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2019年北京市顺义区高考二模英语试卷1. (2019北京顺义区模拟) Which sea animal is (good) at escaping? The answer may be the octopus (章鱼). An octopus body is very soft. There are no bones in it. The small animal has just two little hard parts in (it) mouth. So it can go into very small spaces. An octopus weighing about 230g can pass a 2.5cm-wide hole.(1) (2) (3) 2. (2019北京顺义区模拟) I lost my wallet after going shopping last Friday evening. But I didnt realize it was missing until five hours later. I couldnt remember I lost it. I stayed up all night and worried about my wallet. The next day, I went back to the shops that I (visit) and asked about my wallet. A manager at one store came over and said, Someone turned this in last night. We thought you might come back to look for it, we kept it for you.(1) (2) (3) 3. (2019北京顺义区模拟) When I was a child, I was a picky eater. There were many (food) that I didnt like to eat. But there is one meal I have always loved: grilled (烤的) cheese and tomato soup. Its just two pieces of toasted bread with cheese in the middle, (serve) with a bowl of tomato soup. This kind of food (call) comfort food. Comfort food is simple, easy-to-make and delicious. It always (taste) great. Your parents might make meals like this for you when you are not feeling well.(1) (2) (3) (4) 4. (2019北京顺义区模拟) My bulletin board was covered with pictures of Carmen and me at Camp Flaming Rock. Every summer for the past five years, we had been camp bunkmates (室友). We were great , so I was excited to be returning to camp for another fun summer together. You can imagine my when I got to the Camp and discovered that I would bunk with Kaitlyn. could Kaitlyn and I bunk together? We were like the opposite ends of a magnet (磁铁). It was hard to imagine that I would two weeks with her as my bunkmate. When I dragged to our small wooden house, Kaitlyn was already at the bunk. She was sorting her belongings, completely me. For the rest of the day, neither of us spoke. It was obvious that she was happier about the arrangement than I was. At Camp Flaming Rock your bunkmate is also your for daily activities. That meant Kaitlyn and I would be together all day long. At first, we tend to avoid each other. But as the days passed on, both of our attitudes started to . While one day my hand was hurt in a boat race, Kaitlyn rowed the rest of the way all by herself. When we got to the shore, she was all wet with . But she didnt complain (抱怨); she just walked with me to the nurse station. Another day we played a game based on . I was blindfolded and had to find my way to Kaitlyn by to the sound she made. When she started making the snoring (打鼾) noises I had been hearing every night, I was able to find her no time. As soon as the blindfold came off, we both laughed loudly. Over time, as we began to up to each other, I started to see how Kaitlyn and I were really . We both loved singing, we both had annoying little brothers, and we both on sleeping in woolen socks. The end of the camp rolled around than either of us could have imagined. We were both at what close friends we had become. Although I bunking with Carmen, Im glad I made another close friend. Now theres a new on my bulletin board at home. Its of me and Kaitlyn. And both of us are wearing woolen socks!(1) AfriendsBstudentsCplayersDcampers(2) AdelightBreliefCshockDcuriosity(3) AWhyBHowCWhenDWhere(4) AwasteBgiveCloseDspend(5) AeasilyBslowlyCeagerlyDsuddenly(6) AignoringBfrighteningCattractingDbothering(7) AevenBstillCfarDno(8) ApartnerBreporterCmodelDguide(9) AworkBunderstandCchangeDregain(10) AwaterBsweatCbloodDpaint(11) AlooksBwordsCgesturesDsounds(12) AlisteningBdancingCawakingDrelaxing(13) AatBbyCinDfrom(14) AmakeBopenCcomeDplay(15) AalikeBpopularCstrongDyoung(16) AtriedBreliedCcarriedDinsisted(17) AbetterBharderCfasterDlater(18) AmadBangryCdisappointedDsurprised(19) AmindedBenjoyedCmissedDimagined(20) AnameBpictureCdesignDform5. (2019北京顺义区模拟) Two years ago, when I lost my job which I had done for 10 years, I decided to realize the dream in my heart. I wanted to go back to college to finish my degree. I was interested in teaching and it was not until I had volunteered as a teacher in a special-education school that I knew I wanted to work with the disabled children. To finish my degree means that my family would need to move to another city and my husband would have to change his job. When the letter arrived that I was accepted into the Univ
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