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Michella教案 7B Unit5Welcome to the unitbe careful当心,小心,用于提醒别人= look out, take care Be careful, Eddie!是祈使句,目的是为了唤起某人对某事的注意。E.g. Be careful! There is a bus coming!当心!汽车过来了。Be careful with your spelling.注意你的拼写。Be careful not to pour the soup over the table.小心不要把汤洒在桌子上。You should be careful when you use the knife.你使用小刀的时候应当小心。【小叮咛】 careful adj -carefullyadv(反义词 ) careless adj- carelessly advrecommend v 推荐;介绍*recommend sth推荐某物 eg. Recommend a car/ film/ plumber .推荐某汽车 /影片 /管道工 .*recommend A for (doing) B推荐 A 用来做 BE.g. What would you recommend for removing ink stains?你看用什么方法可以出去墨迹?She was strongly recommended for the post.她被大力推荐担任这个职务。We recommend Chen Xu for chairman of the Students Union.*recommend A as B推荐 A 担当 B (职务等)E.g. I can recommend him as a very good accountant.我推荐他一定能当个很好的会计。*recommend sth to/for sb把某物推荐给某人E.g. Can you recommend me a good novel?你能给我介绍一本好书吗?award n 奖品 e.g. Educational Development Awards 英 教育发展奖金Literature award文学奖金*award vt 颁奖,授奖e.g. The school awarded Merry a prize (for her good work).plant v 种植*plant + n e.g We are going to plant peach trees around the house.我们打算在房子周围种上桃树plant + n(场所 )+with+ n e.g. My mother planted the garden with many flowers.*plant n 植物;草木 e.g. These garden plants are very beautiful. 这些园艺植物非常好看。Can plant grow without sunlight?植物没有阳光能生长吗?【拓展】 water 和 workn/vE.g. Do you often water your flowers?你经常浇花吗?(动词)We need to drink some water. 我们需要喝些水。 (名词)No one makes Mr Green do so much work. But you can always find him working very late.没有人让格林先生干那么多工作。但你总能发现他工作到很晚。clean up 动词词组清理,打扫 +n 作宾语E.g. Please clean up the classroom before you leave school. 请在放学前将教室打扫干净。They are helping us clean up the playground.他们在帮我们打扫操场。【小叮咛】 up 常跟在 v 后,意为“彻底地,完全地”n 可以放在 up 之前或之后。如果后接代词宾格,则必须放在up 之前。E.g. I used up all the money.我花光了所有的钱。Eat your food up, boy.把你的食物都吃光,孩子。Let s finish it up before 9 o clock.我们在九点之前把它都完成吧。collect v 收集 e.g.His job is to collect all kinds of information.他的工作是收集各种各样的信息His favourite is collecting stamps.他的最爱是集邮。【小叮咛】 collect 的名词是 collection收藏,收集E.g. To everyones surprise, his collection costs more than one million dollars.使大家惊奇的是,他的收藏价值一百多万美元。9project n 工程;计划;方案A building project一个建筑计划a project to establish a new school一个设立新学校的计划visit参观;拜访;游览E.g. Mr. Chen will visit Spain next week.陈先生下个星期将游览西班牙。 They are going to visit History Museum today.他们今天将去参观历史博物馆。If I have time next month, I will visit my old friend Bill.elderly adj 较老的,上了年纪的the elderly 指老年人这一群老年人: the old, the aged, the elders, the elderly【小叮咛】定冠词 +adj 表示具有某一特点或特征的一类人,作主语是谓语动词通常用复数形式E.g. The rich- 富人the poor- 穷人the young年轻人the dead-死人the homeless无家可归的人Reading and Vocabularyalone adv 单独地,独自地( =all by oneself )E.g. He likes living alone.他喜欢独自生活。We cant finish this work alone.我们不能单独完成这项工作。【拓展】 alone adj 是一个表语形容词, “单独的,独自的”用n/pron之后,表“只有唯有”E.g. Do you feel alone when your parents are out?父母不在家时,你觉得孤独吗?Lily alone knows what happened.只有史密斯知道发生了什么事。【近义词辨析】 alone, lonelyAlone adj/adv单独的(地) ,独自的(地)adj 习惯上只用作表语,强调没有其他人在场Lonelyadj 孤独的;寂寞的既可用作 表语 也可用作 定语,指人在心灵上的寂寞和忧郁,带有强烈的感情色彩。修饰地点名词时,强调“偏僻的;荒凉的”E.g. The old man s house is in a lonely village. 这个老人的家在一个偏僻的小村庄里。The twins are together most of the time, so they never feel lonely.The old writer lives alone in a lonely mountain village, but he doesnt feel lonely.这位老座机独自一人住在偏僻的小村庄,但是他并不感觉的孤独。hear sb doing sth “听见某人正在做某事 ”,强调动作正在进行hear sb do sth “听见某人做某事 ”,强调动作已经发生过了E.g. Did you hear someone crying for help?你听到有人在呼救吗?I often hear someone talk outside in the evening.晚上我经常听到有人在外面讲话。【小叮咛】 hear, see, watch, notice 后+-v-ing作宾语不足, 表示正在进行的动作; 也可不不带to 的动词不定式作宾补,表示听到、看到或注意到了动作的全过程E.g. We noticed the little boy looking out the window.我注意到那个小男孩正从窗户往外看。Last night, the saw the man go into the house.昨天晚上,他看见那个人走进了那所房子。the 79-year-old Mrs Sun 作 his neighbour 的同位语,表示两者所指为同一个人。E.g. This is my teacher, Mr Smith.79-year-old 是一个复合形容词“数词 +n (+adj) ”是复合形容词,在句中做前置定语,数词与名词(与形容词)之间有连字符,其中的名词要用单数形式E.g. a two-month-old baby 一个两个月大的婴儿a 1,000-metre-long bridge 一座 1, 000 米长的大桥save v 挽救,拯救 e.g. To the doctor, the most important thing is to save the patient s life. Something must be done to save the endangered animals. 必须采取一些措施来拯救这些濒临灭绝的动物。* 储蓄,储存,可以和up, for连用,也可单独使用E.g. He has saved (up) a lot of money since he began to work in this city.自从他在这座城市工作以来他存了很多钱。He had a good sleep to save his energy for the final exam. 他好好睡了一觉,积蓄精力准备期末考试。* 节省,省去,免除E.g. As a student we should save time. That will save us a lot of trouble. 那将省去我们很多麻烦。* 保留,保全 e.g. It s no wonder they don t save her face. 难怪他们不给她留脸面。put out 扑灭,熄灭e.g. The fire was put out soon.火很快就被扑灭了。【谚语】 Far water does not put out near fire.远水救不了近火。【拓展】 put 摆,放*put+ n/pron+ 介词短语 e.g. Please put the book on the desk. 请把书放在书桌上。*put+ n/pron+adv( 短语) e.g. You must put
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