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第 1页 共 6页 2020/ 3/ 12 12: 42 大学生英语竞赛 (NECCS)A 类研究生英语分类模拟6 Proofread the passage as required. Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error. Correct the passage in the following way: for a correct line, put the sign in the corresponding blank; for a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank; for a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with the sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank; for an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with the sign and put the word with the sign in the blank. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. One of the worst thing you can do as a speaker is to hold your 1 arms stiffly at your side. You need to move your arms in 2 appropriate gestures to emphasise your points. Your gestures 3 should appear spontaneously, not rehearsed. This doesnt mean 4 that you shouldnt rehearse it. The point is to make them seem to 5 be spontaneous, fitted the text. Dont use just your hands or the 6 lower part of your arms. You need to movethe whole body with a 7 way that looks natural with the gesture. In additi on, you should aware of your body languageas 8 you use gestures. Your facial expression should mirror the emotion 9 you might be demonstrating. For example, if you are talking about something frightening and are holding up your arms as if to protect yourself, your f ace should have a fear expression. 10 1. things 解析 文中的 “One of the worst thing you can do”说,你能做的最糟糕的事情之?。 “thing ”是单数形式,这里应用复数形式“things”。 2. sides 解析 文中的 “hold your arms stiffly at your side”说,将你的双臂僵硬地放在身体两侧。 at your sides意为 “ 在身体两侧 ” ,side是单数形式,这里应用复数形式“sides ”。 3. emphasize 解析 文中的 “You need to move your arms in appropriate gestures to emphasise your points”说,你需要 移动你的手臂,以适当的动作来强调你的观点。emphasise 应改为动词 emphasize“强调 ” 。 4. spontaneous 解析 文中的 “Your gestures should appear spontaneously”说,你的手势应该显得像是即兴发挥。appear 用作连系动词,其意为“ 显得,似乎 ” ,其后的表语应为形容词。因此 应将副词 spontaneously改为形容词 spontaneous“自发的,自然的 ” 。 5. them 解析 文中的 “This doesnt mean that you shouldnt rehearse it”说,这并不意味着你不该练习这些动作。 这里的 it指代前面提到的 “ gestures”,因此应改为复数形式them。 6. fitting 第 2页 共 6页 2020/ 3/ 12 12: 42 解析 文中的 “The point is to make them seem to be spontaneous, fitted the text”说,重点是要使你的动作 看来像是即兴发挥,与演讲稿协调?致。“ fitted the text”是分词短语作状语,因无被动含义,应改为 现在分词的形式 fitting“与?致 ” 。 7. in 解析 文中的 “You need to move the whole body with a way that looks natural with the gesture”说,你需 要以看起来很自然的动作来移动整个身体。短语in a way意为 “ 以某种方式 ” ,所以应将 with 改为 in。 8. be 解析 “In addition, you should aware of your body language as you use gestures”中说,此外,当你使用 手势时,你应该了解你的身体语言。短语be aware of意为 “ 意识到,知道 ” ,因此应在 aware前加上 be。 9. 解析 文中的 “Your facial expression should mirror the emotion you might be demonstrating”说,你的面 部表情应反映出你可能会表露出的情感。本句的语法及词汇无错误。 10. fearful 解析 文中的 “your face should have a fear expression”说,你的面部应该现出害怕的表情。expression是 名词,前面应用形容词修饰。因此应将名词fear改为形容词 fearful“惧怕的,担心的 ” 。 Cash reward is a common form of motivation used by parents with high expectation to encourage their children work hard at examtime. Some 11 youngsters receive payments of as much as 100 for each A grade they obtain at GSCE. But would such bribes be based on exam perfor mance or 12 should they, as many parents and teachers feel, be offered in recognition of a 13 childs effort, regardless of results? The later approach would solve the 14 problems of how parents reward children with different ability; 15 imagine, for example, a family with one child who is academically gift and 16 another who has learning difficulties. The dangers of resuh-relating incentives 17 for the second child are clear; with little hope of obtaining the higher grades, the withholding of promised financial rewards would only compound of the 18 childs feeling of false. How ever, someleading educational psychologists 19 believe that parents should rely in their own judgments in such matters. They 20 maintain that if parents know that money will motivate their child, then they should not be condemned for operating a system of cash payouts. 11. to 解析 本句要表达的是父母鼓励子女努力准备考试。encourage sb. to do sth. 意为“ 鼓励某人做某事 ” , 因而应在动词 work前加上 to。 12. should 解析 连词or连接的两个句子的主语都是“ 。bribes”,前后为并列成分,意为这样的“ 贿赂” 应基于考 试成绩还是应按照孩子努力的程度,而不论结果如何。所以应将would改为should。 第 3页 共 6页 2020/ 3/ 12 12: 42 13. 解析 本句的语法及词汇无错误。in recognition of 意为 “ 按照(功劳等 ) ,承认 而,为酬答 而” 。 14. latter 解析 前面已经讲过,这样的“ 贿赂 ” 应基于考试成绩还是应按照孩子努力的程度,而不论结果如何。 因而 “ The later approach would solve the problems of how parents reward children”是说“ 后 ?个办法将会 解决父母如何奖励孩子的问题” ,所以应将 later改为latter。 15. problem 解析 在“The later approach would solve the problems of how parents reward children”中所指的问题是 “ 父母如何奖励孩子(how parents reward children)”,不包含其他的问题。 problems为复数形式,应改为单数形式problem。 16. gifted 解析 在“a family with one child who is academically gift and another who has learning difficulties.”中, 系动词 is后面应接形容词,副词academically也应用来修饰形容词,而gift是名词,应改为形容词gifted “ 有天赋的 ” 。 17. related 解析 “The dangers of result-relating incentives for the second child are clear是说,对于另外?个孩子来 说,与激励相关的后果所带来的危害是明显的。relating是动词 relate的现在
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