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Unit 3 A day outIntegrated skills,Task 1,Warming-up,Have a free talk,Do you like sports? When and where do you usually do sports? Do you often watch basketball matches? Are you in the school basketball team?,The final is usually the most exciting game to watch.,Pre-listening,Look and learn,A final will take place.,The bus with the players reaches the sports centre.,Pre-listening,This is the half-time of the match.,Pre-listening,They are cheering for their team. They are supporters of their team.,1. Which school is in the final of the basketball match? 2. Where will the match take place?,Sunshine Middle School.,In Moonlight Town.,Pre-listening,Read and answer,Sunday,Sports Centre,While-listening,Listen and complete the poster,At 9:00 a.m., we will meet at _. At 1:00 p.m., we will get on the bus _ the restaurant.,school/the school gate/the bus station/ ,beside/in front of/behind/ ,While-listening,Try to predict,the school gate,9:45 a.m.,10:15 a.m.,Match starts,Match finishes,in front of,20,10:55 a.m.,11:50 a.m.,While-listening,Listen and take notes,1. We will go there by underground. 2. It will take us about half an hour to reach the Sports Centre. 3. Half-time is a 20-minute period for the players to rest. 4. We can buy food and drinks during half-time. 5. The match will finish before noon . 6. We will go back to our school after lunch.,While-listening,Listen again and write T or F.,F,F,T,T,T,T,bus,10-minute,the school gate,9:45 a.m.,10:15 a.m.,Match starts,Match finishes,in front of,20,10:55 a.m.,11:50 a.m.,Post-listening,Introduce the day of the final,Task 2,Pre-listening,Have a discussion,When you plan a trip, what will you think about?,Where to go,Whom to go with,When to go,How to go there,What to see,C. the China Science &Technology Museum,Where will they go?,A. the Summer Palace,B. the Great Wall,Listen and choose,While-listening,Listen and read the dialogue aloud,While-listening,Find the sentences about making suggestions,Daniel: Where are we going tomorrow? Shall we take Linda to the Summer Palace? Kitty: I dont think thats a good idea. She went there yesterday. Daniel: Well, what about the Great Wall? Kitty: That sounds good, but its too far away. Daniel: Why dont we go to the China Science and Technology Museum? Its free for groups of 30 or more students. Kitty: Great! Lets go to the museum. See you tomorrow.,Post-listening,A: Shall we ? Lets Would you like to ? Why dont you/we ? Why not ? What about ? How about ?,B: All right. OK. Lets go! Id love to. Thats a good idea. What a great idea! Id love to, but Im afraid thats not a good idea.,Making suggestions,Response to the suggestions,Post-listening,Lets learn,Post-listening,Work in pairs and plan a day out for a visiting friend,Sample: A: Where are we going tomorrow? Shall we go to ? We can B: I dont think thats a good idea, because A: Well, what about ? We can B: That sounds good, but its A: Why dont we go to B: Great! Lets go to See you tomorrow.,A: Shall we ? Lets Would you like to ? Why dont you/we ? Why not ? What about ? How about ?,B: All right. OK. Lets go! Id love to. Thats a good idea. What a great idea! Id love to, but Im afraid thats not a good idea.,Making suggestions,Response to the suggestions,Summary,Homework,1. Read and recite the conversation in Part B. 2. Write your conversation in class. 3. Summarize the notes in your note book. 4. Preview Task.,Thank you!,
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