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In classContent三下Unit 1 In class (Period 4)DateTopicIn classStudentsSchoolTeacherTeaching ProcedureProcedureTeachers activityLearners activityPurposeWarmer1. Say a rhyme: Open the window2. Simon says. (当听到Simon says时做相应的动作,没听见时保持上一个动作不动。)Open the/ yourClose the/ yourLook at the/ yourDont Say together.Listen and do.通过播放歌谣Open the window,创设学习英语的氛围,激起学生的旧知,揭示本单元主题。Pre-reading1. Recite the dialogue.1) Look at the picture, recite the dialogue together.2) Ask some Ss to recite the dialogue.2. Act.Read the text.检查学生课文朗读的情况,纠正发音不准的单词及语调读得不准的部分。While-reading1. Look and say1) Open your book to P11.2) Look and say. (Please)2. Sound time1) Look at the picture, what can you see?2) The boy is Bob.Boy, book, blue. They all have the letter “b”. Letter B is pronounced as /b/.3) Lets read.Look and say.Read and spell./b/ /b/ boy, /b/ /b/ book, /b/ /b/ blueBig books, big books, Bob has big, big books.Ss比一比谁读的好听又标准。通过调动学生的耳、眼、手、口等多个器官的共同协作,帮助学生记忆本单元的学习内容。Post-reading1. Exercise请你找出字母b发成/b/的单词。2. Translate some phrases.两本书 机器人先生 一块橡皮 说 “你好!”起立。 坐下。 请进。 请关窗。 请开门。 请看黑板。 请打开你的书。别听鹦鹉的。 对不起。 好的,格林先生。Read the words.boy, door, doll, ball, bad, black, pen, parrot, robot, happy通过听力练习让学生巩固第一课时所学内容。Assignment1. 听录音,背诵Story time和Cartoon time的课文。2. 整理字母b的发音,写在P10上。3. 看图(P11)练习祈使句。.巩固所学内容,延伸课堂教学。DesignUnit 1 In classOpen the/ yourClose the/ yourLook at the blackboard/Dont listen to the parrot/Bb /b/ : ball, birthday, book, boy, blue, black, brown, robot, rubber, Bobby, Bob, blackboard中国教育出版&网*#
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