要从哪切入这场辩论呢? Those are some of the most basic and fundamental problems of the study of politics but ? youmight say where does one enter this debate? 即使是最根本的指令也会为分析问题供应很好的根底。 Even the most basic of commands provides a great basis for analyzing problems. 在本文中,我们将构建最根本的自动售货机。 In this article we will build the most basic vending machine. 同样,假如缺乏运转良好的卫生系统,我们甚至不行能猎取关于发病率和死亡率的最根本的人口数据。 Again, in the absence of well-functioning health systems, we are unlikely to get even the mostbasic population data on morbidity and mortality. 量子力学一个最根本的结论是全部物体都对应了一个和它运动相关的波动形式,原子中的电子也不例外。 One of the most basic consequences of quantum mechanics is that there is a wave associatedwith the motion of all matter, including electrons in an atom. 不管你承不成认,或许我们和其他生灵最根本最原始的构造方式,或者我们脱光了只剩骨头的样子比我们本来的样子更加令人印象深入。 Perhaps the way that we and our fellow critters appear at the most basic, elemental level -maybe how we look when stripped to the bone - says more about us than we like to admit. 这两种趋势都可影响一些最根本的安康打算因素:空气、水、食物、住房和无病状态。 Both trends can affect some of the most fundamental determinants of health: air, water, food,shelter, and freedom from disease. 有些人过多地利用卫生保健并为此支付过多的费用,还有一些人出于经济及其它缘由放弃了最根本和必要的医疗。 They have people who over-consume health care, and pay too much for it, together with people who forego the most basic and essential care for financial and other reasons. (我的阐述)涉及一些数字,但我将只运用最根本的算术,任何有计算器的人都可以重新推算一番。 There are some figures involved, but Ill use o
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