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Final Test for Junior New Concept English 2A At Urumqi Kai Bo School English Name_ Chinese Name_ Oral English _ Total Score _Part One Listening (20 points). Listen and choose the words you hear. (10 points)1. ( ) A. belong B. back C. breathe D. bored2. ( ) A. central B. centre C. come D. clothes3. ( ) A. late B. long C. lovely D. letter4. ( ) A. some B. skirt C. stadium D. seem5. ( ) A. play B. party C. portion D. perfect. Listen and choose the sentence you hear. (5 points) 1.( ) A. Where are you? B. What are you doing? 2.( ) A. Im waiting for my suitcase. B. Im coming out now! 3.( ) A. How are you feeling? B. You mustnt get cold.4.( ) A. What do you mean? B. What does he do every Saturday?5.( ) A. He was in Paris last week! B. He was here yesterday. Listen and choose the sentence.(5 points)1.( ) A .Im in the coffee bar. B. Yes, we are. C. Yes, he is. 2.( ) A .Yes, there is. B. Yes, I am. 3.( ) A .They are fifty-one pence. B. Yes, please. C. Im OK. 4.( ) A. Once a month. B. No, she is. C. No, they arent.5.( ) A.Yes, he was. B. There are eighty-six steps. Part Two Writing (60points).Select one from multiple choices. (10 points)1.( ) Where are you, and what_? A. do you do B. you do C. are you doing2.( ) _ hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here. A. There are B. There is C. Here is3.( ) This is your first Marathon, _? A. arent they B. arent you C. isnt it4.( ) _ done, Paul! How are you feeling? A. Good B. How C. Well5.( ) What_. Annie? A. you mean B. do you mean C. meaning6.( ) Its quarter _ five. A. at B. in C. past7.( ) But today Im going_ bus. A. by B. on C. to8.( ) Its a waste_ time, really. A. for B. from C. of9.( ) Ninas going to_ a decision tomorrow. A. have B. go C. make10.( )Paris! Again! He_ in Paris last week! A. is B. are C. was. Rearrange the following sentences. (5 points)1. top three percent the _.2. to comes Linda London _.3. nice a afternoon quiet _.4. our have we troubles all _.5. thing your do own _. Read and match. (6 points)1. Im cold. A. Yes, of course I can.2. How often do you go to the park? B. Put on this coat.3. Can you turn off the TV, please? C. Twice a week.4. What are you going to do? D. Im going to go to the doctors.5. Are you hungry? E. Im going to have lunch. 6. Where are you going to go? F. Yes. I am. Can you make four words from the letters in each long word? (8 points) Example: expensive pen is in six 1. handwriting _ 2. something _ 3. exhibition _ 4. competitor _. Write the words in the correct box. (8 points) car nice coat race camera colour office Bruce picture December The sound /k/ car _ _ _ _The sound /s/ nice _ _ _ _. Write (5 points)I HeSheWeTheyYouusuallytakes his medicinehas a music lessongo to the gymgo to the cinemameet my bank managervisit our grandparentslisten to the newswork late at the officego for a walkoncetwicethree timesfour timesfive timesa daya weeka fortnighta montha yearExample: I usually listen to the news three times a day. 1. He_ 2. She _ 3. We _ 4.They _ 5. You _. Read the text and choose the best answer.(8 points) I am emailing you tonight from Karens computer. Karen is in the kitchen. She is cooking dinner. Paul is sitting beside me. He is listening to the radio. Robert is doing his homework and Lucys upstairs. She is watching TV in her bedroom. William is working in the garden. Claire is coming to dinner. In fact, she is here now. I must go and say hello.A. Read the text and or. (5 points)1. ( ) I am emailing you tonight from Karens computer.2. ( ) Karen is in the kitchen.3. ( ) Karen is reading a book.4. ( ) Paul is sitting beside me.5. ( ) Paul is cooking dinner. B. Read the text and choose the best answer. (3 points)1. ( ) _ is doing his hom
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