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四年级-学年英语知识竞赛 班级 开心模仿秀Model 1: Are you doing the dishes? Yes, I am.1.they / dusting the furniture_2.she / making the bed_3.Tony / washing the car_Model 2: What are you doing? Im drawing.1.they / reading _2.your mother / waving _3.he / sitting_Model 3: These are Gogos toes.1.his / fingers_2.Tony / teeth_3.her / knee_Model 4: Is he working? Yes, he is.1.Lisa / sleeping_2.they / talking_3.Tony and his friends / singing_Model 5: Where are you going? Im going to the park.1.Tony / beach_2.Lisa and Jenny / movie theater_3.Mrs. Green / shopping mall_Model 6: Are you going to the bank? No, Im not.1.they / shopping mall_2.Tony /swimming pool_3.Lisa / beach_Model 7: What time do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00.1.she / get home_2.they / go to the park_3.Gogo / do his homework_Model 8: Do you like making models? Yes, I do.1.Gogo and Tony / playing video games_2.Peter / visiting his friends_3.Lisa / reading comic books_Model 9: Is this towel yours? Yes, it is.1.glasses / his_2.swimsuit /hers_3.keys / theirs_Model 10: What do you want to do? I want to go home.1.they / eat dinner_2.Ben / listen to music_3.my sister / go to the park_Model 11: What do you want to be? I want to be a doctor.1.they / teacher_2.she / secretary_
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