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英语自我介绍职场 My name is david .I have graduated from beijing university for two years.My major is english and my second foreign language is japanese.In campus i also learn french by myself in order to sharpen my competitivenesws after graduation,I like sports and am good at communication with others.I always took part in the activities in school and got many experience on how to cooperate with other fellows during work. Before i worked in a foreign trade company where i got a further idea of the operation of a company and get more experienced in communication and teamwork.I performed well there. As for me i want to face more challenge and prove my capability so that i can get all my potential ability fully developped. Here i sincerely hope that you can give me a opportunity .And i will spare no efforts to be a qualified one in your company 你没写专业 跟职业背景 我就按照我自己写了 当然要事先打腹稿,有备无患。最关键的就是对雇佣公司的业务,以及对求职候选人的使命要求要了解,然后针对这些要求对照自己的学历,特长,先前的工作经历、自己的工作风格,等一一准备。在就职面试时,要相机而进,生硬地背诵整段腹稿肯定不行。要放松,自然地针对提出的问题充分发挥。自我介绍可以是: Good morning/afternoon,my name is 。 I graduated from 。. 大学 in 。年份with a 。.学位on 。专业不必介绍自己的年龄,许多外资公司对此不感兴趣。I am interested in this position because I feel my qualification fits the requirements you posted for this position. 此时他们可能会问你为什么,那时候你就可以趁此机会依据准备的材料充分发挥了,要针对他们的要求介绍你自己的长处,一定不要谦虚 。. 祝您成功。注意:要自信,自然,神色自假设,要与各提问者轮番有短暂的目光接触,不要盯视,也不要眼神躲闪游移。8.职场英语:一分钟面试自我介绍怎么做才出色 一分钟内给对方留下好印象,以下三点是我的建议: 1 说点对方做过的事或者他感兴趣的事,举个例子,“I read/heard that your company focuses on/is known for/values talent that/etc. . . .这些话可以说明你是有备而来的,对公司的业务很熟悉。 2关于对方正在做或者对方感兴趣的事,发表你的见解,举个例子,“Ive been following your company/industry/technology/etc. and understand that youre paying more attention to/expanding in/trying to/etc. . . . 这些话说明你对这个公司从事的事情非常有兴趣。 3说说你做过的跟他们公司业务相关,或者你做过的与他们比较感兴趣的领域有关的话题,举个例子,“Im doing an independent study/working on a project/doing some research related to your company/industry/technology/etc. . . . 这些话可以说明你能够给公司创造价值。 当你想要快速给对方留下好印象时,多数人都会说一些自己的特质,但是,说一些对方正在做或是对方感兴趣的事,往往会事半功倍。
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