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八年级英语下册Unit9 单元达标试题及答案 模版仅供参考,切勿通篇使用八年级英语下册Unit9 单元达标试题及答案1 (完成单词) I want to travel ,e_ to Beijing. There are many famouse c_ in Disneyland, such as mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Disneyland is also a _(主题) park. It has all the normal _(有吸引力的事物或人)。 He likes to travel to Disneys own _ (岛屿)。2 (用动词的适当形式填空。) Have you ever _(study) with more than three friends? Has Tom ever _(travel) to China? Have you ever _(say) something you didnt want to say? I have never _(argue) with my parents.3 (完成句子) 你可以在船上同米老鼠吃饭。You can eat dinner with Mickey Mouse_. 晚会是以一首英语歌曲结束的。The party _ with an English song. 但是船乘的不是相同的路线。But the boats _ _ _. 你能看到迪士尼人物一直围绕着迪士尼乐园走动。You can see Disney _ _ around Disney _ _ _.英语学科八年级下册Unit9 SectionA3a-4达标试题(A卷)参考答案 especially charactors theme attractions island studied traveled said argued on board ended up take different routes charactors walking all the time英语学科八年级下册第九单元第二课时B卷1、或许我们在电影里曾经见过米老鼠。Perhaps weMickay mouse.2、There are many attactions(在船上).3、We can see Donald Duck walking around the park(一直).4、Most of us have probably(听说)Disneyland.5、They all(结束)in the same place.6、That is Disneys(自己的岛屿).7、Have you ever(争吵)with your parents?8、What jobs do you want to do?A、others B、the other C、anther D、other9、Ewe have to make some rules to improve the school.英语学科八年级下册第九单元第二课时B卷参考答案1、have ever seen2、on board3、all the time4、heard of5、end up6、own island7、argued with8、D9、Especially
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