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苏教牛津版五年级下册英语Unit 2 A telephone call一、说本节课教学理念本课的主要内容是电话用语中疾病系列。重点学习whats wrong with you? How do you feel now?及其回答。本节课教学内容情境性比较强,因此学生发挥的空间比较大,要充分发挥学生的主观能动性,达到学以致用的目的。二、说“三维”教学目标1.Aims on the knowledge: to enable the students understand and speak the four skilled words and sentence patterns.2. Aims on the abilities: to develop students abilities of communicating with others.3. Aims on the emotion: to lead students to care others and help others.三、说教学重点、难点教学重点Master the words and sentence patterns:speak how feel whats wrong with you? Ive got How do you feel now? I feel.教学难点Master the words and sentence patterns:speak how feel whats wrong with you? Ive got How do you feel now? I feel.四、说教前准备PPT blackboard pictures五、说教学设计教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1. RevisionTeacher shows the students some pictures(use ppt and a guessing game)Step2 Presentation1. teacher uses a telephone call to lead in the dialogue of Part A2. teacher lets the students listen to the tape one or two times and answer questions.3. teacher use PPT to present the sentence patternsStep3 PracticePractice in pairs using the sentence patterns above and the words we learned last class.Step4 Presentation1. teacher makes a call again to present the other part of the dialogue.2. listen again and answer the questions.3. use PPT to present the sentence patterns.4. Practice in pairs using the sentence patterns above.Step5 GameTeacher divides the whole class into groups and group write several numbers. Then make some calls. (using the sentence patterns)Step6 Homework1. remember the new words and sentence patterns.2. make a similar dialogue3. call your relatives and friends.Students guess what does the picture mean.Listen to the teacher and pay attention to what the teacher saysListen and answer questionsPractice in pairs.Listen to the teacher carefullyPlay the game and practiceReview the words and sentence patters we have learned last classLead in the dialogue of Part ALet the students remember the sentence patternsTo present the other part of the dialogueHelp students familiar with the dialogue.
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