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再说明一遍这个问题很重要,否就我们会让同学感到困惑;2. The two sportsmen congratulated each other on winning the match by shaking hands.词汇归纳五级词汇consider, continue, control, conversation, cook, cost, could两位运动员为赢得竞赛握手庆贺;3. Is there a connection between smoking and lung career.吸烟与肺癌是否有关?四级词汇confused,connect,connected,connection,construction,consumer,contact,contain, contribute, convenient, cooking, cool, copy, corner, correct, cough, council, count4. The only way to conquer a fear is to face it.克服惧怕的唯独方法就是正视它;5. The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.三级词汇congratulation, consequence, conservation, consideration, consist, constant, construct, container, content, contest, continent, continuous, contrary, contribution, convenience, convey, convince, cottage, cotton最大的错误是没有意识到错误;6. Don t worry. It s of little consequ别en担ce心.,这并不重要!二级词汇一级词汇短语/词块confuse, confusing, congratulate, conquer, conscious, consciousness, considerable, considerate, consult, consultant, consume, consumption, contemporary, context, contract, contrast, convinced, convincing, cookie, cooperate, core, corn, correspond, correspondenceconfusion, congress, conscience, consensus, consent, conservative, consistent, constitution, contradict, contradictory, controversial, conventional, cooker, cookery, cope, copyright, corporation, correction, corrupt, cosy, Confucianism, Confucius, consultation, corporate, costumecongratulate sb. on sth, in connection with,as a consequence of / in consequence of, all things considered,in consideration for / of,take sth into consideration, consist of,be consistent with sth,under construction,in contact with,out of contact with, on the contrary,in contrast to / with,contribute to,make contributions to,beyond one s controli,n control of,lose control of,under control,out of control,take / get / gain control of,at sb s conveniencefo, r convenience,have a conversation with sb. , convince sb. of sth, cool down / off,just round the corner,at the cost of,at all costs / at any cost,count down,count on7. He is considerate towards old people.他对老人很爱惜;8. Can you consult the reference book.你会查阅参考书吗?9. I have managed to make contact with an old friend.我设法与一位老伴侣取得了联系;10. My father could hardly contain his pride in me.父母无法抑制以我为傲的心情;11. I am content with second place, because I know that I tried my hardest.得其次名我就知足了,由于我知道自己已经尽最大努力了;12. I finally came out of the contest as the first prize winner.我最终获得竞赛一等奖;13. The children asked the old man to continue with his story.孩子们让老人连续讲故事;14. She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.她给这家杂志撰写了许多文章;15. She used diet and exercise to bring/get/keep her weight under control.她通过节食和锤炼来把握住自己的体重;16. It is very convenient to travel in London by underground.在伦敦乘坐地铁出行很便利;词语辨析cost,spend,pay,take诵读经典句1. It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students.17. If you see James, do convey my apologies to him.见到詹姆斯,确定要向他转达我的歉意;18. You llneed toconvincethemofyourenthusiasm forthe job.你要让他们信任你对这份工作的热忱;19. Victory is just around the corner.胜利在望;20. I have made a few small corrections to your report.我对你的报告作了几处小的修改; 词汇运用1. The operator her to the police. 连 接 2. She was over the age limit and, as a, her application was rejected. 结果 3. All things , the planned trip will have to be called off. 综合考虑起来4. How many countries does the UK of. 构成 5. The pattern of injuries is with an attack with a knife.和一样的 6. There are 4 underground lines in the city, and several lines are . 建设中 7. She a number of articles the magazine every year. 投稿 8. There was nothing we can do about it - the situation is totally 失控 9. Please come .你便利的时候10. That was the first time Dad had me in a moment of emergency. 希望,依靠我五 级词 汇四 级词 汇三 级词 汇二 级词 汇一 级词 汇短 语/词 块词 语辨 析country, couple, course, cover, create, culture, customer, cut, dad, daily, damage, dangerous, daughter, daycountryside, courage, cousin, crazy, cream, creative, creature, credit, crime, critical,crop, cross, crowd, crowded, cry, cultural, cup, cure, curious, current, custom, cycle, dance, danger, dark, data, date , deadcounter, court, cow, craft, crash, creation, crew, criminal,crisis, critic,criticize,crossing, cruel, cupboard, dare, darkness, daylightcounty, courtyard, criticism,crossroads, cultivate, curriculum,curtain, customs, dam, damp, dawn, daytime, deadlinecowboy, crack, crayon, criterion, crown, crucial, crush, cube, cubic, cuisine, currency, curse, cushion, cute, cyclist, damn, dash, database, coverage, criticize / criticise, cruciala couple of,crash into,
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