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Lesson 23: Its Christmas Morning! 教学内容分析本课是义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语六年级上第四单元的第五课,是一节新授课。本单元学习的是有关西方的重要节日圣诞节的有关知识。本课讲述了发生在圣诞节早晨的一个小故事,介绍西方人在圣诞节早上打开礼物的一些相关知识和文化习俗。教学对象分析本课的教学对象是六年级学生,他们对西方的圣诞节这一传统节日很感兴趣,通过本单元前几节课的学习,已掌握一些关于圣诞节的相关知识和文化习俗,通过本课的学习,学生会更深入地了解西方人过圣诞节的习俗。教学目标知识与技能目标1学生能够听懂、会说、认读和拼写单词open, little2能够认读、理解并运用句子:This morning we open our gifts!3. 能够用本课所学句型表达送礼物,交流收到的礼物和感受4能够通过模仿,读出句子的升调、降调、重读、连读情感态度目标在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。学习策略目标1.积极与他人合作,共同完成本课学习任务;积极运用本课所学知识进行表达和交流2能够运用阅读策略,正确完成本课的判断题。文化意识目标了解西方人过圣诞节送礼物的一些文化习俗和有关圣诞节送礼物的相关知识教学重难点重点:1学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写单词open, little 2能够认读、理解并运用句子:This morning we open our gifts! 难点:能够用本课所学知识表达送礼物,交流收到的礼物和感受教具准备师生课前准备的礼物教学过程Step 1 Warming-up:1. 播放圣诞歌曲,感受圣诞气氛 2. Free talk:T: Hello, boys and girls. Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!S: Merry Christmas!T: What do people do at Christmas?S: They invite their family and friends to their house. They give their family and friends gifts. They sing Christmas songs. They put up the Christmas tree They write Christmas cards. They buy Christmas gifts.T: And they open the Christmas gifts on Christmas morning.【设计意图】以师生间的自然问候导入到旧知识的复习,再用旧知引入新知,教学环节的自然过渡使学生很快投入到本课的学习中。Step 2 Lead-in Pre-reading1. T: Oh, I see many gifts on your desk. They are beautiful. This morning we open our gifts! (操练此重点句)T: Whom do you want to send the gift to?S: I want to send the gift to my friendT: I have a gift, too. What is it? Its a secret now. Later Ill show you and send it.【设计意图】从学生已有的语言知识和生活经验出发,围绕师生课前准备的礼物展开讨论,大家对彼此的礼物都感到很好奇,为下面的活动做好铺垫。2. T: This morning, Jenny、Li Ming、Lynn、Mr. and Mrs. Smith open their gifts. 教师用动作演示open,操练openListen and do:Open the book/pencil case/schoolbagStep 3 While-reading1. SkimmingT: Who brought these gifts? Read your student books silently and quickly.T: Did Santa bring the gifts for Lynn?S: No.T: Who brought the gifts for Lynn?S: Her mother and father.T: Why did Lynn think Santa brought them?S: Because Lynn is little.学习词汇little,出示不同图片操练词汇little【设计意图】学生初次接触文本,阅读问题设计不宜太难,通过这个问题激发学生阅读文本的兴趣。同时培养学生快速阅读的能力,进而向学生渗透略读的策略。2. ScanningRead the book again, then tick or cross on P65People open gifts on Christmas morning. Jenny thinks her mum and dad brought the gifts. Lynn thinks the gifts are from Santa. T: Why?S: Because she is little.Li Ming gets a camera for Christmas. T: Did Li Ming want it?S: Yes, he did.Li Mings gift is for Mr. and Mrs. Smith. T: Is it for Mr. and Mrs. Smith?S: No, its for everyone.T: Whats Li Mings gift?S: Its a lantern.学习生词lanternSanta wrote the names on the gifts. T: Who wrote the names on the gifts?S: Mr. and Mrs. Smith.【设计意图】学生第二次阅读文本,通过判断对错,使学生更详尽地理解阅读内容,教师的追问,特别是结合图片和文本的上下文,帮助学生了解camera, lantern等词汇的含义,为学生的深层阅读扫清语言障碍。3. PracticeT: Its time to send our gifts. I am the first. This is for everyone. Its from me! Open it, what is it?S:Its a Christmas card.T: I write something for you on the card. Merry Christmas!S: Merry Christmas! Thank you. Its wonderful!T: Now open your gift and send it.【设计意图】教师把自己准备的圣诞贺卡发给学生,同时示范对话,同学之间互送礼物并用本课学到的知识交流,兴致盎然,学以致用。4. Student book N1T: Now open your books, class. Read after the tape recorder. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 【设计意图】通过播放录音,帮学生进一步梳理本课的知识脉络。通过跟读录音,帮助学生纠正读音,培养学生良好的语感。Step 4 Post-readingRetell the story in pairs. Its Christmas morning! This morning Jenny, Li Ming, Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Smith open their gifts. Lynn gets some toys, she is so happy. Lynn is little, she thinks Santa brought them. But Jenny thinks her mum and dad brought them. Li Ming gets a camera and he gives his gift to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Its from China. Its a Chinese lantern. Its wonderful. 【设计意图】教师提供给学生上面这个填空的短文,有困难的学生可以参照完成自己复述故事的任务。通过这个任务,学生的综合语言运用能力得到进一步的提升。Step 5 Listen and repeat学生已经认识升调、降调、重读、连读符号,首先让学生两人一组自己尝试读句子,教师指导Read after the tape recorder,making sure to leave appropriate pauses between words as well as putting stresses and inflections in the correct position.Step 6 Assessment1. Homework: 把课上复述课文的段落写下来2. 告诉自己的父母更多关于圣诞节的知识,例如圣诞节当天早晨的风俗。3. Enjoy a carol“Jingle Bells”八、板书设计Lesson 23 Its Christmas Morning!This morning we open our gifts. Little This is for _. Its from _.Thank you! Its wonderful!
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