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新课标高考英语高效晨读19假定你是李华,美籍交换生Lisa 在邮件中说对你校流行的“阅读经典好书”活动十分感兴趣。请你回邮件介绍此活动。 1.阐述阅读经典好书的意义,2.列举阅读活动安排,3.期待她的参与。参考范文Dear Lisa,Im glad that you have an interest in our recent reading activity called “Read classic books”. As we all know, reading classic books is popular and important because it can improve our studying career and enrich our everyday life. There are some arrangements every week in our school. First, we have an event on Monday where one of us is going to share a classic book and talk about it in detail. We also have a book salon on Wednesday where we could exchange our views. Besides, every Saturday afternoon, we will gather in a coffee shop to relax and select our best author and talk about his or her life and works. Im sure you can gain a lot from the reading activity. Please come and join us soon. Yours, Li Hua 法国哲学家卢梭说过:“No Thanksgiving would be no virtue.”(没有感恩就没有真正的美德。)如今社会上一些人缺乏感恩之心,少数人甚至在父母年老体弱时都不愿意赡养。请结合自己的实际,谈几点父母值得你感恩的地方,将来你会做些什么来报答父母的养育之恩。 Not only do our parents give us life, but they also give us endless love and support, always sharing our happiness and sorrow. Im very grateful to my parents. They give me so much love and spare no efforts to support me. I still remember once I was seriously ill, they were so worried and almost kept me company the whole night.Now Im in Senior 3.Luckily for me, my parents can understand my stressful condition and often communicate with me with encouraging words. Furthermore, they give me enough personal space, which I appreciate so much. What I should do now is to study hard. When I grow up, I will try my best to make my parents live a happy life.高考英语书面表达典型例句背诵1.邀请信Im now writing on behalf ofthe classmatesto invite you tocome and attend the party, if you can spare the time.(2012全国II卷:邀请外教参加生日派对) Id like to invite you to join us for a visit tothe nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. (2015全国II卷:邀请外教去敬老院) 2.申请信Im writing to apply for a positionin you summer camp inSingapore. . I sincerely hope that my application could be favorably considered.(2012全国I卷:申请参加夏令营活动) Im writing to apply for the opportunity tohelp the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English. . Id appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.(2010天津:申请到晨曦希望小学支教) 3.询问信I have seen your ad, andId like to know something more aboutyour six-week English course. (2014全国I卷:询问夏令营活动信息) I have seen your ad on the internet, andIm writing for more information aboutthe day tour to London. (2005全国卷:询问旅行的具体信息) 4.求助信I wonder if you could do me a favour.This is the first time that my uncle visits theUS, so I hope you can meet him at the airport. . (2013全国I卷:请求朋友帮助接机) I wonder if you couldsell some Chinese knotsfor me.I made them myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials. . (2013全国II卷:请求朋友帮助出售自制的中国结) 5.建议信 As a young student, I suggest thatGlobal Mirror carry articles to guide us in our English learning,and I hope that it will become even more popular. (2011全国II卷:作为读者,给周报提意见) Here are some suggestions which I hope will be of some help to you.(2008全国II卷:提建议-如何学好中文) 6.感谢信I want tosay happy birthday to her andexpress my thanks to you for your hard work, with which she has been brought up and has been living happily with her parents in the US. (2008全国I卷:祝贺大熊猫生日快乐,并向动物园工作人员写感谢信) Weall miss you andare very grateful for what you did for us whenwe were together. (2010陕西:感谢外教) 7.投诉信I am writing to express my dissatisfaction aboutthe mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan,P. R. China. (2008湖北:投诉手机质量有问题) I would greatly appreciate it if you could take measures to solve the problem as soon as possible.(2008湖北:投诉手机质量有问题) 8.道歉信I am terribly sorry I couldntreply to your email which you sent me a week ago immediately. (2013山东:因未能及时回复邮件而道歉) How I wish I wouldread and reply your email as soon as I received it.However,I was busypreparing for my final exam at that time,which is vital for me. As a result, I had no choice but to completely focus onmy study.I believe that if you were me, you would make the same choice.(2013山东:因未能及时回复邮件而道歉-该段为道歉信常见套路) I sincerely apologize again for my mistake.(2013山东:因未能及时回复邮件而道歉) 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Tom 邀请你下周去他们学校参加文化交流活动,并向外国朋友介绍中国的传统绘画。 但你忙于为国庆准备表演,不得不谢绝。请根据下面要点用英语写一封信:1. 谢绝邀请及理由;2. 推荐朋友李明参加,并说明原因。 Dear Peter,Im Li Hua. Thanks a lot for your invitation to your cultural exchange program. I really want to accept it and take this opportunity to introduce the traditional Chinese painting to foreign friends, but Im sorry to tell you that I cant. The reason is that I am occupied preparing performance for the coming National Day.I strongly recommended my friend Li Ming, who is the most suitable person
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