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The Answers to Unit 1Enhance Your Language Awareness(I) Working with Words and Expressions2.1 obtain2 confident3 communicate4 advantage5 relevant6 helpful7 extreme8 enjoyable9 means10 process11 particularly12 characters13 astonished14 apparently3. 1 fond of2 isrelated to3 according to4 To a certain degree5 vice versa6 no doubt7 ridof8 cleared up9 or else10 at all costs11 sure enough12 let alone13 similar to14 It s no use15 in my opinion16 was worth(II) Increasing Your Word Power1. 1 c2 d3 b4 b5 b6 d2. 1 highly/very2 quite/very 3 quite/very/increasingly 4 quite/simply/very3.AdverbsAdjectivesefficientlyefficientparticularlyparticularfluentlyfluentquicklyquickcheaplycheapcontinuallycontinualprobablyprobableadventurouslyadventurousfinallyfinalsteadilysteadyslowlyslowsolemnlysolemnreallyrealapparentlyapparenttentativelytentativeexactlyexact4.No Mistake especialespeciallynecessarily necessary frequent frequentlyNo Mistakeeasily easy No Mistakeindividually individualmuch manyhigh highlyapparently apparent remarkably remarkable probable probablyNo Mistake(III) Grammar Task 1:1 would/should2 should/would3 might4 would5 must6 cant7 shouldwould8 mustTask 2:(1) We passed the afternoon very pleasantly, roller-skating in the sun and talking about our childhood under a tree. / The afternoon passed very pleasantly, while we roller-skated in the sun and talked about our childhood under a tree.(2) On entering the lecture hall, I was surprised at the sizeof the crowd. / When I entered the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd.(3) When I was only a small boy, my father took me to Beijing and we had a lot of fun together.(4) To write well, a person must read good books.(IV) Cloze1 doubt2 efficient3 where4 advantage5 afford6 claim7 fluently8 qualified9 extent10 ridiculous11 perfect12 as13 because14 individual(V) Translation1. Translate the sentences(1) The baby cant even crawl yet, let alone walk.(2) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie.(3) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better.(4) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in thegame.(5) Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.(6) We have passed all the relevant information on to the police.(7) There/ It is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I wont answer.(8) It was a mistake on Jims part to sign the contract without reading it carefully.(9) They refused to provide us with all the information we need.(10) This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.(11) The film is based on a play by/ of Shakespeare.(12) If you have a good command/ mastery of English and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job/ in job-hunting.2. Translate the paragraph近年来英语教学法有了很大的转变,但是仍是有大量的教学活动建立在行为主义心理学基础之上; 那些信奉行为主义心理学理论的老师热衷于让同学复述短语,并迫使同学做一些只需不断更换句中某个词的练习;假如我们是鹦鹉或黑猩猩,那么这些方法或许能奏效;但我们不是;人类的语言交际必需是真实、有意义的;The Answers to Unit 2Enhance Your Language Awareness(VI) Working with Words and Expressions2.1 create2 conflict3 involved4 overcame5 have survived6 attend7 frowned8 wander9 guilty10 sustained11 survey12 awkward13 recall14 terrified15 insurance16 Adapting3. 1 was sick of2 choking back3 Compared with4 settled into5 would give anything6 in the midst of7 in his own right8 on my own9 fit in with10 grew apart from11 No wonder12 staying up(13) was annoyedwith14was scared of15introuble16 For instance(VII) Increasing Your Word Power1. 1 possessive5 lenientstrict9 stubborn2 overprotective6 rebellious3 frustrated7 frustrated4 possessive8 restless2. 1 survey2 sustain3 attend4 terrify5 wrap6 recall3.WordsSuffixesAdjectivesChinese meaningdanger-ousdangerous危险的ironyfury-y -ic-y-iousironicfurious具有讽刺意味的暴怒的industry-y-iousindustrious勤劳的joy-ousjoyous(令人)兴奋的ambition-ion -iousambitious有抱负的;有野心的fame-e-ousfamous着名的hero-icheroic英勇的adventure-e-ousadventurous宠爱冒险的4. 1 dangerous2 ironic3 fury4 heroic5 adventurefame(VIII) Grammar Task 2:1. argue with each other2. The accident happened .3. enjoy it 4
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