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外研社二年级英语下册Module 2 模块单元测试卷(一) 听力部分(共15 分) 一. 听音选字母或单词( 10 分) () 1. A. STUB.PQRC.XYZ () 2. A. uvwB. mnoC. fir () 3. A. rainB.windyC. sunny () 4. A. springB. autumnC. winter () 5. A. listeningB. runningC. watching 二看图,听音判断(5分) 1、2.3.4. ()()()() 笔试部分(共85 分) 一、用手写体写出下列字母的左邻右舍(大小写)。(24 分) 1.2.3. CcGgLl 4.5.6. QqTtYy 二、按字母表顺序写出五个元音的大小写形式。(5 分) 三抄写下列单词,并写出汉语意思。 (6分) weather2.like3.windy 汉语意思: 4. newspaper5. picture6.radio 汉语意思: 四、根据字母顺序排下列单词,标上1-10。 (10 分) ()what()CD()evening()hello ()Apple()it()fine()jacket ()black()quilt 五、单项选择( 10 分) ()1._ the weather inNanjing? A. What sB. How sC. Where sD. Who s ()2.Itis_ today. A. rainB. sunnyC. snowD. wind ()3.What sthe weather like ? A. It ssunny.B. Ilikesummer. C. It sa pencilD. I m eight. ()4.What do you likedoing inwinter? A. I likesummer.B. Ilikeskiing. C. It ssunny.D. Fine,thanks! ()5.What sshe doing? A. She sreadinga book.B. He sreadinga book. C. I mreadinga book.D. You re readinga book. 六、看图片选择正确的单词。 (10 分) 1. windy 2. newspaper 3. snowy 4. radio 5. sunny 七、请从 B栏中找出与 A栏相匹配的答语, 将其序号填入题前括号内 (10 分) A ()1. Whatsthe weather like ? ()2. Howoldare you? ()3. What do you likedoing inwinter? ()4. Whatsshe doing? ()5. Nice to meet you. B A. Ilikeskiing. B.It ssunny and it shot. C. I meight. D. Nice to meet you,too. E. shes readinga book. 八、用 am 、is 、are 填空。 (10 分) 1She _ listeningto theradio. 2. He _ playingwithhistrain. 3. I _ writinga letter. 4. What _ you doing? 5. I _ eight. 6. She _ my litterbrother. 7. You _ a good boy. 8. What _ she doing? 9. I _ fine. 10. It_rainy. 外研社二年级英语下册Module 2 模块单元测试卷(二) Part 1Writing笔试部分 一、 我会写。(10 分) 面条 孩子们 冰激凌 二、 连一连。(10 分) 三、 选词填空。(20 分) 米饭 好的 noodlesricechildrenniceice cream sweetsgingermeatonions likedon tlike 1、Imeat.2、Inoodles. 3、Irice.4、Isweets. 5、Iginger.6、Ionions. 7、Iicecream.8、Icake. 四、选出与中文相对应的英文选项,把序号写在题前括号内。(20 分) ()1、我不喜欢米饭。 ()2、你是一个好男孩吗? ()3、给你一只冰激凌! ()5、糖果是给好男孩的 。 ()6、我也喜欢面条。Sweetsare for good boy. Part 2Listening听力部分 五、听句子,喜欢的画“”,不喜欢的画“” 。 (like/dontlike) (20 分) A. B . C. D. E. Ilike noodles,too. Idon tlike rice. Areyou a good boy? An icecreamfor you! 1. 2. 3. 六、听音标号。 (20 分) ()()() () ()()() () ()() Part 2Listening听力材料 五、听句子,喜欢的画“”,不喜欢的画“” 。 (like/dontlike) (20 分) 1、 I like basketball. I don tlike football. I like swimming. 2、 I like hamburger. I like ice cream. I don t like sweets. 3、 I don tlike ginger.I don tlike onions. I like meat. 六、听音标号。 (20 分) chair schoolbag book desk fish kite pencil-box ruler bear fox 外研社二年级英语下册Module 2 模块单元测试卷(三) 听力部分 一、听音,标号。 ()()() ()()() 二、听音,连线。 1.A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 笔试部分 一、读一读,选一选。 () 1. photoA. 图片B. 照片C. 邮票 () 2. smileA. 微笑B. 火车C. 小的 () 3. cameraA. 报纸B. 照相机C. 收音机 二、读一读,连一连。 (1)A. radio (2)B. camera (3)C. letter (4)D. newspaper (5)E. picture 三、读一读,连一连。 (1)A. listen to the radio (2)B. readanewspaper (3)C. play football (4)D. play with a train (5)E. write aletter (6)F. draw apicture 四、读一读,选一选。 () 1. A. I mskiing.B. I mswimming. () 2. A. Weareplaying with adog.B. Wearedrawing a dog. () 3. A. He is listening to music.B. He is colouring thepicture. () 4. A. He is readinga newspaper.B. He is doing his homework. 五、读一读,连一连。 (1) This is my father.A. (2) This is my brother.B. (3) This is my sister.C. (4) This is my mother.D. (5) This is my grandpa.E. (6) This is my grandma.F. 六、读一读,填一填。 Look at the animals.The elephantis playing basketball.The goat(山羊 ) is riding abike. Thelion is playing football. They arevery happy.Do you like theseanimals? (1) Thelion is _. (2) Thegoat is _. (3) Theelephantis _. 参考答案 听力部分 听力材料 一、 l. I m doing my homework. 2. I mskiing. 3. I mlistening to the radio. 4. I mreadinga newspaper. 5. I mdrawing a picture. 6. I mplaying with my train. 二、 1. This is my sister.She sdrawing apicture. 2. This is my brother.Heswriting a letter. 3. This is my grandpa.Hesreadinga newspaper. 4. This is my grandma.She slistening to theradio. 听力答案 、 5 2 4 1 6 3 二、 (1)-(4) DBAC 笔试部分 一、 1-3 BAB 二、 (1)-(5) BADCE 三、 (1)-(6) BFCAED 四、 1-4AAAB 五、 (1)-(6) BADCEF 六、 (1) playing football (2) riding a bike (3) playing basketball 外研社二年级英语下册Module 2 模块单元测试卷(四) 四、 写一写。 信 写 微笑 报纸 图画 五、 选词填空。 收音机 照相机 画 /绘制 涂色 照片 eatingwatchingplayingdrawing readingsingingwritinglistening radiophotonewspapercamerasmile pictureletterdrawwritecolour 1 、 Hes_.2 、 I m _. 3 、 Hes_.4、 Shes _. 5、 I m_.6、Hes_ _. 7、 Tom is _.8 、 I am _to the _. 1、A:What areyou doing? B:_watching TV. 2、A:What sBeckydoing? HesShesI m B:_singing. 3、A:What sSamdoing? B:_playingfootball. 四、选出与中文相对应的英文选项,把序号写在题前括号内。 ()1、我正在给图片着色。A、What are you doing? ()2、你在做什么?B、Thisis mynew camera. ()3、这是我的新照相机。C、Doyou likeit? ()4、她正在听收音机。D、I mcolouring the picture. () 5、 你喜欢它吗?E、 Sheislisteningto the radio. 五、判断对错,对的在括号内画“”,不对的画出错误的地方并改正在括号内。 1、Tomsplaywith histrain. 2、Sheslistening to the radio. 3、Hesreada newspaper. 4、I mdraw a picture. 5、Becky swriting a letter. () () () () ()
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