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公司绝密黄山中英文导游词3篇自古黄山云成海,黄山是云雾之乡,以峰为体,以云为衣。黄山的云海冬季最为壮观,人们为云海美景而奔波,称为“赶海”。下面是带来的黄山中英文导游词,希望可以帮到大家。篇一:黄山中英文导游词游客们,大家好!欢迎大家来到世界遗产黄山风景名胜区。很高兴成为大家的导游!我叫阮铄腾,大家叫我阮导好了。俗话说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”黄山以奇松怪石云海温泉冬雪“五绝”闻名中外。今天我就给大家重点介绍黄山的奇松吧。大家请看,黄山的松树能在岩石缝中生存,生命力极强。它们形状各异,姿态万千:黑虎松龙爪松连理松迎客松等很多松树都因为它们的形状而得名呢!迎客松是黄山着名的景点之一,外形更是特别:它的树干中部伸出长达7.6米的两大侧枝展向前方,恰似一位好客的主人,挥展双臂,热情欢迎海内外宾客来黄山游览,成为中华民族热情好客的象征。等会儿我们还可以在那儿尽情拍照,作为纪念。黄山的奇观说也说不完,看也看不够。现在,请大家尽情去欣赏黄山的美景吧!请大家在游玩的时候不要乱扔果皮和和食品包装袋,不要到危险的地方去。祝大家玩得愉快!The tourists, everyone! Wele to the world heritage - huangshan scenic area. Very glad to be a tour guide! My name is ruan treatments teng, people call me nguyen guide.As the saying goes: its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue. Huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot spring, snow five greats famous Chinese and foreign. Today I will give everyone focuses on huangshan pines.Everyone see, huangshan pine trees can survive in rock seam, strong vitality. Their shapes, the intricacies of: black tiger, African, e loose loose knot, weling pine and so on many pine trees because they shape the name! Guest-greeting pine is one of the famous scenic spot huangshan, appearance is special: its central trunk out of the two lateral branch of up to 7.6 meters exhibition to the front, like a hospitable host, waved his arms, warmly wele guests from home and abroad to visit huangshan, bee the symbol of the Chinese people warm hospitality. Later we can over there to take photos, as a souvenir.The wonders of huangshan said also said not over, see also not enough. Now, please enjoy to enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan!Please dont throw the peel and in play and food packaging bags, not to a dangerous place.I wish you all have a good time!篇二:黄山中英文导游词大家好,我叫徐向宇,大家可以叫我小徐或徐导,很高兴担任这次黄山之旅的导游,大家要记住不要乱涂乱画,不要乱扔垃圾,要跟紧我。现在我们开始出发了。看,这就是“黄山四绝”中第一绝:奇松。黄山延绵数百里,千峰万壑,比比皆是。最著名的黄山松有:迎客松送客松蒲团松黑虎松探海松卧龙松团结松龙爪松竖琴松陪客松这就是黄山的十大名松。下一个景点是“四绝”之二,请游客们跟我走,登山途中,请大家注意安全。游客们请止步,请大家往我身后看,那些巨石就是“四绝”之二:怪石。黄山“四绝”之中的怪石,以奇取胜,以多著称,已被命名的怪石有120多处。大家顺我的手指向那边看,那就是“猴子观海”,远看去就是一个猴子在向下观望云海。除了“猴子观海”还有“仙桃石”“仙人指路”“金鸡叫天都”等奇石。游客们,我们往那看,那里便是“四绝”之三,云海。自古黄山云成海,黄山是云雾之乡,以峰为体,以云为衣。黄山的云海冬季最为壮观,人们为云海美景而奔波,称为“赶海”。我们再来看这“四绝”之四:温泉。温泉(古称汤泉),源出海拨850米的紫云峰,可饮可浴,传说轩辕皇帝就是在此沐浴七七四十九日得返老还童,羽化飞天的。游客们,我们来到了“人字瀑”, “人字瀑”又名飞雨泉,危岩百丈。我们再看那儿,那边还有“九龙瀑”“百丈瀑”等等。黄山值得介绍的地方很多很多,我这儿不一一介绍了,留着让你们自己观察吧!Hello everyone, my name is xiang-yu xu, or you can call me xu xu, glad to serve as the huangshan tour guide, graffito of the scribble you remember dont, dont litter, to closely to me. Now we begin to set out.Look, this is the first special skill: in four unique huangshan pines. Huangshan over hundreds of miles, thousands of peak mountains and valleys abound. The most famous of pinus taiwanensis: guest-greeting pine, fujian, futon, black tiger e loose loose, creeping, wolong pine, unity, African pine, harp, partiesthat e loose - this is the 10 names of huangshan pine. The next scenic spot is the four unique another, please visitors and follow me, climbing mountains on the way, please pay attention to safety.Visitors please stop, please everyone to look behind me, the stone is the four unique 2: peak. The peak of huangshan mountain four unique, in order to win, is famous for its many, there are more than 120 have been named after the peak. You arrange my fingers looked over there, that is monkey view of the sea, far look is a monkey looking down in a sea of clouds. In addition to the monkey view of the sea and peach stone, fairy directions, golden days and other stone.Visitors, we to look that, there is the four unique 3, sea of clouds. Huangshan huangshan clouds into the sea since ancient times, is the hometown of clouds, with peak as the body, with clouds. Huangshan sea of clouds in winter, the most spectacular people to travel to the sea scenery, known as beach bing.Lets look at four of the four unique : hot springs. Hot springs (called essence), source of either altitude 850 meters, ziyun peak can drink can bath, here is the legend xuanyuan emperor bathing the 774 19 rejuvenation, the butterflies are flying.Tourists, we came to the organ, human organ aka raindance springs, baizhang dangerous rock. Well look at that. There are Kowloon organ, baizhang waterfall and so on. Huangshan worthy of introduced a lot, I am here not introduce one by one, has let you watch yourself!篇三:黄山中英文导游词大家好,我是你们的小导游。今天我要带你们去黄山游玩。说起黄山“四绝”排名第一的当然是奇松。黄山的松树有着无比顽强力。他们不怕严寒,四季常青,形状千姿百态,让你眼花缭乱。第二决就是奇石。黄山的石头千奇百怪。已被命名的怪石有120多种。有的像一只大公鸡展翅啼鸣,所以命名为“金鸡叫天门”,有的似五位穿着长袍的老人,所以被叫做“五老上天都”。排名第三的就是温泉。我们常讲和浏览的温泉是前山的黄山宾馆温泉,古时候叫汤泉,从紫石峰涌出。温泉水常年保持在42度左右,水质很好,但是不能饮用。最后我们来到黄山云海。黄山的云与平常的不一样,像滔滔流水。好了,今天就到这里了,欢迎下次再来黄山游玩。Hello, I am your little guide. Today I will take you to visit huangshan.Speak of the four unique huangshan ranked first, of course, is loose. Huangshan pine has a very strong force. They are not afraid of cold, evergreen, shape diff
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