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三年级英语短文阅读_关于8年级英语短文精选在我国,英语教学仍然主要是在英语课堂中进行,对于绝大多数中学生来说,英语课堂便是他们接触英语、使用英语的主要场所。本文是关于8年级英语短文,希望对大家有帮助!关于8年级英语短文:如何挑选电脑? How to Pick puter?puter is more and more mon in our life.Buying a puter is something happens every day.How to pick? Is it the more e_pensive the better? I dont think so.In my opinion, before buying a puter, you have to figure out the purpose of your puter, such as, for playing games, for work, for designing or for study.Different purposes will have different requirements for the puter.So, do say that you dont know how to choose.You have to know what you want.Then follow your will, listening to the advice up to your need.电脑在我们的生活中使越来越普遍了。天天都有人买电脑。如何选购呢?是不是越贵就越好呢?我不这么认为。在我看来,买电脑钱要先确定电脑的用途,例如,玩游戏,工作,设计或学习。不同的目的对电脑有不同的要求。所以,不要说不知道如何选择。你要确定自己想要的是什么。之后就跟你的需求来寻找建议。关于8年级英语短文:Human and the Environment人类与环境 Last weekend, I wanted to swim in the river that I usually wen in the childhood.When I went there, I was shock.The river is no longer like before.It was full of rubbish.It seemed that the rubbish is from the villagers themselves.In order to put the rubbish nearer, they put all of them into the river.Not only the water is not clean any more, the river also smelt bad.I real touched.Why human and the environment couldnt live harmonious? Long time ago, they could get along with each other.Why not now? People have to stop their behavior to harm the environment.Otherwise, it would cause destruction to both sides.上周末,我想去我小时候经常去的那条河里游泳。当我去那里的时候,我很震惊。河水再也不像以前那样了。河里面到处都是垃圾。似乎这些垃圾都是村民丢的。为了不走那么远丢垃圾,他们把垃圾都丢到河里了。水不仅仅不干净还会散发出臭味。我真的触动了。为什么人类和环境不能和谐地相处呢?很久以前,他们可以好好相处。为什么现在不可以了呢?人们必须停止他们伤害环境的行为。否则,最后会是两败俱伤。关于8年级英语短文:木偶奇遇记 PinocchioPinocchio is an interesting fairy tale.It is about the e_perience of a puppet named Pinocchio.Pinocchio is only a Pinocchio at first, but later having life by a blue angel.But he is still a Pinocchio.If he wants to be a real boy, he has to passed the test for brave, loyalty and honest.However, he is too fun of play to skip school; being treated because of greedy and is hoisted by ones own petard.But at last he passes all the tests and bee a real boy.His adventure e_perience is very interesting.And I am sure you can learn things from it.It is a book deserves remending.木偶奇遇记是有趣的童话故事。这是关于一个名叫皮诺曹的木偶的经历。皮诺曹一开始只是一个木偶而已,但后来因为蓝色天使赋予它生命。不过仍然是一个木偶。如果他想成为一个真正的男孩,他就必须通过勇敢,忠诚和诚实的测试。然而,他因贪玩而逃学,因贪心而受骗,并且自食恶果。但最后,他通过了所有的测试,成为一个真正的男孩。他的冒险经历是非常有趣的。我相信你肯定能从中学到东西。这是一本值得推荐的书。关于8年级英语短文:关于海南的回忆 Memory in HainanHainan is a beautiful place.I lived there for a summer holiday.There is lots of clean water.More specific, most of them are blue sea water.And there are many green plants.The air is very fresh.I think maybe it is because of the water and plants.The weather is very hot.But I dont hate, because I can go swimming every day.When I e back to my hometown, I am not allowed to do this.Hainan is also a travel city.I feel proud when I see many people e here for a visit, because I can visit those places every day.My memory in Hainan is very good.海南是个美丽的地方。我曾经在那儿住了一个暑假。那里有大量干净的水。具体来说大部分都是蓝蓝的海水。绿色植物许多。空气也很新鲜。我觉得也许是因为水和植物的原因空气才那么新鲜。天气很热。但是我不讨厌,因为我可以每天去游泳。当我回到家乡后,我就再也不允许这样做了。海南是一个旅游城市。没当我看到很多人来这里参观的时候我都感到很骄傲,因为我每天都可以去那些地方。我在海南的回忆是很美好的。“关于8年级英语短文”END第 5 页 共 5 页
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