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人教版必修第一册,Period 3 Discovering Useful Structure Phrases短语(词组),Unit 1 Teenage Life,学,科,网,创原家独,语法思考: 高中阶段常见的短语主要有几种? 在高中阶段,常见的短语形式有:名词短语(Noun Phrases)、形容词短语(Adjective Phrases)、副词短语(Adverb Phrases)、介词短语及动词短语(Verb Phrases)等。本单元只讲解前面三种形式。 学习英语短语或者词组的意义是什么? 短语或词组(Phrases)是具有一定意义但不构成句子或从句的一组词。了解短语知识对于快速、准确地理解句子意义及划分句子结构大有裨益。,本节语法导读,3,Analyze the underlined parts of the sentences and sum up what they have in common. 1. (教材原文P16) The first week was a little confusing. 2. (教材原文P16) The building is so big that Im completely lost. 3. (教材原文P16) My first French class was very confusing. The teacher spoke so quickly.,语法自主探究,共性总结,学,科,网,创原家独,一、名词短语(Noun Phrases) 名词短语: 指以一个名词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于名词,可作主语、宾语、表语或宾语补足语。常见名词短语的构成形式有: 限定词十名词 如: The girl 限定词+形容词(短语)十名词如: A beautiful girl 限定词十名词十介词短语如: A beautiful campus of my school. 限定词+描述性名词+名词 如: My school life,名词短语noun phrases,名词短语noun phrases,(1)限定词包括 冠词(a/an/the) 指示代词 (this/that/these/those等) 物主代词( my/your/his/her/our/their等) 不定代词(some/ no/ neither/both等) 数词(one/two/first/second等)。 (2)多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词-数词-描绘词-出处-材料性质-类别-名词。 如:a small round table/a tall gray building/a dirty old brown shirt/a famous German medical school/an expensive Japanese sports car 顺口溜记忆: 县(限定词)官(观点形容词)行(形状形容词)大(大小形容词)令(年龄新旧形容词)射(颜色形容词)国(国家等出处形容词)才(材料质地等形容词)。,名词短语noun phrases,自主探究 These red roses are for you, 这些红玫瑰是送给你的。 (名词短语these red roses 的构成形式为:限定词十形容词+名词,该短语在句中充当主语) I have three close friends. 我有三个要好的朋友。 (名词短语three close friends的构成形式为:限定词+形容词+名词,该短语在句中充当宾语) He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。 (名词短语my best friend的构成形式为:限定词十形容词+名词,该短语在句中充当表语) There are some red roses on that small table.在那张小桌上有一些红玫瑰。 (名词短语some red roses的构成形式为:限定词+形容词+名词+介词短语,该短语在句中充当主语;另外, the small table也是名词短语,在句中作介词on的宾语),名词短语noun phrases,既学既练 画出下例句中的名词短语并指明构成形式 1.The cute boy in blue jeans is my brother. The cute boy in blue jeans is my brother. 构成形式:限定词+形容词+名词+介词短语;限定词+名词 2.The cute boy wearing blue jeans is my bother The cute boy wearing blue jeans is my bother 构成形式:限定词+形容词+名词+ving短语;限定词+名词 3.The first young man is a bus driver. The first young man is a bus driver. 构成形式:限定词+序数词+形容词+名词;限定词+名词+名词,学,科,网,创原家独,形容词短语adjective phrases,形容词短语( Adjective Phrases) 形容词短语,是指一个以形容词为中心构成的短语,在句子中的功能相当于形容词,可以修饰名同或代词,还可以用作表语或者宾语补足语。常见形容词短语的构成形式有: 副词+形容词 如:very suitable 形容词+enough 如:good enough 形容词+介词短语 如 : good for nothing副词+形容词+介词如 : well worthy of praise,学,科,网,创原家独,形容词短语adjective phrases,案例探究 Your room is large and beautiful,你的房间大且美丽。 (形容词短语large and beautiful 的构成形式为:形容词+and/but+形容词,该短语在句中充当表语) The room was awfully dirty.这房间太脏了。 (形容词短语awfully dirty的构成形式为:副词+形容词,该短语在句中充当表语) The most beautiful bird I have ever seen is peacock.我见过的最漂亮的鸟是孔雀。 (形容词短语most beautiful的构成形式为:副词+形容词,该短语在句中作定语修饰名词bird) A good friend is someone who makes you really happy.好朋友就是能让你真正高兴的人。 (形容词短语really happy的构成形式为:副词+形容词,该短语在句中作宾语补足语),学,科,网,创原家独,形容词短语adjective phrases,既学既练 1.Our country is becoming more and more beautiful. Our country is becoming more and more beautiful. 构成形式:副词+and+副词+名词 2.The road is long enough. The road is long enough. 构成形式:副词+enough 3.The medicine is good for stomach. The medicine is good for stomach 构成形式:形容词+介词短语,学,科,网,创原家独,副词短语adverb phrases,副词短语:指以一个副词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于副词,可以修饰动词、形容词或副词。常见副词短语的构成形式有: (副词)+副词如: much more beautifully He did his work here yesterday.他昨天在这里工作。 (副词短语here yesterday修饰动词did) 【解析】 Bill did the work very well.比尔做的这份工作很好。 副词短语very well修饰动词did We are all entirely responsible for our action (副词短语all entirely, 修饰形容词短语responsible for),学,科,网,创原家独,学,科,网,创原家独,副词短语adverb phrases,既学既练 画出下例句中的副词短语 1.You are driving too fast. Could you drive less slowly? 2.Strangely enough, she didnt seem to like ballet very much. 3.The horse ran quite slowly, so they arrived very late.,人教版必修第一册,学,科,网,创原家独,
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