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- - 1 小学英语第八册试题(一) Read and match连线 30 1 seat 茶11 hamburger 西瓜 2 see 果汁12 chicken 冰激凌 3 juice 看见13 menu 三明治 4 tea 座位14 sandwich 汉堡 5 cola 作为15 ice cream 饼干 6 spirit 雪碧16 watermelon 鸡肉 7 as 可乐17 biscuits 享用 8 restaurant 或者18 enjoy 菜单 9 dish 饭馆19 waitress 服务员 10 or 佳肴20 waiter 女服务员 Read and match连线 15 Read and write 填单词每空一词4 1 Hi,can I help you? We have got all kinds of _. Tea or coffee? 2 That s the hot dogs and colas. It s thirteen _and sixteen cents. 3 Tomorrow is my birthday,My mum is going to cook me much delicious food.Our family are 1 We have got lots of delicious food. Such as hamburgers hot dogs and fish and so on.What do you want to eat? 2 I like chicken legs and give three.And I need some vegetables and a cola.That s all.How much is the meal? 3 There are all kinds of food in China.They are very delicious.What s your favourite food? 4 Did your mother cook nice food for you last night?What did you eat? 5 We are going to have a picnic.We are going to buy lots of things.What are you going to eat? A: Please buy me some toast and milk.And buy me some sandwiches if there is. B: Oh let me count.Mmmm,it s eighteen yuan and fifty fen. C: He doesn t like toast and milk.But I like them. D: I know that.My mother and grandmother are Chinese.They often cook me some nice Chinese food.They are all yummy.But I like Chinese niangao and wowotou. E: Please give me a bowl of noodles and a spirit.And I want a hot dog. F: Yes,of course.Yesterday was my birthday.She cooked me so much nice food.I had chicken wings.It s my favourite and I ate too much and I was too full.So I couldn t eat anything. G: They want to eat some Chinese rice and vegetables. - - 2 going to have a big _. 4 What do you want to _? Fish or chips? Read and choose根据交际情景选择正确答案20 ( )1 走进水吧喝茶时,服务员通常会对你说: A: What would you like to drink? B: Do you like tea? ( )2 到商店买东西时,售货员会热情地对你说到: A:Hi, what do you want? B: What can I do for you? ( )3 星期天你到超市买了好多东西,自己拿不了,请求服务员帮你送到车上,你怎样对服 务员说: A: Who can help me? B: Can you help me? ( )4 朋友到你家玩,你问她想喝点什么,应说: A: What would you like to drink? B: What do you want to do? ( )5 昨天你买了一本英语阅读,花了十二元钱,你回家告诉妈妈说: A: I m going to buy a book named English reading.And it costs me twelve yuan. B: I bought a book named English reading 。And it costed me twelve yuan. ( )6 妈妈为了你的生日买了许多东西,你想问妈妈这些东西花了多少钱,应问: A: How much is these things,Mum? B: How much are they,Mum? ( )7 中午你走进饭馆向服务员要了两个面包和一杯橙汁英对服务员说: A: I want two breads and an orange juice. B: I want two pieces of bread and a glass of orange juice. ( )8 上题中服务员为你还要什么,服务员应说: A: What do you want to eat? B: Anything else? Read and write 选词填空 10 1 Daming went to the Chinatown in New York with simon and simon s father. Daming _( don t know; didn t know; doesn t know)what a hot dog was. 2. Last weekend, we went to a restaurant to have lunch.My brother likes chicken legs.I don t like it , I _( asked for ; wanted to; eat) two hamburgers and a cola. 3. Do you want to eat _( any; some;many) fish? No, thank you. 4We have got all kinds of food. They are not _( cheap ; expensive ; enough).They are from three yuan to ten yuan. 5The customer wanted to eat some_( chicken; chickens; chicks). But he didnt have enough money. Read and answer 阅读并回答问题15 The first hamburger was not made in the USA.It was made in Germany.In Hamburg, a large city in Germany, people made and ate a kind of sandwiches with meat a long time ago. The food got its name “ hamburger ” from the place. Later on many Germans moved to America and brought the food along with them. And the food is very popular now. People in the USA eat billions of hamburgers every year. - - 3 在正确的答案括号内打“” 1)Who made the first hamburger? ( )A: American people. ( )B: English people. ( )C: German people 2)Hamburger is the name of _ ( )A: a kind of sandwich. ( )B: a city. ( )C: a country. 3)Do American people like hamburgers? ( )A: Yes, they do. ( )B: No, they don t. ( )C: We don t know. Once Old Peter was in Italy ( 意大利 ).He didn t know much Italian. One day while walking in the street,he felt hungry and went into a restaurant. When the waiter came near, Old Peter opened his mouth,put his fingers into it, took them out again and moved his lips(嘴唇) . In this way,he want to say,“Bring me something to eat.” But the waiter Brought him a lot of things to drink, first tea, then coffee, then milk,but no food.Old Peter was sorry he was not able to tell the waiter he was hungry.He was ready to leave the restaurant when another man came in and put his hands on his stomach. In a few minutes, the waiter brought him a large plate of bread and meat. At last Old Peter got his meal in the same way. 在正确的答案括号内打“” 1)This story took place in _. ( )A: a hotel ( )B: an office. ( )C: a restaurant. 2)If you want to show you are hungry,what can you do? ( )A: Open your mouth and put a finger in it. ( )B: put your hands on your stomach. ( )C: Raise your hands and shout. 3)How did Old Peter get what he wanted? ( )A: By copying the other man s example. ( )B: By smiling to the waiter. ( )C: By saying
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