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资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年最简短的英语短语 每次问它问题,它的答复永久都是最简短的。下面就由我为大家带来关于最简短的英语短语集锦,盼望大家能有所收获。 关于最简短的相关英语短语 1. Their conversation was in briefest phrase for sometime. 有一段时间,他们之间的谈话只是用一些最简短的语句进展的. 2. The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的答复是干. 3. Perhaps everybody this present has eaten meal, ha - ha thebriefest dialog appeared. 或许大家都该如今吃饭了, 呵呵 最简短的对白就出现了. 4. The shortest answer is doing the thing. 最简短的答复就是一个干字. 5. The short, meaty reports are those he likes best. 这些简短而翔实的报告是他的最爱。 6. Brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram ; you are charged for every word. 打电报最主要的是简短, 因为每一个词都是要收费的. 7. Thank you all for coming to this short presentation about our latest digital cameras. 感谢各位光临本次关于我公司最新款数码相机的简短的陈述报告会. 8. It is essential that are written in plain English, and are as short as possible. 这些用最通俗易懂的的英文来书写是很重要的, 并且要尽可能的简短. 9. The most effective criminal tax statutes are short , uncomplicated, and easily understood by all concerned individuals. 最有效的税收刑事法应当简短并且可以被相关人理解. 10. That moment of physical contact to end the day is a simple sign of love. 简短的身体接触是那一天完毕时最简洁的爱的信号. 11. Melissa: The worst part was when they asked me to make a short presentation. 梅利莎: 最糟糕的,是他们要我作一简短报告. 关于最简短的相关例句 最简短的答复是干。 The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的答复就是一个干字。 The shortest answer is doing the thing. 然而,对中国最简短的访问将翻掘出许多令人震惊的夸耀性消费的例子,而很多西方人认为公众夸耀财宝比拟俗气。 However, the briefest of visits to China will turn up many examples of egregious conspicuousconsumption, while many Westerners consider public flaunting of wealth to be in rather poor taste. 爱德华兹博士,您能否用最简短的话概括一下贵行去年的经营情况? Dr. Edwards. Would you please first give us a very short description of your performance last year? 嫁给一个足球队员的吸引力,最简短的答案当然是钱。 When it comes to pinpointing the appeal of marrying a footballer, the short answer thats always given, of course, is money. 华盛顿发表了迄今以来最简短的就职演说,1793年在他其次次就任总统时发表了仅有一百三十五个字的就职演说。 Washington gave the shortest one ever - just one hundred thirty-five words -during his secondinauguration in seventeen ninety-three. 本文的目的与上一篇一样,即要演示清楚且可重用的代码,而这些代码未必是某个程序的最简短或最有效的版本。 The goal of this article, as with its predecessor, is to show legible and reusable code, not necessarily the shortest or most efficient version of a program. 我用了最简短的描绘、最好玩的形式表现了最大的制造性,而且得到最好的效果四个人猜到了我住在哪里。 By doing that, I did the least amount of work and came up with the most creative and leastboring one. And like a cherry on top, four people knewswheresI lived. 最简短的答案就是行动。 The shortest answer is doing. 我想我能给的最简短的答案就是给画面以足够多的想法,多想就以后不会错误百出。 I guess the shortest answer I could give is spending enough thought so that it does not stick outpainfully. 最简短的答复就是一个字:做! The shortest answer is doing the thing. 最简短的答复就是举动。 The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回问是干。 The shortest answer is doing. 关于最简短的双语例句 再如海明威写作时喜爱单腿站着写,以便用最简短的语言表达较大的思想含量。 Another example is Hemingways writing was like standing on one leg for the most brief languagelarger ideological content. 最简短的答复根本那是一个干字。 The shortest says is doing the thing. 最简短的答复根本就是干。 The shortest say is doing the thing. 爱德华兹博士,您能否用最简短的话归纳综合一下贵行去年的经营情况? Dr. Edwards. Would you please first give us a very short description of your performance last year? 爱德华兹博士,您能否用最简短的话概括一上贵止去年的运营状况? Dr. Edwards. Would you please first give us a very short description of your performance last year? 最简短的答案是为了使中国的出口商品价格低廉。 The short answer is that it keeps Chinese exports cheap. 换句话说,即使与别人最简短的的接触事实上也是对作为永久存在的扩展的奉献。 In other words, even the briefest of encounters with another person is actually contributing toyour expansion as an Eternal Being. 最简短的回覆就是干。 The shortest answer is doing the thing. 这是水星是最大程度的在太阳东部的延长,这是今晚日落后最简短的一次显示。 At greatest eastern elongation, Mercury swings farthest east of the sun, and briefly appears as an evening star after sunset. 最简短的答复就是一个干字。-乔治?赫伯特。 The shortest answer is doing the thing. -George Herbert. 对给定的数字和单词表,求出一个最简短的单词序列(也就是得出一尽可能少的单词来代替相应的数字)。 Write a program to find the shortest sequence of words (i. e. one having the smallest possiblenumber of words) which corresponds to a given number and a given list of words. 最简短的答复就是:做他自己。 The answer is brief : to be himself. 它从不停顿使惊讶我首都搜寻者铺张在电话的最简短的或电子邮件交谈之后在前一夜送快信的生意方案到在相反的海岸上的一个宴会的钱多少第一时间。 It never ceases to amaze me how many first time capital seekers waste money courieringbusiness plans overnight to a party on the opposite coast after the briefest of telephone oremail conversations. 这个世界上描绘美好最简短充分的就是-身心安康! A sound mind in a sound body is a brief but
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