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The second period(第二课时)Part A Lets learn & Lets play 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Lets learn学生能够听、说、读、写并在语境中正确运用单词“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend”Lets play学生能够操练和巩固Lets learn板块有关一个星期七天名称的单词学生能够两人一组合作完成本活动,一人说课程名称,一人猜星期几教学重点1. 学生能够听、说、读、写本课四会单词。 2. 学生能够在情景中询问他人的课程安排并作答。教学难点学生能够掌握表示一周七天名称的单词的拼写。教学准备1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2. PPT课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。Teaching purpose师生一起说唱chant,回顾上节课接触过的词汇。用问答的方式回顾之前学过的句型和词汇,同时营造良好的英语学习氛围。教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Lets chant togetherDays of the week. (出示课件).T: How many days are there in a week?Ss: There are seven days in a week.3. Ask and answer.Show pictures of courses and calendars. (出示课件) In Picture 1, it is Wednesday. And there is a Chinese class, a music class and a maths class in it, too. In Picture 2, it is Thursday. And there is an English class, a PE class and an art class in it. The teacher and students ask and answer according to the pictures.T: What do you have on Wednesdays? Ss: We have Chinese, music and maths on Wednesdays.T: What do you have on Thursdays? Ss: We have English, PE and art on Thursdays.4. Lead-in. Show the picture of “Lets learn” on the PPT. (出示课件) Lead students to observe it carefully and answer the questions.T: Who are they? Ss: They are Robin and Wu Yifan.T: Are they talking about classes? Ss: Yes. T: Good! Lets go and see!Teaching purpose利用课程表引出一个星期七天的单词,真实自然。在教授单词的过程中利用拆分法和自然拼读法,引导学生分音节读单词,符合正确的认知规律。Step 2: Presentation1. Learn the new words.(1)Show the picture of the class schedule on Monday in “Lets learn”. (出示课件)T: What classes can you see?Ss: I can see Chinese, English, maths and music.T: What day is it? Ss: It is Monday. T: Yes, it is Monday. Teach the word like this: “monkey (mon+key)” and “day”, “Mon/mn/+day/de/=Monday/”. Write down “Monday” on the blackboard. Lead students to practice reading it three times.(2)Show the picture of the class schedule on Tuesday in “Lets learn”. (出示课件)T: What does Wu Yifan have on this day?Ss: He has maths, science, Chinese and art.T: What day is it? Ss: It is Tuesday. T: Yes, it is Tuesday. (4)Ask students to look at the whole class schedule in “Lets learn”. Point to “Saturday” and “Sunday”.T: Why are there no classes in these two days?Ss: Because they are Saturday and Sunday. We dont go to school.T: Excellent! “Saturday and Sunday” is the weekend. We are free at the weekend. Teaching purpose引导学生观察单词,总结拼写规律,帮助学生进一步加深对单词构成的理解,同时帮助学生更容易地记忆新单词。Write down “week + end=weekend” on the blackboard. Lead students to practice reading it three times.T: What can we do at the weekend? Ss: 2. Find the rules. Show all the seven words on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to observe them carefully and try to find out their spelling rules. Ask several students to stand up and express their opinions. At last, make a conclusion: The last three letters of these seven words are the same. They are all “day”. And all the first letters of these words are capital letters. Use the red chalk to stress all the first letters and the last three letters. Lead students to read all the words. 3. Role-play.Show the picture of “Lets learn”. (出示课件) Role-play the dialogue between Robin and Wu Yifan with students. The teacher acts Robin. All the students act Wu Yifan. Use the five days class schedule to ask and answer like this:T: What do you have on Mondays?Ss: I have Chinese, English, maths and music.T: What do you have on Tuesdays?Ss: I have maths, science, Chinese and art.T: What do you have on?Ss: I haveTeaching purpose通过三个不同的游戏活动对本课的重点单词进行操练, 让整个课堂生动有趣,提高学生的学习积极性。Step 3: Practice1. Play a game: Whack-a-mole. (出示课件) (游戏说明:PPT 显示7个地鼠洞,每当一只地鼠从洞里探出头时,学生快速并大声读出它举起的卡片上对应的星期单词,如果读对了,老师点击鼠标,出现一把锤子将其打回洞里,同时另外一只地鼠出现。依次进行,直到7只地鼠都出现过一次。7只地鼠举起的卡片上的单词分别是一个星期的七天。)2. Finger game.The teacher shows his/her fingers to express the seven days of a week. Students count the number of the fingers and try to speak out the right word as quickly as possible. If the teacher shows only one finger, students should say “Monday”. If the teacher shows two fingers, students should say “Tuesday”.3. Play a game: Lets drive a train to read!Teaching purpose拓展活动的设计充满趣味和挑战,有梯度,层次分明,让学生在玩中逐步巩固所学知识。让学生制作个性课程表,既锻炼学生的动手能力,同时也帮助老师了解学生的学习情况和兴趣点。Divide students into seven groups. Name them after the seven days in a week. Take out the word cards of the seven days and distribute them to each group randomly. Each group should remember its name. Then let the seven groups drive a train to read their names according to the right order of a week. Keep driving the train till the teacher says “Here we are!”Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. The turntable game. (出示课件)(游戏说明:学生两人一组。课件出示一个双层转盘,转盘分为五个部分。内层为五套不同的课程组合,外层为星期一到星期五的五个名称单词。点击鼠标,指针指向哪一格,学生使用句型“What do you have on? We have”来进行对话练习。)2. Guess what day it is. (出示课件) (游戏说明:课件里先出
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