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The fourth period(第四课时) Part B Lets talk & Lets play 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Lets talk能够在情景中运用句型“Good afternoon.”问候他人并回应他人的问候能够在情景中运用句型“Nice to meet you.”表达初次相识或被人介绍而相识时相互间的 问候Lets play能够在语境中正确运用“Good afternoon.”“Nice to meet you.”问候他人教学重点 能够在语境中正确运用句型“Good afternoon.”“Nice to meet you.”, 要求语音准确、语调自然。教学难点 能够读准单词“afternoon”的发音。教学准备1. 预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2. 教学课件、课文录音、视频、人物头饰、Zoom和Zip的手偶等。Teaching purpose创编歌曲活跃课堂气氛,同时复习重点句型“Good morning.”和“This is”,为接下来新课的学习做铺垫。教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss/ Mr2. Sing a songGood morning.Play the song with the melody of Happy New Year. (课件出示:歌曲Happy New Year的旋律) Let students follow the teacher to sing. Teaching purpose卡通人物的呈现能够迅速吸引学生的注意力,并能强烈地刺激学生的表达欲望,从而对句型 “This is” 进行巩固练习。T: Follow me, please!3. Free talk.Show some pictures of the cartoon characters on the PPT. (课件出示:一些卡通人物的图片) Let students introduce the cartoon characters with the sentence structure “This is” freely.Teaching purpose通过小视频的对比让学生更加直观地理解“afternoon”的意思以及如何运用“Good afternoon.”来问候他人。通过创设情境引导学生轻松学习和准确运用“Nice to meet you.”以及“Nice to meet you, too.”。Step 2: Presentation1. Learn the new sentences.(1) Review and learn. Review the sentence “Good morning.”(课件出示:关于 “morning”的小视频)T: Look! Its morning now! How do you greet others in the morning? Ss: Good morning.T: Well done!Teach the sentence“Good afternoon.”(课件出示:关于 “afternoon”的小视频)T: Is it morning now?Ss: No!T: Its afternoon now!Teach students the pronunciation and the meaning of the word “afternoon”. Let students follow the teacher and practice it several times.T: How do you greet others in the afternoon? Who can have a try?T: Good afternoon.Write down the sentence “Good afternoon.” on the blackboard. Let students follow the teacher and practice it with their partners.(2) Create a situation to teach the sentence “Nice to meet you.”Show a picture of Mike. (课件出示: Mike的图片)T: This is our new friend, Mike. Its the first time we meet. How do you greet him? Think it over!S1: Hello, Mike!S2: Hi! Mike!S3: Good morning/afternoon, Mike!T: When we meet someone for the first time, we can also say “Nice to meet you.” Teach students the pronunciation and the meaning of “Nice to meet you.” Then tell students how to use “Nice to meet you, too.”Teaching purpose带着问题观看视频,让学生有目的地听录音并且提取文本关键信息;通过听音排序的方式,帮助学生更深入地理解文本对话,进而掌握所学语言。Write down the sentences “Nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you, too.” on the blackboard. Let students practice the two sentences.2. Listen, watch and do. (1) Show the picture of“Lets talk”on the PPT.(课件出示:教材P17 Lets talk板块的图片)Introduce the background of the picture. Lead students to observe the picture and predict the main idea of the dialogue. (2) Watch and answer.Play the video of “Lets talk”. (课件出示:教材P17 Lets talk板块的视频) Let students underline the key sentences about the questions in their books.Answer the questions.T: How does Mike introduce Wu Yifan?Ss: “Hi, Mum. This is Wu Yifan.”T: How does Mikes mum greet Wu Yifan?Ss: “Good afternoon, Wu Yifan.”T: How does Wu Yifan greet Mikes mum?Ss: “Good afternoon. Nice to meet you.”T: How does Mikes mum answer Wu Yifan?Ss: “Nice to meet you, too.”(3) Number the sentences.Play the recording of“Lets talk”.(课件出示:教材P17 Lets talk的音频)Let students listen to the dialogue and number the sentences.Check the answers together.(Answers: 3 4 2 1)3. Read and act.Teaching purpose教师播放录音,学生听录音跟读。引导学生按照正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演。(1) Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (2) Let students read the dialogue by themselves. (3) Let students practice the dialogue in groups, and then wear the headdresses to act out the dialogue in class.Teaching purpose通过手偶活动来让学生创编对话并分角色表演,以此激发学生的学习兴趣,并巩固核心句型。通过歌曲来操练核心句型,并为后面的拓展活动做准备。Step 3: Practice1. Lets play. (1) Make a new dialogue.Show the hand puppets of Zoom and Zip. Let students imitate the dialogue of “Lets play” and make their own dialogues.For example:S1: Good afternoon, S2. This is Zoom.S2: Hello, Zoom! This is Zip. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.(2) Ask students to show their dialogues on the podium.2. Lets sing.Play a song with the melody of Happy birthday. Let students learn to sing. (课件出示:歌曲Happy Birthday的旋律)Teaching purpose用问候卡通人物的方式巩固本节课的问候用语,让学生学会在真实的情境中运用本节课所学的句型。Step 4: Consolidation & Extension “Meet new friends!”. Show some pictures of the cartoon characters. (课件出示:一些卡通人物的图片) Say the sentences “Good afternoon, everyone!” “Nice to meet you.” like Mickey Mouse. Lead students to answer with the sentences “Good afternoon, Mickey Mouse!” “Nice to meet you, too.” Use different cartoon characters to greet students.板书设计作业设计1. Practice the dialog
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