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高考英语一轮词汇过关以及阅读训练(Day 31)目录内容Part 1Part 1中英文互译训练Part 2Part 2词汇变形专项练习Part 3Part 3单词运用训练Part 4Part 4 阅读专项训练Part 1中英文互译训练中译英1. vi.始于(某一历史时期)2. vt.迁移;搬迁3. n.建筑物;结构4. adj.巨大的;庞大的5. n.场所;遗址6. adj.荒唐的;可笑的7. vi.(飞机)失事;坠毁英译中1.bulletin n. 2.canal n. 3.civil adj. 4.cliff n. 5.dam n. 6.gorge n. 7.hydro-electric adj. 8.reservoir n. 9.terminal n. 10.relic n. 11.harness vt. 12.submerge vt. 13.watchtower n. Part 2词汇变形专项练习1. n.(土木)工程 n.工程师2. v.容纳(乘客等) n.住处;住宿,膳食3. n.建造;建设;建筑 v.建造,建设4. adj.历史的;有关历史的 adj.有历史意义的 n.历史5. adj.狭窄的 adv.勉强地;狭窄地6. n.诗;诗歌 n.诗人7. adj.全球的 n.地球;地球仪8. adj.冷冰冰的;极冷的 v.冷冻 adj.结冰的;冻结的9. n.观察台 v.观察 n.观察10. adj.有浓雾的 n.雾Part 3单词运用训练Part 单词拼写1.It is (荒唐的) that John wants to make academic progress but never devotes any time to it.2.He was also a major player in training others in the act of (运河) planning and building.3.A Californian builder designed the (结构) of its houses smartly.4.Seans strong love of his country is reflected in his recently published (诗歌).5.In one corner was an (巨大的) stove, which nearly reached up to the ceiling.6.There are many famous cultural relics in our country, many (起源) back thousands of years.7.A small plane (碰撞) into a hillside five miles east of the city, killing all four people on board.8.Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still (遵守) the traditional customs.9.The government officials met the workers and (工程师)working on the stadium.10.With the misunderstanding (除去), the two old friends made up happily.Part B 单句语法填空1.On (fog) days, you have to drive very cautiously on the expressway to avoid traffic accidents.2.They had to bring the project under (construct) to an end because of a lack of money.3.After the disaster, the first thing the local government did was to provide . (accommodate) for the homeless families.4.By learning how not to damage the monuments, people will be able to enjoy this.(history) site for generations to come. 5.The problem of (globe) warming is serious.As a result,the sea levels have risen a little.6.His team solved the (engineer) problem by stealing an idea from nature.7.It was so that the cold weather the lake.And I was absolutely .(freeze)8.My car finally came to a road,some part of which to only 5 meters in width.At the moment,another car ran in our direction.It was running so fast that it. missed hitting mine.How dangerous it was! (narrow)Part 4 阅读专项训练(A)Swap, Dont shop!You keep hearing about recycling, right? But it doesnt end with bottles, cans, and paper. Clothing takes a huge amount of natural resources(资源)to make, and buying loads of new clothing(or throwing out old clothing)is not healthy for the environment. So what to do with all those perfectly-good-but-youre-maybe-a-little-sick-of-them clothes piled on your bedroom floor? _1_. Its the best way to get rid of your used clothes, score clothes from your friends, and have a party all at the same time.A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes, the organization of the event, and, obviously, how much fun is had. Its really easy to do! Here are a few pointers. Invite 510 people so you have a nice selection. _2_ , and there may not be enough things to choose from; more than that, and it becomes uncontrollable. _3_. They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their new clothes home. Put different types of clothing on different surfaces in the room._4_. Place a few mirrors around your room so people can see how things look when they try them on. One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take themthings always look different when you put them on.Set a starting time. Maybe you say “go,” or turn on a certain song, or whatever. _5_. And dont forget to put out some cookies and fruits. Remember, its a party!A. Less people than thatB. Hold a clothing swapC. If two people are competingD. Just keep music playing throughoutE. Donate whatever clothes are left overF Have everyone put their clothes in the right spotsG. Tell everyone to bring cle
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