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What day is today?教学目标:知识与技能能听说认读单词Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、join、run、jump rope,并能初步运用进行简单交际。过程与方法能初步使用What day is today? Its.问答星期,能用I run on Monday.等来描述每一天的做的事情。初步感知现在进行时的用法及其表示意义。创设情境,让学生通过观察、感知、体验、参与、交流,理解获取知识。情感态度与价值观培养学生珍惜时间,有计划做事的良好品质。教学方法本课我遵循“以学生为中心,以兴趣为支点,以交际为目的”的原则,采用体验式与生活式相结合的教学方法,把探究体验、交际运用贯穿始终,实现学用结合,学以致用学法指导:新课程强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、讨论、合作、交流的学习方式,本课我将小组合作与竞争贯穿课堂教学始终,指导学生在听一听,读一读,说一说,演一演中获取知识。教学重点:1.听说认读单词Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、ice、cat、girl、candy等单词,并能初步运用进行简单交际。2.能初步使用What day is today? Its.问答星期,能用I (do something)on Monday.等来描述每一天的做的事情,并能在一定的情景中灵活运用。教学难点:1.星期单词Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday的准确认读。2.能在一定的情景中灵活运用新知识。一、故事激趣,热身导入Step. Warming up:1. Greeting.Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you . How are you?2.Play a game“I do you say .”2. Sing “I am a boy and you are a girl.”I like singing. I have a happy song. Lets sing a song.3. Meet “Week family”.T: Today, the happy family is coming. (故作玄虚状)Look! This is week family. It has seven brothers. They are Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday and Saturday. Its a noisy family. Do you want to know them? Lets meet them. Today well learn lesson 4: What day is today? (板书课题) 设计意图:一曲熟悉欢快的I am a boy and you are a girl.预示着这是一节轻松快乐的英语课。同时,以拟人化的手法将星期赋予生命,让学生在童话般的故事情景中,整体感知一周七天的英文表达,激发了学生的学习兴趣,有助于学生理解,也让学生感受到英语的带来的乐趣。二、创设情景,趣味呈现Step. New presentation1. Learn: Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday and Saturday.T: How big the family is! This is Sunday. In English, Sunday is the first day in the week. . Please listen carefully. Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday and Saturday. Good listen! What do you hear the same part?S: “day”T: Look!Yes! “day”.Who can try to read them?S: Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday /Saturday(渗透音标知识正音。) 设计意图:巧妙地利用字母、音素、音标三者之间的内在联系,让学生听准、辨清、观察、模仿、练习,自己发现读音规则来认读单词,培养学生自然拼读意识,轻松突破难点。长此训练,使学生逐渐能做到“见其形读其音,听其音知其形”。3. Practice(1)Can you say “hello” to each day?(2)Lets chant:设计意图:游戏是形成儿童认识结构的必要条件,其过程是“兴趣游戏引导激励”。所以说,本课中运用“听音初步了解新朋友,认识新朋友,和新朋友打招呼,儿歌演唱”几个相互联系的活动,为学生创设了单词学习与运用的环境和机会,持续了兴趣并使他们在交往、互动中学到了知识。4. Learn: What day is today?Its Monday. I run on Monday.(出示图片学习新单词)(1) T: Its Sunday. What day is today? Its Monday. I run on Monday.(板书句型)Can you say? Please practice in pairs.A: What day is today?B: Its Monday. I run on Monday.(2) Teach: ice rice candyT: In my week, its Sunday, I go shopping on Sunday. I run on Monday. I play ping-pong on Tuesday. I watch TV on Wednesday jump rope on Thursday. Do you jump rope on Thursday?S: Yes. I jump rope on Thursday. / No, I jump rope on Monday/ Wednesday.T: How about you? Please make the dialogues by yourself.A: What day is today?B: Its .I on 设计理念:三年级学生的注意观察思维等能力有了很大的提高,因此,教师采用肢体语言,教授新词ice, candy rice等单词,吸引学生注意力,让学生在表演中理解了新词。同时,学生通过自主探究,理解知识;通过合作学习,构建新一轮对话,层层递进,符合学生认知规律。三、巧设悬念,文本引入Step.Read the text1. T: I know you are good children, and Tom is a nice boy. Look, he is playing games with his friends. Guess, what day does he play games?S: Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/T: Now, listen and answer: What day is it today? 2. T: Its Tuesday. Good job! They play games on Tuesday. Now listen to the tape and answer:, you can read and circle(1)Where are they?(2)Is it time to go home?(3)Who is jumping rope?S: Read the text and circle the answer.3. look at the picture.(What are they doing?)4. Read and repeat(Open your book and read it.)设计意图:本环节为课文学习部分,分四个教学步骤,每个步骤层层递进,符合学生的认知规律。先向学生提出具体要求和问题设置疑难的情境Guess ,what day does he play games?,引导学生整体把握语篇内容确定疑难问题的所在,接着激发学生原有的知识经验,让学生联系所学知识,提出解决问题的各种假设;再细读课文,对自己提出的假设进行推断;最后在教师和同伴的交流合作中运用语言来验证或修改假设。通过层层深入来激发学生的兴趣,逐步构建知识。四、创编故事,拓展延趣Step.Extention1. T: Do you know LianYungang ? What does he like?S1:He likes to go to bed.S2: He likes to eat delicious food.T: Yes, he doesnt like to do the homework. Whats the matter? lets go to see.XYY:Hi!Lan Yangyang! Its time to do the homework.LYY:What day is today?XYY:Its Monday.LYY:OH,Its Monday. I play ping-pong on Monday.2.T:Lan Yangyang doesnt want to do his homework form Monday to Thursday. Can you make the new story? Please make them in your group.设计意图:创编懒洋洋的故事,把语言学习与语言运用有机结合,同时鼓励学生创造性的使用语言。本环节中,懒洋洋从星期一到星期四都不想做作业的故事,为学生提供了拓展语言与思维的空间,发展了学生的合作意识。五、情感升华,全课小结Step. SurmaryT:Lan Yangyang should have a good habit. We should do the homework first and we should have a good habit. This class, we learnt .(学生自读板书)Step.Homework1. Make the word cards about the week.2. Talk about “Lan Yang yangs story” to your parents.设计意图:低年级英语教学应充分考虑学生的年龄特点和认知特点,注重趣味性、活动性,寓教育于游戏中,本次作业恰恰能体现这一点,孩子们在这个作业中是主动的、积极的、快乐的,他们在真实的教学中,学习了知识,扩展了经验,巩固了技能,在快乐中得到了发展。板书设计:Lesson H What day is today?SundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayA: What day is today?B: Its Monday.I run on Monday.
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