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外研版五年级英语下册教案Module8 DiscussionUnit1 what do you suggest?Teaching purpose a. Help the pupils to be brave in language classes. b. Sentences: What do you suggest? What about? I agree/disagree. c. Functions: Learn how to ask for suggestions, and how to get suggestions from the others. d. Words: suggest, phone, excited, painter, disagree, sure, already e. Train the abilities of listening, speaking and communicating with the others. Main points What do you suggest? What about? Difficult points to pronounce disagree correctly. Teaching materials Tape recorder, the big picture of this unit, pictures of phone, painter, excited, etc. Teaching steps: a. Warming up. Some everyday English, e.g. whats your name? Then check whether others are listening to the dialogues or not. Tell them to listen carefully while others are speaking, and then they can get useful information. b. Introduce the title. Introduce the title Discussion and explain the meaning, then let them know the name of Unit 1, what do you suggest? Explain that we can ask for suggestions by using this sentence. Let them say the sentences and then introduce the answering part: What about? Mime a scene that the teacher needs to buy a new bag, and wants to get some suggestions from the others. Let them get to know the scene and read the two sentences with the teacher. c. A task: Who can help me? Tell the students that you want to buy a T-shirt from the three styles, let the pupils give the teacher some suggestion. d. Lets help Daming Daming is going to America to see his cousin, what kind of present should Daming take to his cousin? Lets discuss and give him some suggestions. Let the pupils discuss in the groups and give out as many suggestions as possible. Then let them express their ideas and others should show their attitude by saying I agree. or I disagree. Pay attention to the pronunciation of disagree. e. Listen to the tape and try to find out what do Sam and Daming talk on the phone. Listen again and repeat after the tape. During these steps, learn the new words, phone, excited and painter. Act and teach the pattern Point to the f. Team works: Childrens Day is coming, we will celebrate the day. What do you suggest? Write down the ideas and share with the classmates. While the children are expressing their ideas, help them to use the correct sentence paten, e.g. What about going to a park? What about a picnic? g. Do you need my help? Ask the pupils whether they need any help from the teacher. h. Homework: Choose a present for our mum, finish Activity 3 on page 31. Blackboard Design: Module 8 Discussion Unit 1 What do you suggest? What about? I agree/disagree.
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