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希区柯克(2022)完整中英文对照剧本 -幸好没烧到房♥子 -是啊 - Its lucky it didnt reach the house. - Yeah. 艾德盖恩的农舍 威斯康辛州 1944 年 密尔沃基的那个工厂 You know, theres gonna be a lot more jobs 六月份又要招工了 at that factory in Milwaukee come June. 我可以帮你说说情 I could put in a word. 亨利 你不能离开我们 You just cant leave us, Henry. 咱们两个她都离不开 She needs us both. 你能别老像个长不大的孩子吗 Can you stop being a mommas boy for one second? 我不是故意要伤你 Im not trying to hurt you, 但是你总得独♥立♥生活吧 but Jesus, you got to live your own life sometime. 那女人完全可以自己照顾. That woman can take care of her own goddamn. 晚上好 Good evening. 虽然自该隐和亚伯起手足间就开始相残 Brother has been killing brother since Cain and Abel, 但我仍然没想到会有这样的事情发生 yet even I didnt see that coming. 该隐和亚伯皆为亚当夏娃之子 该隐亲手杀了亚伯 我和这个可怜的老亨利一样被蒙在鼓里 I was as blind-sided as poor old Henry down there. 而警方显然和我一样天真 Apparently the authorities shared my naivet. 也就是说他们轻信了这个年轻人的说辞 In other words, they believed the young mans story 亨利摔倒了 头撞到石头上 that Henry fell, hit his head on a stone, 然后被烟雾呛死了 and died of smoke asphyxiation. 不过 如果警方没信他的话 On the other hand, if they hadnt believed him, 艾德盖恩也就不会有机会犯下 Ed Gein would never have had the opportunity to commit those 艾德盖恩 美国恶名昭著的连环杀人犯 那些令其臭名昭著的恐怖罪行了 heinous crimes for which he became most famous. 那样的话 And we, of course, 也就不会有咱们这部电影了 对吗 We wouldnt have our little movie, would we? 希区柯克 1959 年 7 月 8 日 芝加哥 西北偏北 导演:阿尔弗雷德希区柯克 主演:加里葛兰特 爱娃玛丽森特 詹姆斯梅森 他来了 Here he comes! 这场面实在太壮观了 This things going to be gigantic. 真希望他们能分百分之二十的热情给我 I wish I had 20% of the take. 希区柯克先生 看到今晚的大场面 Does tonights incredible reaction surprise you, 您感到很惊讶吗 Mr. Hitchcock? 不 当我计划拍摄西北偏北的时候 No, when I was planning North by Northwest 就已经能听到之后的欢笑和尖叫 I could already hear the screams and the laughter. 有什么问题吗 亲爱的 Any questions, my dear? 好可惜 Pity. 希区柯克先生 您已导演了 46 部电影 Mr. Hitchcock, youve directed 46 motion pictures. 是电影史上最著名的导演了 Youre the most famous director in the history of the medium. 但是您已经年逾六十 But youre sixty years old. 是否该见好就收呢 Shouldnt you just quit while youre ahead? 汤姆因为偷♥窥♥被穆♥罕♥默♥德♥用箭挖出了眼睛 Muhammad had the eyes of peeping Toms gouged out with arrows. 那肯定疼死了 That must have been rather painful. 说到箭 你看到纽♥约♥时♥报♥上 Talking of arrows, did you read that little snippet 魏勒那篇小采访了吗 from A.H. Weilers review in The New York Times? 他认为我这次的成功被过分夸大了 He said he found the climax to be "overdrawn." 我怀疑他这几年里都没尝过成功的滋味 Yes, well I doubt Mr. Weiler has had a climax in years. 西北偏北使我们回忆起希区柯克先生 "North by Northwest reminds us of Mr. Hitchcocks 早期的那些独具匠心的侦探悬疑片 earlier, more inventive spy thrillers." 这儿还附了一个名单 And there is an accompanying list. 新生代的悬疑片大♥师♥们 The "New Masters of Suspense." 为什么我还好好的呢 Why do they keep looking for 他们就要急着找新人了 new ones when they still have the original? 别这么伤感 这样只会让我更恼火 Dont be maudlin, you know how much it aggravates me. 别看这些了 Just stop reading them. 你翻来覆去看了一周了 Youve been reading them for a week. 亲爱的 告诉我 Tell me, my dear, 你觉得我太老了吗 do you think Im too old? 没错 你就是个糟老头 Yes, youre a true relic. 而且别忘了 And lest we forget, 你还是个胖嘟嘟的糟老头 a notably corpulent one. 你还真是知道怎么一刀毙命啊 You always know precisely where to plunge the dagger, dont you? 就刺在肩胛骨的中间部分 Right between the shoulder blades. 我从你电影里学来的 I learned it from your pictures. 我能问问你要去哪里吗 Where, may I ask, are you off to? 把你送到影棚后 Im going to have brunch with Whit 我要和惠特吃顿早午饭 after I drop you off at the studio. 你要来一起吃吗 Would you care to join us? 咱们才刚刚说过 我这么胖 Weve just established that Im far too corpulent 可不适合出现在光天化日之下 to be seen in broad daylight. 好啦 你找到新题材后就会感觉好多了 Youll feel better when you find a new project. 佩吉最近没帮你找到什么好书吗 Hasnt Peggy unearthed any decent books for you recently? 是啊 都是些催眠的烂书 Yes, sleeping pills with dust jackets. 我这身怎么样 So what do you think? 很拿得出手 Very presentable. 快点 亲爱的 你都要泡皱了 Hurry up, dear, youre pruning. 派拉蒙电影公♥司♥ 早上好 Good Morning. 早安 希区柯克夫人 Ms. Hitchcock. 希区柯克先生 Mr. Hitchcock. 狗先生们 Sirs. 你一定能找到一个好题材的 Theres a project out there waiting for you, 老希 我保证 Hitch. I promise you. 希望如此吧 谢谢你亲爱的 I hope so. Thank you, love. 祝你一天愉快 Have a good day. 我停滞不前了 佩吉 Im treading water, Peggy. 我需要的是那种不需要巨星来增色的 I need something fresh, something different. 那种新鲜而特别的题材 Without expensive stars to pretty it up. 福克斯公♥司♥已经第三次 Fox is offering you 请你拍安妮少女日记了 The Diary of Anne Frank for the third time. 要是我来拍 观众们就会一直等着安妮 The audience would spend the entire picture waiting for 在她的小阁楼上发现我藏着的尸体 Miss Frank to discover the corpse Id hidden in the attic. -你说是不是 努恩西奥 -是的 - Wouldnt you agree, Nuncio? - Si. 米高梅公♥司♥想请你拍 MGM wants you for the Ian Fleming book, 伊恩弗莱明写的那本皇家赌场 Casino Royale. 请加里格兰特当男主角 Cary Grant. 这绝对是你的风格 Definitely your style. 她不知道我刚拍过这部电影吗 Doesnt she know I just mad
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