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2B Unit2 In the circus Period1 Lets actTeaching aims:1) Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.2) Use imperatives to give simple instructions.3) Learn the sentences: Come here. Go there. Come back .Education aims: Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points: Using imperatives to give simple instructions.Materials:Cassette 2B and cassette player.Animal masksTeaching procedures:Pre-task preparation 1) Sing a song Follow me2) Daily Talk.3) Listen, repeat and act. e.g. T: Stand up. S: Stand, stand, stand. Stand up.(With actions.)While task procedure1) Learn: Come here.(1) Say Come here and do a motion. Invite students to copy you.(2) Say Come here,(Students name). Invite some students to stand with you.(Give them hint to make sure they understand the meaning and do the correct action.)(3) Write the sentence on the board and then read.(4) Check the pronunciation and intonation.(5) (Invite one student to play Spotty.) Say: Look, Spotty. Lets ask him to stand with us.Students stand in front of the class say: Come here, Spotty.Add Spotty after Come here. On the board.(6) Say a rhyme. e.g. Come here. Come here. Come here, Spotty. (Change with students name.)2) Learn: Go there.(1) Say Thats the door. Go there. And point to the door. (Repeat several times.) Invite students to say and act like you.(2) Say Go there, (students name). Students go there including Spotty.(3) Write the sentence on the board and read(4) Sing a song. e.g. Go there, Spotty (Using the old music)3) Learn: Come back.(1) Say Come here, Go there, Then say Come back.(2) Write the sentence on the board and then read.(3) Say and act, students copy you.4) Invite students to do the actions to the various commands.5) Open the students book to page 7. Play the cassette. Ask students to listen and repeat.6) Work in pairs.One commands and the other does the actions. Then let them change roles.Post-task activities1) Play a game: Were good friends.Invite some students to play some animals. e.g. Miss Pig, Mr. DuckLet other students to choose the animal friend to play games.e.g. Come here, Miss Pig. ( O.K.)Go there, Miss Pig. (O.K.) ( First make an example with one animal.)营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛。听、说、演,在愉悦的氛围中复习祈使句。以动作让学生理解意思,锻炼学生用英语思维。注重学生的语音语调。儿歌是学生最喜欢的训练形式之一,因此也是最有效的。旧谱填新词,让学生在欢乐的歌声中巩固新知。以游戏训练新知,使学生全身心地投内入。同时也培养学生对动物的喜爱。Teaching essay2B Unit2 In the circus Period2 Lets learn Teaching aims:1) Learn the words: horse, bear, elephant, tiger, monkey, panda.2) Pronounce words properly.Education aims: Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points: Using nouns to identify animals. e. g. bear, elephantMaterials: Cassette 2B and a cassette player. Wookbook 2B page 6. Animal masks. Teaching Procedure:Pre-task preparation1) Sing a song: MacDonalds farm2) Daily Talk.While-task procedure1) Learn the word: panda(1) Show a box. Say Theres an animal in the box. Guess the animal. It is fat. It is black and white. It likes to eat bamboo. What is it?(2) Hold up a toy panda and slowly say the word panda. Students listen and repeat.(3) Show the word card and picture card, then say it.(4) Check the pronunciation.(5) Invite students to put on the masks. Act out the panda and say: I am a panda.2) Learn: elephant(1) Act out an elephant, invite students to guess what animal it is.(2) Show the picture card and word card, students listen and repeat.(3) Say a rhyme.e. g. Five little elephants in a row.Five little elephants say HelloOh, says one elephant, I must go.3) Using the same way to learn horse, bear, tiger, monkey.4) Play the cassette. Students listen and repeat.5) Sing a song. Can you tell me what this is。Post-task activities1) Put up the picture and word cards on the board in random order. Match them.2) Listen and judge.Teacher points to the pictures (word cards) and say words. Students listen and judge.3) Say rhymese. g. Horse, horse, horse. I am a horse.4) Play a guessing game. Whats in the box?动物歌曲把学生带入动物世界。以猜的游戏引出新单词,激发学生的兴趣。通过教师生动的表演引出动物名词,富有儿童情趣。有趣的儿歌是巩固新知最有效的方法之一。运用多种形式巩固新知。Teaching essay2B Unit2 In the circus Period3 Lets talk Teaching aims:1) Learn the sentences: Look at theIts and2) Use imperatives to draw attention to something. 3 ) Use adjectives to describe animals.Education aims: Foster the thought of loving a
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