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单元教学建议:Unit 4 Hobbies1 、本单元话题是爱好爱好,这一话题是自我介绍的重要部分,也和同学的生活亲热相关;老师可以结合同学用书四年级上册unit4 的话题,设计导入活动;老师也可以结合同学宠爱的颜色、科目、动物、季节、食物、玩具等词汇,设计综合活动,操练动词like.2、词汇教学方面,老师可利用四年级第四课体育运动类的词汇做铺垫,接受TPR 的形式教授目标词汇;3、老师可以请同学运用句型I like.共享自己的爱好爱好,或运用句型He/she likes. 介绍他人的爱好,这是本单元最重点的句型;教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词hobby, with, also, play the piano, watch the films, both, group, about, idea, ice, hole, wet.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing.3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型I/We like doing. She/He likes doing. Look out.4. 能知道字母y 在单词中的读音;5. 能唱歌曲 We all like climbing 教学重点:1. 句型: be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing.2. 词汇: be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing.3. 语音:字母y 在单词中的读音;教学难点:1. 句型: be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing.2. 词汇: be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing 等词的读音和拼写3. 语音:字母y 在单词中的读音;课时支配: 6 课时第 1 课时: Story time and song time第 2 课时: Story time第 3 课时: Fun time &, Grammar time第 4 课时: Cartoon time第 5 课时: Sound time and Checkout time 第 6 课时: Ticking timereview , exercise 第 1 课时 Story time and Song time教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:dance, draw, play the piano, read, sing, watch films.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:I like/ They like3. 能正确的懂得并朗读课文,在老师的引导和帮忙下尝试复述课文内容;4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的爱好;教学重点和难点:教学重点:能正确懂得并朗读课文,在老师的帮忙下尝试复述课文; 教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的爱好;教学设计(主备)复备Step 1:Greeting and warm up1. Greeting2. Sing a songT: Do you like singing S: Yes.T: I like singing very much, let s learn to sing a new song, okS: OkT: First, listen and watch carefully, and you can follow it if you want .播放歌曲一遍T: Do you like the song Now follow me.老师带着同学用手势表示歌词内容,同学边唱边学做动作 T: This time, let s try to sing and do some actions together. 再次播放歌曲,同学加上动作一起唱; Step 2 : PresentationWatch a video and learn the new words老师出示有关自己爱好爱好的视频,可将生词融入进去,边说边做,每到一个生词处板书,之后将句子提炼出来,教授新词;I like dancingI like playing the pianoI like singing 同学观看句型 T: They are my hobbies, so what about yours 4 名同学练习说句T: We know different people have different hobbies, look, what do they like doing 出示课文图片,让同学先试着说;Step 3 : Story time1. T: First, read the story by yourself and underline some words and sentences you don t know.五分钟左右熟读并尝试懂得2. 解决难题,同学找出课文相像句型,留意区分第一和第三人称所导致的动词形式的变化;3. Watch the cartoon and read loudly. 跟读 2-3 次,留意发音和语调,培养同学的语感4. Retell the story. 老师起第一句,同学接龙 Step 4:Practice1. Think and write书上 38 页练习同学看图先口头表达完成下面填空,小组检查汇报Think and say小组活动,介绍自己的爱好爱好;(四人一组,老师可供应必要的词汇帮忙同学;)Homework :听磁带,跟读录音5 遍;用 I like/He likes的句型介绍爱好;板书设计:Unit4 hobbiesdancedrawplay the pianoreadsingwatch films I like playing basketball and football. She likes reading stories.They both like swimming.教学反思:第 2 课时 Story time教学目标:1能娴熟运用句型I like/ They like/ He/She like进行对话;2能独立复述课文内容;教学重点和难点:1娴熟运用本课所学单词和句型介绍爱好2能独立复述课文教学设计(主备)复备Step1. Revision the songT: Hello, boys and girls. Do you remember this song“ we all like climbing ”S: Yes.T: Let s sing the song again. 播放歌曲,同学齐唱 the lyricsT: Can you change the words according to my picture Now listen to me. 老师示范唱第一段,剩余两段让生试唱3、Review the storyT: I think you read and understand the story well, let s do some judging 1. Mike likes playing football.2.Liu Tao likes playing piano. 3.Yang Ling likes drawing. 4.Su Hai likes reading stories. 5.Su Yang likes watching films.T: Great. Can you dub for the story S: 集体跟着动画配音Step2 : Practice1.摸索完成下面的句子1 Mike likes sing.2.The students like draw. 3Su Hai and Su Yang like swim.2. Can you tell me what do you likeStep1. 小组活动,介绍自己家人的爱好爱好,老师可供应词汇S1: My mother likes cooking and shopping. My father likes taking photos and traveling. What do your parents like doingS2:2. 卡片玩耍,连词成句老师可要求每个同学制作一张人名卡片和一个表示爱好爱好的词汇卡片,人名卡片可以是单数也可以是复数,词汇卡片可以以图的形式显现,不必显现单词; 老师将卡片收齐后,要求同学任意抽取两张,用like doing 造句;3. Think and write同学独立完成书上45 页活动,小组沟通并呈现 Homework:仿照 45 页写一篇有关自己爱好爱好的小文章板书设计:第 3 课时 Grammar time and Fun time教学目标:1能听懂、会读、会说、会用 What do you/they like doing What does he/she like doing句型询问和回答某人的爱好;2能懂得并把握like doing句型的用法及规章;3能完成Fun time 中的任务;教学重难点:能初步懂得主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式;Teaching procedures 教学过程教学设计(主备)复备talktalk1 T: I like running, what do you like doing S1: I like .S2:I like .(问 3-4 名同学,将表示爱好的词汇板书)Step2. Presentation1. Play a game.learing tips: 快速说出PPT 显现的动词并作出相应动作如 run, swim, play basketball, sing, dance, 等2.教授动名词形式(1)老师让同学依据free talk板书的词汇观看动词的变化形式,自己总结说明动词转化为动名词的规章;(2)老师讲解动名词变化规章:一般在动词后直接加ing,有些动词就要先去掉字母e 或双写尾字母再加ing ;1.操练这一语法规章,出示经常用到的动词;如: read-reading, dance-dancing, swim-swimming, play-playing,skate-skating等a chantSwimming,swinmming,I like swimming Running,running,you like running Singing,singing,he likes singing.Dancing,dancing,she likes dancing. Reading,reading,my father likes reading.(这里讲解第三人称动词变化形式)老师出示story time 中的图片,让同学介绍他们的爱好爱好 T: What d
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