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九年级英语上unit10单元测试题新目标9年级 Unit10 单元测试题1 I口语练习 There are many helpfulinventions around usChoose one youre familiar with and introduceits history to your partner 听力 A根据所听到的内容在短文空白处填上正确的单词 生词:cacao n可可(树);可可豆 ceremony n典礼 Do you know how chocolate is 1and what it is made of? Whenyou walk into the2,a lotof trees wm greet your3 . But why arethere so many trees, and not chocolate? 4these are called cacao trees,and they can producecacao beansChocolate is made of cacao beans,andthe cacao beans have a 3 000 year5 . And what ismore 6 ,manypeople in dif ferent7of the world have ChocolateCeremonies! At the ceremonies,8often rnake a very huge9of chocolate. Everyonecan eat as much as he wants! Do you want to 10 them? B根据所听短文内容选择最佳答案 生词:secretary n秘书 1. Sam telephoned his_. Asister Bmother Csistersson 2. Sam called to_ Atellhis sister something Btheteapot to another place Che wantedhis sister to call back 3. Sam told Tom to move the teapot because_. Atheteapot was in the wrong place Btheteapot should be on the bed Chewanted his sister to call back 4. When Sams sister came back home ATomtold her who had telephoned her BTomtold her who wanted him to move the teapot Cshecalled back to ask Sam why the teapot was on the bed 5. The chair was put on the desk because_. Athesecretary wanted to remember who telephoned Sam Bthesecretary wanted to clean the office C. Sams sister called backto ask the secretary to do it 用适当的介词填空 1. I dont think the computer wasinvented_ the telephone 2. Was the heated icecream scoop invented_ Chelsea Lanmon? Yes, I think so 3. The stamps are used_ sendingletters 4. Its said that the emperor Shen Nungdiscovered tea_ accident 5. English is spoken_ the firstlanguage in Canada 6 .The young adults can get rela_ation_reading cartoons or watching them on TV. 7. Seeing their teacher wearing abeautiful dress, all the girls screamed_ jealousy 句型转换 1. She was seen to comeout of the library by him(变为主动语态) He_ _ out of the library 2. When are trees oftenplanted?(变为主动语态) When_ people often_? 3. The League wasfounded in Guangzhou in 1922(就划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ theLeague_? 4. Did the studentswear the school clothes a lot?(变为被动语态) _ the school clothes_ alot? 5. Kate. took good careof the baby yesterday evening(变为被动语态) The baby_ _ _ well byKate yesterday evening 6. His aunt bought hima bicycle. (变为被动语态) A bicycle_ _ _ him byhis aunt V完形填空 The bicycle is one of the simplest (最简单的)yet most useful inventions in the world. Whatis most surprising is that it was notinvented earlier,lthe great inventor Leonardo da Vincihad drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some otherthings. Those thingswere notproduced2 long after he died A person riding a bicycleuse3 energy(能量)tomake the bicycle move, and there is no pollution at all when you are riding. Evenso, m developed 4, most people dont travel towork by bicycle. It is not because thebicycles are e_pensive or people feel 5 if they ride towork. Its because6 cars on the roads becomeslarger. It certainly becomes7to ride a bi-cycle. As a result, morepeople put their bicycles away and go to work8 their cars and, in this way, thesituation(情形)is made more serious.9 the best way to make ridingsafer and more popular is to create paths(开设通道)only for bicycles,and to make10so difficult and e_pensive fordrivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to use theirbicycles 1Aalthough Bso CbutDbecause 2AwhenBbefore CsinceDuntil 3AmuchBquitea lot ofCverylittleDmany 4AworldBcountriesC1andDearth 5Acomfortable B1uckyCsorry Dtired 6Athe number ofBanumber of Cthis kind ofDan kinds of 7Asafer Bmore dangerous Cmuch dangerous Dsafe 8AbyBinCuseDdrive 9A. Always BMay beCPerhapsDNearly 10AitBthemCus Dt
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