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课题Unit 3 A visit to the zoo Lesson 6课时2课时班级五年级编写者一、教材内容分析1.闽教版小学英语第五册,第三单元第六课,课题:A visit to the zoo。2.掌握词汇:saw, ate 掌握句子:1.What animals did you see? We saw . 2. I took a photo of the penguins. I bought a book about penguins. 3. We ate some bananas on our way home.3能用英语描述发生在过去的行为。二、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)1.教学知识与技能:(1)学习词汇:saw, ate 学习句子:1.What animals did you see? We saw . 2. I took a photo of the penguins. I bought a book about penguins. 3. We ate some bananas on our way home.2. 过程与方法:(1)通过多媒体激起学生想要探究学习的欲望。(2)通过自主学习与合作学习,掌握过去时态的用法。 (3)通过学习培养学生展示自己能力的自信态度。三、学习者特征分析本课学习者的特征分析主要是根据五年级学生的年龄特点及思维发展情况,加上教师平时对学生的了解而做出的:1.学情分析学生是小学五年级学生五年级的孩子具备一定的英语基础,在前一课学习的基础上进一步学习过去时态的运用五年级学生能够在课堂上积极活跃地参与相关的教学活动 2.学法分析教学中,我面向全体学生,发挥学生的主体性,利用多媒体展示,游戏操练等让学生在教师的引导下提出问题,熟练掌握新知识,一步步学习语言的运用。四、教学策略选择与设计、本节课采用的教学方法有 :多媒体课件展示、启发式学习法、课堂讨论法、自主学习、合作学习法。本课教学我先用了多媒体课件展示,教学中综合运用了讲授式、启发式、自主学习、合作学习等各种策略,指导学生进行自主探索学习。通过不同游戏的设计,让学生在学习语言的基础上学习并掌握运用语言的能力。、采用这些方法的理论根据:教学的设计要适合学生的身心发展,要鼓励学生大胆使用英语,激发他们主动去研究自己感兴趣的问题并予以合作解决。遵循“教师为主导,学生为主体”的教学原则。五、教学环境及资源准备闽教版第五册Unit 3 A visit to the zoo Lesson 6专门为本课设计的多媒体课件等词汇卡学习点读机六、教学过程教学过程教师活动预设学生行为设计意图及资源准备.Warmer:1. Greetings.2. Sing a song: Old Macdonald Had A Farm动画资源,歌曲热身.Presentation:1. Review the words of animals: Monkey, panda, kangaroo.2. Review the past tense:am,iswas arewere buybought dodid gowent swimswam taketook havehad 3. Say a chant.Did you have a good time? Yes, I did.I bought a book. Thats a nice book.Did you have a good time? Yes, I did.I took a photo. Thats a nice photo.4.板书课题:Lesson 6出示图片,复习单词,导入新课.New Lesson:1. T: I had a good time last Sunday. I took a photo of the birds. Thats a nice photo. (操练: I took a photo of the .)2. Teach: What animals did you see? We saw .T: Today I want to show you my visit to the zoo. Please look carefully and remember what youll see.(Look at the video.)We saw . s, a, w saw seesawT: Lets play九宫格速记大比拼. Here are 9 animals. What are they? Ss: What animals did you see? We saw3. Teach: We ate some bananas.Give a candy to a nice girl. Have her eat it. T: She ate a candy.eatate We ate some bananas.4. Teach: I bought a book about penguins.I bought a book about penguins. Look, here it is.大小声操练短语:a book about penguins5. Learn to say.(1) Listen and point.(2) Listen and repeat.(3) Answer my questions then say.听录音跟读,学生齐读,分角色读。观看视频短片,学习新词,新句型点读机反复点读。听录音完成练习 .Practice:1. Listen and number2. Learn to write:P28 (提醒学生注意动词过去式的正确写法).Homework:1. Read the text.2. Copy the words and sentences.3. Activity Book Lesson 6.板书设计: Unit 3 A visit to the zoo Lesson 6seesaw eat- ateWhat animals did you see? We saw .I took a photo of the penguins.I bought a book about penguins.We ate some bananas on our way home.七、教学反思
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