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高考英语一轮复习每日训练25一、阅读理解AIn order to stay healthy, you should cut out fast food, avoid late-night snacking and refuse all things cooked in oil. Now you may be thinking: What healthy food is tasty? Dont worry. Your favorite foods might just be good and healthy for you! The most important thing of all is to eat different foods. They can provide you with vitamins and minerals, which are important to your health. Its vitamins that help our bodies grow and develop. Vitamin A helps form healthy teeth and skin, and fight against disease. When choosing foods that provide vitamin A, think of colourful food, for example, carrots, eggs, potatoes, cheese and milk. There are many types of B vitamins, and each one helps your health. For example, vitamin B6 helps increase the amount of oxygen in the cells. Potatoes, bananas, chicken and beans are rich in vitamin Bs. Vitamin C is necessary for you to repair your body and immune system (免疫系统). With vitamin C, your body is better able to repair itselfit can stop you getting ill and help you recover from an illness. Vitamin C can be found in many different foods like tomatoes, potatoes and oranges. One of the reasons that vitamin D is important is that it helps your body absorb (吸收) Calcium. Eggs, potatoes, fish and milk are all good sources of vitamin D. There are also some other important vitamins. Many fruit and vegetables lose vitamins when they are cooked, so it is sometimes better to eat them in their natural form. Remember that different foods provide different kinds of nutrients. Whole foods, such as vegetables, fruit, meat and fish, should stay in your diet. Try to eat a balanced diet each day and you will be healthy. 1. If you want to keep healthy, youd better _. A. eat anything you likeB. try to eat as many kinds of foods as possibleC. only eat the foods talked about in the passageD. often take medicine that contains vitamins2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Late-night snacks are bad for the body. B. Vitamin C can help your body to repair itself. C. Milk is rich in vitamins A and D. D. We can drink milk instead of water. 3. What can we know from the passage? A. B vitamins are useful for keeping people young. B. Eating your favorite foods is enough to keep healthy. C. With vitamin D, one can absorb more other vitamins. D. One should try to eat some foods in their original form. 4. What may happen if a child does not have enough vitamin C? A. He may look old. B. He may not have hair. C. He may have bad eating habits. D. He may often get ill. BNot too long ago a thirty-year-old financial analyst was complaining to me over a period of months about her tendency to procrastinate(拖延)in her job. We had worked through her feelings about her employers and how they related to her feelings about authority in general, and to her parents specifically. We had examined her attitudes towards work and success and how these related to her marriage, her sexual identity, her desire to compete with her husband, and her fears of such competition. Yet despite all this standard psychoanalytic(精神分析的)work, she continued to procrastinate as much as ever. Finally one day, we dared to look at the obvious. “Do you like cakes? ” I asked her. She replied that she did. “Which part of the cake do you like better, ”I went on, “ the cake or the frosting(糖霜)? ” “Oh, the frosting! ” she responded enthusiastically. “And how do you eat a piece of cake? ” I inquired, feeling that I must be the most silly psychiatrist that ever lived. “I eat the frosting first, of course, ”she replied. From her cake-eating habits we went on to examine her work habits, and, as was to be expected we discovered that on any given day she would devote the first hour to the more satisfying half of her work while the remaining six hours to the objectionable (令人反感的) another half. I suggested that if she were to force herself to finish the unpleasant part of her job during the first hour, she would then be free to enjoy the other six. It seemed to me, I explained, that one hour of pain followed by six hours of pleasure was preferable to one hour of pleasure followed by six hours of pain. She agreed, and, being basically a person of strong will, she no longer procrastinated. Delaying satisfaction is a process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way as to improve the pleasure by meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with. It is the only good way to live. 5. Why did the author ask about her friends cake-eating habits? _ A. To have a relaxing chat with her. B. To know more about her habits in her life and work. C. To share their favorite food. D. To find out something obvious. 6. What was the advice from the author? A. Forcing herself to finish the unpleasant part of the job. B. Being free to enjoy the job. C. Experiencing and overcoming the pain first
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