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Unit 3 This is my father第一课时第一局部 简要提示一、 年级:3年级 二、 单元:Unit3三、 课题:This is my father 四、 课型:新授课五、教学内容:单元Part A六、教学目标:1. 认识本课中的新人物:Mr. Black,Mrs. Black,Gao Shan; 2. 能听懂、会说家庭成员间的称呼语:father,mother,brother,sister;3. 能用This is my句型介绍家庭成员。七、重点难点:1. 能用This is (my) 介绍朋友或家人2正确理解和运用: Mrs第二局部 教学过程第一步:重难点突破T: Hi, boys and girls, Im Miss Zhu. Nice to meet you. T:(指手偶) This is my friend, Bobby. Lets say Hello to him. T: Bobby is my friend,. Would you like to introduce your friends? 现在你们认识了我的朋友 Bobby,那么,你能用:This is介绍一下这几位朋友吗?(PPT: Miss Li、Mr. Green、Gao Shan) 1.T: Oh, this is Miss Li.T: And this is Mr. Green. T: Is this Wang Bing?T: No. lets ask: Whats your name? Listen! (课件声音:Hello! Im GaoShan.)T: Oh. This is GaoShan. Gaoshan is our new friend.T: Are they your friends? (PPT: David、Nancy) T: Yes. This is David. David Black. And this is Nancy. Nancy Black. (字幕:David Black Nancy Black) T: 同学们,英文名与中文名一样,都有姓和名,David 和Nancy 都姓Black,他们是一家人。T: David is brother and Nancy is sister. T: (字幕:brother) Please look at my mouth and listen carefully, brother, brother.T: Who can read it? Hands up!T: Now, read after me.T: Please read brother one by one. Group One , first.T: David is Nancys brother. And Nancy is Davids sister.T: (字幕:sister) 教法同上T: Guess, whos this? (PPT: Mr. Black) Oh, this is Mr. Black. Mr. Black is David and Nancys father.T: (字幕:father) 教法同上T: (PPT: Mrs. Black) This is David and Nancys mother.T: (字幕:mother) 教法同上T: This is Mrs. Black. Mrs. Black is David and Nancys mother. We call her: Mrs. Black.T: (字幕:Mrs. 夫人) Listen carefully, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Black. Now, read after me.T: Please read Mrs, Mrs, Mrs Black. Now, lets read it together.(cards) OK, Lets read these words together.2.T: the Blacks has a happy family. And I have a happy family ,too.(PPT: 我的全家福) T: Look, whos this? Its me! And this is my (字幕: This is my )T: Please read after me: This is my 3.Now, Group One, youre the first family, the Blacks. (PPT: 格林家的照片)第一组的同学,你们现在就是布莱克家的一员了,请你们介绍一下家庭成员吧。Group two, youre the Greens. (PPT: 格林家的照片) 你们能像第一组的同学那样来介绍吗?Group three, youre the Browns. (PPT: 布朗家的照片) 请你们也来介绍一下吧。Group four, youre the Whites. (PPT: 怀特家的照片) Now, please.4.同学们,你们都记住了吗?好!下面请同学们注意屏幕上出现的照片,如果这是你家的照片,请用: This is my大声介绍你的家人。注意了,每张图片只有6秒钟时间,看哪个组能认得又快又准呢?T:好!我们来比一比。(PPT: 出示四户人家的照片。) (本步骤设计说明:通过复习第二单元的句型This is引出本课中的新人物:Mr Black、 Mrs Black、 Gao 将全班模拟成四个家庭,让他们看着照片练习:This is my 并以快速认人的游戏让学生高度集中注意,踊跃参加到介绍家人的练习中去。)第二步:课文学习 T: OK, We all have happy families, lets enjoy the English song.(听歌曲: Finger family) 1.T: (用指偶) Bobby, this is my father. (字幕:This is my) Bobby: Nice to meet you, Mr. Zhu. (字幕: Nice to meet you, Mr. ) Mr. Zhu: Nice to meet you, Bobby. (字幕: Nice to meet you, ) T: Boys and girls, this is my mother. Ss: (Nice to meet you, Mrs Zhu.) (字幕:Nice to meet you, Mr. / Mrs) T: Nice to meet you , children.T: This is my brother, Jack.Ss: Jack: Nice to meet you, too.T: 通过学习,我们知道可以用: This is my将自己的家人介绍给朋友认识。 第一次见面的人应该用:Nice to meet you 来相互问候。2.T: 好,下面我们来看一下这四幅图,想一想他们会说什么呢?(PPT: 课文四张图片,让学生讨论) T: Please discuss in groups.3.T: Now lets listen to the dialogue. (金太阳Part A)你们说对了吗?我想你们一定也能说的这么好4.T: Please open your books, turn to page 18.下面我们跟着录音一起来读一下这段对话.(Part A,加字幕)第三步:稳固练习 T: 好,哪个家庭愿意第一个上来?T: OK, lets welcome The Blacks. (现场学生做自我介绍)T: First, please introduce yourselves.T: Nancy, would you like to introduce your family? 同学们别忘了向新朋友说:Nice to meet you.Nancy 一个一个介绍家人。T: 同学们,你们学会了吗?那么接下来就请你们也来介绍一下吧。(本步骤设计说明: 以“快乐的家为主题,让学生以介绍家庭成员将所学语言放在模拟的情景中运用,不仅培养了学生的交际能力,还使学生每个学生都有参与的时机,表达了合作精神。)结束语:T: 同学们,今天大家学得都很棒。回家后我们可以用今天学的句子向爸爸妈妈介绍一下你的同学,下节课把自己的全家福带来向同学们介绍一下你的家庭成员。我们下节 课再见。Bye!第三局部 说明本课的主要句型是介绍家庭成员以及相互之间的问候。一开始,通过复习This is 为了让学生操练此句型,以模拟家庭形式展开“赛一赛的活动,要求学生通过快速闪现的人物照片说出:This is my “快乐的家为主题介绍家庭成员,将所学语言运用在实际情景中。
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