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Theme Inferring and Plotting Coherence in Continuation Writing,2020.10.20,主讲人:Zoe,Step 4 Complete the story in details,Step 3 Develop the story with corehence,Step 1 Read for elements of the story,Step 2 Read for detailed information,Steps for continuation writing,1. 理解阅读文本, 掌握其大意, 关注画线关键词; 2. 找出阅读文本中的悬念, 并根据悬念发挥想象,续写故事; 3. 理解所给两个段落首句的隐含意思,注意续写故事的连贯性; 4. 明白读后续写的要求和评分原则。,5W1H,before class, after class,teachers office, classroom,Lisa and I, Miss Hanley, Kathleen (main character?),Lisa and I wrote a note to Miss Hanley and left it on her desk before class.,We thought Miss Hanley liked Kathleen more than us and it was not fair.,Miss Hanley asked us to stay after class for a few minutes.,(beginning/origin),(event),Climax,Beginning,Ending,My best friend Lisa and I thought Miss Hanley liked Kathleen more than us.,development,Miss Hanley asked us to stay after class.,We wrote a note to Miss Hanley and left it on her desk before class.,Story Mountain,My best friend Lisa and I carefully wrote our words with a No.2 pencil. We took turns writing down the sentences.,careful, childish,Lisa and I ignored the other kids, and were high on her praise for days.,positive; inspired,In Miss Hanleys class, we behaved ourselves, although we couldnt help comparing ourselves with Kathleen.,loving their teachers, well-behaved, childish,“You like her because she is a goody-goody. Thats not fair! Just that we are not goody-goody does not mean you should like us less.”,straightforward; dissatisfied,My heart was pounding.,uneasy, worried,“Youre a very talented writer,”Miss Hanley often told me. But Miss Hanley clapped strongly, saying,”Great!Great!”,encouraging, kind, considerate,Use some key words as clues to infer the theme.,Passage: comparing,goody-goody,envy beginnings: pounding,before class, after class,comparing,1. We couldnt help comparing ourselves with Kathleen.(原文) 2.You call on Kathleen more than you call on us.(原文) 3. Miss Hanley never ever liked Kathleen more than anyone else.(推测) 4. We didnt need to compare ourselves with others.(推测),Theme:1. Teachers love for students is equal. 2.We dont need to compare ourselves with others.,Human and nature, Human and society, Human and self,“两段首句定一框,二框二首正能量”,Paragraph 1: My heart was pounding as we left the note before class on Miss Hanleys desk. Paragraph 2: At three oclock, Miss Hanley asked us to stay after class for a few minutes.,Time,Place,Character,Tense,Theme,Coherence,两段首句定一框 1.Why was my heart pounding? I was terrified of Miss Hanley reaction. I guessed Miss Hanley was going to be very angry. I was curious about what would happen next. 2.What would I do and how would I feel in class? I could not concentrate in class. I sneaked a glimpse of Kathleen/Miss Hanley/Lisa. I stared at the clock, hoping time to go more and more quickly.,Paragraph 1: My heart was pounding as we left the note before class on Miss Hanleys desk. Paragraph 2: At three oclock, Miss Hanley asked us to stay after class for a few minutes.,二框二首正能量 3.How would we react when Miss Hanley asked us to stay? We felt uneasy, and were unable to meet Miss Hanleys eyes. A mixture of panic and regret took hold of us. 4.Did I still think that Miss Hanley liked us less while liked Kathleen more in the end? No. I knew there was room in Miss Hanleys heart for me! I knew from Miss Hanley that she loved us all, and I was moved by her love and understanding. We realized we couldnt judge a person only by our likes and dislikes.,Paragraph 1: My heart was pounding as we left the note before class on Miss Hanleys desk. Paragraph 2: At three oclock, Miss Hanley asked us to stay after class for a few minutes.,Outline:,Para.1: I was terrified of Miss Hanley reaction. . I could not concentrate in class. Para.2: We felt uneasy, and were unable to meet Miss Hanleys eyes. . I knew from Miss Hanley that she loved us all, and I was moved by her love and understanding.,Para.1: I guessed Miss Hanley was going to be very angry. . I stared at the clock, hoping time to go more and more quickly. Para.2: A mixture of panic and regret took hold of us. . We realized we couldnt judge a person only by our likes and dislikes.,Language style,Point of view: the first person,Style: Simple sentences with simple words,“KISS” Principle:,Keep it simple and straight.,Some excellent points,适当呼应前文。(Call back) She even praised that goody-goody just for her quiz.(兹楷) Not until then did we realize that we were actually the goody-goody.To get more attention, we should show more enthusiasm in Literature and make ourselves better.(梓洋) Every time I looked at the blackboard, Kathleens decent behavior and elegant smile always caught my eyes.(惠琪) As the class progressed, Miss Hanley asked me and kathleen questions, and much to my wide-eyed surprise, she told me, “Youre a very talented writer” again, and I couldnt help guessing that she hadnt read our note yet.,Some excellent points,细节描写 Lisa and I waited nervously and anxiously.The later she came, the louder my heart was b
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