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第 1 页 Self Check .完形填空。 Graduation is a very special time.With hard work,a student can successfully get his or her college _1_Youve reached the right place if you want to _2_ him or her.The following are some excellent congratulation messages at the graduation ceremony. Congratulations! I wish you all the best as youre going to face some more difficult _3_ in your life.Im sure that you can _4_ any difficulties.In the future, youll meet many new friends.If someone helps you ,please dont forget to be _5_ to him or her! You did well! Youre such a(n) _6_ friend and help me a lot.I want you to know that Im proud of you. I have no doubt that the knowledge you have gained in school will be very important for your new life.On this special day,Id like to give you some tips.Theyre not _7_,but I hope you can follow them.First ,dont be afraid to ask questions.You should be _8_ for knowledge.Second ,believe in yourself and be responsible for your _9_ Good luck! If youre wondering why the last four years went so fast, you will see how quickly the rest of life goes _10_Enjoy this moment because you wont get it back. (B)1.A.result B degree Cseat Dgrade (C)2.A.encourage Badvise Ccongratulate Daccept (A)3.A.tasks Bideas Cmessages Dmethods (C)4.A.have Bunderstand Covercome Dcreate (A)5.A.thankful Bcruel Csimilar D glad (B)6.A.poor Bcaring Cinteresting Dserious (A)7.A.instructions Bexamples Cconversations Dexperiences (B)8.A.ready B thirsty Ccareful D nervous (D)9.A.changes Bways Cpurposes D decisions (C)10.A.out Bin Cby Daway .阅读理解。 It seems that you began middle school just a few months ago,but your middle school experience is coming to an end.The following are few things you should do before the last day of middle school comes. Attend a Middle School Dance If you have avoided dances or other social parties in middle school,now it is the chance to attend before the year is over.If you are too shy to go alone ,ask your friends to attend together. Take Pictures You think you will remember everything in middle school forever, but that isnt true.Take photos of the school, friends,and teachers.You will find them interesting after many years. Thank Those Middle School Teachers There were some teachers who you really liked during the middle school life.Now is the time to thank them for all they did.You can write personal thank- you letters to your teachers ,or just leave a simple “ Thank You ” on the blackboard as a surprise.If you want to do something special ,you can find some special gifts for them. Plan an End of Middle School Party The graduation is coming.You can say goodbye to middle school and hello to high school with a group of middle 第 2 页 school friends.You could invite a few close friends and have a big party.Food, music and a set of pictures from middle school will make you appreciate( 感激 ) your middle school days and get ready for high school. (D)11.What can you do if youre too shy to attend a dace alone? AYou can talk with your relatives. BYou can ask your parents for help. C You can call your teachers. DYou can go with your friends. (D)12.The purpose of taking photos is to_. Amake friends Bgive them to others Chold some parties Dmemorize the days (A)13.What may the underlined word “ them” refer to? APhotos. BParties. CTeachers. DFriends. (B)14.You can do all of the following things to thank your teachers EXCEPT _. Awriting thank- you letters to them Bgiving them a call every day Cleaving “ Thank You ” on the blackboard D preparing special gifts (C)15.What does the text mainly tell us? AWhat to do to thank your teachers. BHow to prepare for a party. CWhat to do before middle school life ends. DHow to prepare for high school life. .任务型阅读。 阅读短文,回答问题及翻译划线部分的句子。 The graduation season is coming.Grade 9 students are going to say goodbye to each other.Everyone_must_have_a_lot_to_say_to_their_classmates_at_this_moment. But where can they put all their warm words? In the past, each student would buy a big beautiful notebook and ask their classmates to write in it.But things are a bit different now. Grade 9 students use USB flash disks( 闪存卡 ) instead of notebooks.Some students are not good at Chinese.They cant use sweet words to show how they love their friends.But with the USB flash disk, they can write ,draw or even make cartoons for each other. One of the students said,“ I like the USB flash disk because it costs less than fifty yuan.And there is a lot of space for me to write in.” But some students still like notebooks better.They say words in computers are cold. 过多使用电脑对他 们的眼睛不好。“Although a notebook may have less space ,I will still choose it.A notebook can keep my classmates handwriting.That is sweet ,” said a boy. Which way will you choose to say goodbye to your classmates? 16In the past,what did students do when they graduated? They_bought_notebooks_and_asked_their_classmates_to_write_(words)_in_them. 17What can students do with the USB flash disk? They_can_write_(words) ,draw_(pictures)_and_make_cartoons. 18Which adva
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