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Restorethebodyofthechapter43000字高一作文范例Zhou Chengzong took the sign, the lower the head to have a look, the in the mind.- this is shennong shennong of home made! Will be the sign held tightly stay immediately.Turned, hand slipped, and the brand has been him away. ;God will honor, is not to chase?;A pro who asked to catch up. Zhou Chengzong shook his head, ;do you know where they went?; The kiss who shook his head, looked at the ashes of has been the first black dress person, know this clue, is broken. Just the second men in black with Zhou Huai_uan ran too fast, and because they Zhou Chengzong torch lit up here, far away places more black instead. Men in black with Zhou Huai_uan into the night, in front of the sight is a little out of sight. The wang clasped the ChengSi yan, bowed their heads and did take a closer look at her injuries, asked her in a low voice: ;. that and villains have hit you?; ChengSi yan head shaking like a rattle with a smile, ;no. Did not hin elder brother took care of me.;Then ask again: ;bosom hin elder brother?; Is just that the voice of a black dress person, ChengSi yan has heard of it, just want to confirm it.- eyes see, is not convenient. The wang gave Zhou Chengzong Suo quickly, in the heart secretly sighed, ;alas,; and for ChengSi yan way: ;weeks childe, captured by the black dress person. - lets go home. Here has nothing to do with us.; ChengSi yan is very sympathetic to the sufferings of the Zhou Huai_uan, smell speech he turned his head, with grey eyes, toward the direction of talked Zhou Chengzong way: ;god will honor, with hin brother is your son, no matter he, you cant. You so much, quick to save him!; Zhou Chengzong surface sink water, didnt take a reason she, ChengSi yan and wang, even without his robe sleeve a breeze, striding walked down the hill. His kiss who glances with each other, also slightly shook his head, following Zhou Chengzong went down the mountain. Brigade of the torch like snake down the hill. Wang said, holding the ChengSi yan behind team down the mountain. In the mountain, is the wee hours, sky show slightly. The sky was a fish-belly grey WangGu Village Wang Shihe ChengSi yan live outside the city, dont have to go to town, he went all the way with ChengSi YanHui themselves at home. Zhou Chengzong with pro who return to god will house, saw his original office wife feng came to a full face of tears, with hope and asked, ;_uan son?; Zhou Chengzong light tunnel: ;_uan son was taken away by.;Wont say another word, no two words. By feng, such as a bolt from the blue, and in the local stand for a moment, turned from white to red, the whole body to tremble. ;Taken? What do you mean? They all say, that and villains in shennong house now before the body, you say to him, but why not catch up again?!;Von watching Zhou Chengzong light face, heart more hate, originally dont want to that incident, but couldnt help it. Zhou Chengzong looked at her one eye, commanded the humans, ;Mrs Fu back to the inner court. This is the outer court, not a place for women. What do you do good? Dont have any choice price.;Said, and they walked to the back room. Von watching Zhou Chengzong big burly figure, the in the mind suffered, but dare not speak again, sat down at a draught outbuilding chair, wu wear the chest mumbling tunnel: ;be taken away to where go to?;Said and started to cry and SOB a way: ;I only have so a son! You have the heart to him being taken away by someone else? Those people know he is sick? Can take care of him? Let him eat satisfied wear warm? - you so much, how can catch those and villains?; Zhou Chengzong heard in back room, carry recall earlier in the mountains, the blind man little girl said, with his own wife, more annoyed by heart.But thanks to his many years in the outside, naturally and presence of mind, not by words stimulate all attacks, just ignored, a person sitting in front of the desk, he will give him the piece of black dress person shennong makes tossed and turned to look at it. Their house with shennong family relationship is wonderful. This token, him a long time, and do not see traces of forgery, that is to say, the token is true? But, how can the black dress persons hand with the token of the home? Sheng, known as ;shennong;, of course, because of the superior skill.That year the summer home ancestral uprising, medical need, of course, have to understand the people around, otherwise no eye, arrows on the battlefield will die someday.Shengs ancestors had is summer home patriarchs rescuer, can say, if there is no home, summer home ancestors would have died in the battlefield, and not be able to obtain the final victory led to rebel. As they weeks home, known as ;god;, is because they weeks home over the years is a star.From the following summer home
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