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Unit 4Unit 4 Iusedtobeafraid ofthedark.Im stillafraidofthe dark. Iusedtobe afraidofgivinga speechinpublic. Imstillafraidof givingaspeechin public. Which things did you use to be afraid of? Which things are you still afraid of? Iusedtobeafraidofflying.Im stillafraidofflying. Iusedtobeafraid ofhighplaces.Im stillafraidofhigh places. Iusedtobeafraidof scarymovies.Imstill afraidofscarymovies. Iusedtobeafraid ofdogs.Imstill afraidofdogsnow. IusedtolikeP.E.classwhenIwasachild. IusedtohatemusicclasswhenIwasa child. Iusedtolikeice-creamwhenIwasachild. IusedtohatemilkandeggswhenIwasa child. Check () the things you used to like when you were a child. 1a _P.E.class IusedtolikeP.E. class. _paintingpictures Iusedtolikepainting pictures. _musicclass Iusedtolikemusic class. _antsandotherinsects Iusedtolikeantsand otherinsects. n.蚂蚁 n.昆虫 _swimming Iusedtolikeswimming withfriends. _dancing Iusedtolike dancing. What other things did you use to like when you were a child? Write sentences in the box. Then discuss them with a partner. 1b Whatdid youuseto likewhen youwerea child? Iusedto likeriding horses whenI wasa child. Didyouuseto likeswimming whenyouwere achild? Yes,Idid.Iused tolike swimmingwhen Iwasachild. Iusedtolike collectingstamps whenIwasa child.Whatabout you? Me,too! Listen and check () the sentences you hear. 1._Ididntusetoliketests. 2._Weusedtowalktoschool. 3._IusedtohateP.E.class. 4._Iusedtobeonthesoccerteam. 1c Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart. 1d Inthe past Ididntusetolike_. Weusedtowear _toschool. Now Idontworryabout_. Wecanwear _toschool. Girl tests theschooluniform tests whateverwelike Inthe past Weusedto_everyday afterschool. Iusedtohate_. Now We_allthetime. I_P.E.class. Boy play P.E.class juststudy love 1.Didthegirlusetoliketestwhenshewas six? 2.Whatdoestheboythinkofthetestsin primaryschool? 3.Didtheyusetowearschooluniform whentheywereinprimary? No,shedidnt. Hethinkstheywereeasy. Listen once more and try to answer the questions. Yes,theydid. 4.Whatdidtheboythinkoftheschool uniforminprimaryschool? 5.Whatdidtheboyusetohatein primaryschool? Hedidntmindwearingaschool uniform. HeusedtohateP.E.class. Compare yourself with your partner. 1e Iusedtobe nervousabouttests allthetime.What aboutyou? Yes,metoo.AndI usedtobeafraid ofmakingaspeech inpublic. IusedtohateP.E. class.Whatabout you? Well,Iusedto walktoschool. Iusedtoridemy biketoschool. Whataboutyou? Iusedtohate P.E.class.But nowIloveit. Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy from the countryside. His parents are working in the city. Look at the title of the passage and the picture below. What problems do you think he might have? 2a HeStudiesHarderThanHeUsedto 2.Heusedtohatestudyingandfailhisexams. 3.Heusedtofightwithhisclassmates. 1.Heusedtobreaktheschoolrules. 2b Read the passage and put the sentences A-D in the correct places. A.Theyhadalongtalk B.NowLiWenhasreallychanged C.However,thingsbegantochangea fewyearsago D.Histeacherwasworriedabouthim Para.1_ 由上文“当他小时候,他很少惹麻烦,他 的家人和他在一起生活”,以及下文“他的 父母搬到城市里去找工作,他很想念他们 而且觉得很孤独和不开心”,可知李文的 生活发生的变化,故应选C。 点拨 C Para.2_ 点拨 由上文“他告诉老师说他想离开学校”,以 及下文“老师给他的父母亲打电话,并建 议他们亲自和李文谈一谈”,可推测老师 对李文的情况很担心,故应选D。 D Para.3_ 点拨 由上一段可知,李文的父母长途跋涉到达 李文所在学校。再由空格后的李文所说的 话语“这正是我所需要的”,可推测知李文 父母亲应是和他进行了一次促膝长谈,故 应选A。 A Para.4_ 点拨 读本段可知,李文的父母在那次谈话后, 更加关注他们的儿子。再由空格后面的句 子都是描述李文所发生的变化的句子,“ 更加外向”、“参加了学校篮球队”“比以前 更加努力学习”等等。可见空格处句子的 意思是“现在李文真得变了”。 B 2c Read the passage again and underline the problems that Li Wen used to have. 1.Hebecamelessinterestedinstudying. 2.Sometimeshewasabsentfromclasses, andhefailedhisexaminations. 3.LiWenwasshyandwasnotableto makefriendsquicklyinschool. Use the clues from the passage to help you guess the meanings of the words in the box. 2d 1.influence 对比李文的父母外出找工作前后李文的行 为和思想表现;再由下文“他变得对学习 不感兴趣、逃课、考试不及格”等情况的 出现,可知是李文不高兴的情绪“影响”了 他的学业。故influence一词应意为“影响” 。 2.absent 由上下文“他对学习不再感兴趣”、“他考 试不及格”,以及关键词classes,可以推 测“他经常缺课”,可知absent意为“缺席 ,不再”。 3.boardingschool 由上文“hewasabsentfromclasses andfailedhisexaminations和LiWens parentsmadethedecision”可知其父母 送其去了一所寄宿制学校。 4.inperson 由下文“Hisparentstooka24-hourtrain anda5-hourbusridetogettoLiWens school.”,可知其父母费如此大的周折赶 回家来,就是因老师的建议“亲自和他们 的儿子进行交谈”,故可推测inperson 意为“亲自地”。 beproudof/takepridein makeadecision/decide miss/beabsentfrom change/influence lookafter/takecareof Complete the passage with the proper forms of the words and phrases in the box. 2e LiWenisa15-year-oldboy.Heworks hardanddoeswellinschool.Itishardto believethatheusedtohavedifficultiesin school.Whenhisparentsmovedtothe citytowork,theycouldnotbeathometo _him.Sohe becamelessinterestedinstudyingand _classes.missed/wasabsentfrom lookafter/takecareof Thenhisparents_ tosendhim toaboardingschool.He foundlifetheredifficult.Onedayhetold histeacherhewantedtoleavetheschool. Histeacheradvisedhisparentstotalk withtheirsoninperson.This conversation_his life. changed/influenced madeadecision/decided Herealizedthathisparentswould alwayslovehim,andtheywould _everything goodthathedid.Nowheismuch happierandmoreo
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