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Unit 1 FriendsReading (1)教学设计一、教学目标1. 掌握本课重点词汇:generous, helpful, straight, any time, a sense of humour2. 掌握本课重点句型:She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.He is the tallest boy in our class.She is taller than I am.3. 通过读,获取有关Betty, Max和May的性格和外貌的信息。4. 初步感知形容词的比较等级的语用功能,并能用来描述朋友的外貌。5. 明确并认同一个朋友应该具有的个性和品质,反思并尝试改变自己在交友过程中的不足。二. 教学重点及难点重点:1. 通过深入阅读,获取有关Betty, Max和May的性格和外貌的信息。2. 引导学生总结介绍好朋友的框架结构。3. 通过讨论朋友的外貌和品质,激发学生对朋友的认识及对友谊的思考。难点:引导学生总结介绍朋友的思维导图,并依据思维导图,介绍自己的朋友。三、教学过程Step 1 Warming-upGuide Ss to finish a questionnaire about “Who will you talk to when you are in such situations?”【设计意图】以小问卷调查来引出朋友的话题,同时活跃课堂气氛。Step 2 Pre-reading1. T introduces qualities of his/her own best friend with several sentences.【设计意图】教师介绍自己好朋友的品质,同时在目标句型中带学生初步领会重点词汇的含义,为接下来的阅读文章扫除词汇障碍。2. T introduces the context that Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends for the writing competition. Guide Ss to answer the following questions.1) Would you like to take part in it?2) What would you like to write? 【设计意图】通过介绍作文比赛的语境并引导学生思考如果他参加比赛会写什么内容,了解学生写作的内容及语篇结构,为下边的阅读活动和写作活动做准备。Step 3 While-reading1. Guide Ss to do fast-reading and answer the following questions.1) Who are mentioned in the texts?2) What are the texts about?【设计意图】培养学生通过快速阅读获取文章大意的能力,同时检测学生对写作篇章结构的认识。2. Guide Ss to read carefully to find out details about the three best friends.【设计意图】通过在语境中完成阅读获取细节信息的活动,增加活动的真实性和趣味性,在篇章结构的引领下获取细节信息,对于学生的写作、阅读和思维都具有指导作用。3. Guide Ss to check the answers and ask questions to help Ss to get evidences to support the writers opinions.(1) Why do we say Betty is generous and helpful?(2) How do we feel when we are with Max? Why?(3) Why do we say May is sweet and a true friend?【设计意图】在订正答案环节,通过追问,引导学生关注用证据支撑观点,提升学生的逻辑表达能力。4. Guide Ss to do the True or False questions. 【设计意图】通过判断正误,获取更多的细节信息,聚焦语言并引起学生注意。Step 3 Post-reading1. Lead Ss to summarize the structure of introducing a friend.【设计意图】引导学生总结朋友介绍类文章的框架结构,使学生对文章的结构有更深的认识。2. Guide Ss to work in pairs and introduce their best friends to each other.【设计意图】通过介绍自己的好朋友,锻炼学生的语言输出能力。Step 4 SummarySummarize what theyve learnt in this class.Step 5 Homework1. Read the passage aloud.2. Write a passage to introduce your best friend.【设计意图】通过朗读文章,加深对文章的认识。通过写作练习,锻炼学生的语言输出能力。 四、板书设计Unit1 FriendsReading (1) Key words:generous, helpful, straight, any time, a sense of humour Key sentences: She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.He is the tallest boy in our class.She is taller than I am.3 / 3
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