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7-1 青少版新概念1A 语法总复习姓名: _ 一、a/an 是对好姐妹,各司其职要用对。a 和 an 用在可数名词单数形式前面都表示一个,但是在元音前面要用an。五个元音字母为: a, e, i, o, u。如: an apple, an egg, an insect, an orange, an umbrella。二、this,that,these, those this 和 that 是弟弟,后面只能跟一个。 (后面跟 is 及单数名词。)This is my tie. That tie is colourful. these 和 those 是哥哥,后面可以跟很多个。 (跟 are 及复数名词。)These are my ties. Those ties are colourful. this, these 离你近, that,those 离你远。三、想说物品属于谁,名字加上 s。如:威廉的照相机,用英语表达就是William s camera。 露西的钥匙,用英语表达就是Lucy s key。四、be 动词。be 动词就像孙悟空一样,碰到不同的人就会变身。如碰到I 的时候它就会变成 am, 碰到 you,we,they 的时候就会变成 are, 碰到 he,she,it的时候就会变成is.记住下面的口诀就可以了:我用 am 你用 are, is 用在他、她、它,复数后面全用 are,火眼金睛人不差。五、可数名词单数变复数规律一般情况下名词后加 -s ,例如 : desk desks , girl girls ,book books 在以 x,s,ch,sh结尾的名词后加 -es ,例如 : bus buses , box boxes ,watch watches , dish dishes . 此时读 iz.以 y 结尾的单词以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词,先将y 改为 i ,再加 -es 。例如:baby babies ,family families ,berry berries . 以元音字母 (a,e,i,o,u)加 y 结尾,直接加 -s 。例如:boy boys ,toy toys ,play plays . 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,先将f 或 fe 变为 v ,再加 -es .例如:knife knives, life lives , leaf leaves 7-2 以 o 结尾的名词如果是没有生命的话,加-s .例如:zoo zoos 如果是有生命的话,加 -es .例如:potato potatoes, tomato tomatoes 以 man 结尾的名词,把man 变为 men. 例如:man men ,woman women 单数和复数的形式是一样的。例如:sheep sheep 六、人称代词主格宾格形容词性物主代词I (我)me (我)my (我的)you (你)you (你)your (你的)he (他)him (他)his (他的)she (她)her (她)her (她的)it (它)it (它)its (它的)we (我们)us (我们)our (我们的)you (你们)you (你们)your (你们的)they (他们)them (他们)their (他们的)主格是动作的发出者, 一般放在动词的前面。 宾格是动作的接受者, 一般放在动词的后面。如:He likes Lucy. Lucy likes him. Lucy likes his dog. 七、重点句型特殊疑问词意思例句What 什么?What is that in the black box? It s my new camera. What colour 什么颜色?What colour are your new shoes? 7-3 They re red. What nationality 什么国籍?What nationality is Steven?He s American. What do you do? What s her job? 做 什 么 工作?What do you do? I m a student. What s her job? She s an actress. What s the time? What time is it? 几点What time is it? It s eight o clock. Who 谁?Who is that girl over there? Oh, it s Lucy. Whose 谁的?Whose tie is that? It s Paul s. Which 哪一个?Give me the pen, please. Which pen? The one on the table. Where 哪里?Where is Robert?He s in the kitchen. Where is he from? 从哪里来?Where is he from? He s from America. How 怎么样?How are you? I m very well, thanks. How many 多少?How many players are there? There are 13 people. 一 . 单词辨音,选出与其它三项发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. meet B. teacher C. isn t D. please ( ) 2. A. yes B. that C. bag D. and ( ) 3. A. ball B. bot C. daughter D. fourteen ( ) 4. A. do B. you C. who D. put ( ) 5. A. but B. hungry C. umbrella D. aunt ( ) 6. A. Lucy B. sorry C. house D. please ( ) 7. A. thing B. there C. they D. father ( ) 8. A. wait B. family C. favourite D. they 7-4 ( ) 9. A. miss B. silver C. child D. this ( ) 10. A. how B. show C. tower D. brown 二单项选择。1.Is that _old camera? A. a B. an C./ D. the 2.Where _my pen? A.can B. am C. are D. is 3.There _two chairs and a table in my bedroom. A.are B. is C. am D/ 4.Give _the torch. A. him B. he C. she D. his 5.Is there _tea in the cup? A. some B. a C. any D. an A: Whose bag is full of books? B: _ A. Her B. Him C. His D. My 7. -_are you? -I m great. A. Where B. What C. Who D. How 8. What _your mother _? A. does, do B. do, do C. does, does D. do, does 9. I have _English book but I don t have _story book. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a 10. There is a bird _the tree and there are some apples _the tree. A. on, in B. in, on C. in, at D. at, on 11. The car is_, we must clean it. 7-5 A. big B. dirty C. beautiful D. old 12. Our school _ are all full. A. bag B. people C. bags D. peoples 13. It s eight_. A. hours B. o clock C. time D. minute 14. A: Gee, thanks, Mr. Austen. B: You re_. A. here B. all right C.OK D. welcome 15. _a beautiful girl! A. Who B. What C. Where D. Which 16. _me that jar please, Robert. A. Put B. Let C. Give D. Catch 17. No, not that one. The _ is on the table. A. an B. one C. ones D. a 18. Are you _a hurry? A. in B. on C. up D. down 19. What s the_,Lucy? A. dear B. mind C. matter D. hurry 20. My bag is full of_. A. people B. potatos C. cameras D. water 21. Tom is watching TV _ home. A. on B. in C. at D. from 22. My father is not _, but he is _, please give him some water. A. thirsty, hungry B. hungry, thirsty C. cool, hot D. hot, cool 23. He _play football well. 7-6 A. is B. do C. can D. does 24._ dishes are empty, _are full. A. This, that B. These, this C. These, that D. These, those 25._ are your socks? A. What colour B. What C. Who D. Whose 26._Lily and Lucy like Beijing duck? A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Is 三语法知识。(1)名词变复数形式bench_ boy_ actress_ box_ child_ orange_ knife_ people_ story_ policewoman_ (2) be (am is are)动词填空There _ a noise in the living room. _ the teachers in the classroom? There _ someone downstairs. I _ a nice boy. There _ a bag and two pencils on the desk. They _ good friends. There _ five cats and a dog in the park. Where _ my coat? There _ some tea in the bottle. _ you an English teacher? (3)用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1. Give _a pen , please? _ pencil is not good . (I) 7-7 2. There isn t _milk in the cup. Would you like _ juice? (some/any) 3. Look _ the blackboar
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