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精品word学习资料可编辑Principles of MarketingChapter(1 10 )Name :Class :The International College of Henan University of Technology名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Chapter 1 : Marketing in a changing worldWhat is marketingMarketers job is dealing with customers.Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit.Two goals of marketing: attracting new customer; keeping current customer. Marketing is the most important job in an organization.Marketing definedMarketing is not only selling and advertising.The old sense of marketing is“ telling and selling” ; at the present, the only way do the marketing is satisfying customer needs.A detaileddefinition:A socialand managerialprocesswherebyindividualsand groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging productsand value with others.The process of marketing名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Identify customer sneeds and wantsDesign or improve the productSent the product to market(make it available)名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Get feedback from customerTelling customer the product can satisfy their needs & wants名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Several important concepts in the definition1. Needs, wants, and demands.Needs: the basic human requirement.Want:Theformtakenby a humanneedas shapedby cultureandindividual personality.Demands: human wants that are backed by buying power2. Products and servicesProducts: Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.Products include physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations, and ideas.Products can be referred as satisfier, resource, or marketing offer.3. Value, satisfaction, qualityCustomer value:The difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product.Customersatisfaction:Theextenttowhichaproduct sperceivedperformance matches a buyer s expectation.Quality:The totality of featuresand characteristic of aproduct or servicethat名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑bear on its ability to satisfy customer needs.4. Exchange, Transactions, and RelationshipsExchange:theactofobtainingadesiredobjectfromsomeonebyoffering something in return.Transaction:A trade between two parties that involves at least two things of value, agreed-upon conditions, a time of agreement, and a place of agreement.Relationshipmarketing:The processof creating,maintaining,and enhancing strong, value-laden relationships with customer and other stakeholders.名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑SuppliersCompany (marketer)CompetitorsMarketing intermediariesEnd user market名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Each party in the system adds value for the next level. So a company s success depends not only on its own actions but also on the relationships with others.5. MarketsMarket:The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or serviceInformation名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Industry(a collection of sellers)Product-ServicesMoneyMarket(a collection of buyers)名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑InformationMarketing managementThe analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives.Marketing management involves demand management and customer relationship management.Demand managementGeneral speaking obtaining maximized profit is companies goal.Every company has a production optimization, to meet this optimized production levelmarketer need manage the demand.In some sense, marketing management is demand management名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Customer relationship managementCustomer relationship management s objective is increasing customer loyalty.Many research point out, the cost of obtaining a new customer is ten times higher than keeping a current customer.Many companies put emphasis on explore customer lifetime value.Marketing management philosophies The production conceptThe product concept The selling concept The marketing conceptThe societal marketing conceptThree considerations underlying the societal marketing conceptSociety (Human welfare)Societal Marketing名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Consumers (Want satisfaction)Company (Profits)名师归纳总结欢迎下载精品word学习资料可编辑Marketing challenges in the new connected millenniumConnections with Customers Connecting more selectively Connecting for lifetime-valueConnecting directl
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