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句法游乐乐园Day9小学语法陈陈述句Warm upthe mouserunning afteryellowis the catThe cat is running after the yellow mouse.Warm upbananaslikesto eat the minionThe minion likes to eat bananas.句子成分组成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子的主体成分:主语语谓谓语语一只招人疼的WatermelonWatemelon 是一枚可爱又圆乎乎的吃货,热心肠,善良又天真,总愿意把可口的自己分享给大家,因此她超级招人疼,她拥有好多好多的朋友1号好丽友:“我可以让你快速做出各种动作,你想做什么就跟我说”;2号好丽友:“需要倾诉的对象跟我说,我随叫随到”;3号好丽友:“不管任何地方,任何时间,不管有多难,我都会伴你左右”;4号好丽友:“不管你想变成什么样子,我都喜欢,不论俏皮的,可爱的,难过的.”;5号好丽友:“我只代表别人眼中的你,一只可口的西瓜”。Watermelon的5个好丽友Who are they?主语语、谓语谓语1号好丽友:“我可以让你快速做出各种动动作,你想做什么就跟我说”我叫谓语,表示某人 做(某事)或者某物 怎么样很显然,Watermelon就是今天的主角主语主语,表示 某人,某物我们们是主体成分The watermelon is sighing. 主语:The watermelon 谓语:is sighing The watermelon sighs. 主语:The watermelon 谓语:sighs系表结构宾语宾语 、状语语2号好丽友:“需要倾诉的对对象跟我说,我随叫随到”我叫宾语,表示 行为的对象3号好丽友:“不管任何地方,任何时间时间 ,不管有多难难,我都会伴你左右”我叫状语,表示行为及发生的 时间、地点、程度、方式和条件等The watermelon reads a book in the morning. 主语:The watermelon 谓语:reads 宾语:a book 状语:in the morning定语语、表语语4号好丽友:“不管你想变成什么样子,我都喜欢,不论俏皮的,可爱爱的,难过难过 的.”我叫定语,修饰名词和代词,用来说明名词或代词的 品质或特征5号好丽友:“我只代表别别人眼中的你,一只可口的西瓜”我叫表语,表示 是什么、怎么样 用来说明主语的特征或状态The watermelon is a sporty fruit. 主语:The watermelon 系动词:is 定语:sporty 表语:a sporty fruit系动词动词 不可单单独做谓语谓语,须须与表语语一起构成谓谓语语帮Watermelon找朋友When the fox saw the lion at the first time, he was terribly frightened. He ran away, and hid himself in the woods. The second time, he came near the lion. He stopped at a safe distance, and watched him pass by. The third time, they came near one another. The fox went straight up to the lion, and stayed the whole day with him .(宾语(宾语) (定语(定语 ) (状语(状语) (宾语(宾语) (状语(状语 ) (宾语(宾语) (状语(状语 ) (宾语(宾语) (状语(状语 ) (宾语(宾语) 你知道Watermelon和朋友们组团 了吗?说大实话 的陈述句团队陈陈述句用来说明一个 事实,或陈述说话人的 观点陈陈述句肯定的陈陈述句否定的陈陈述句陈陈述句肯定式watermelon对伙伴们说西瓜很好吃:Watermelon is delicious.于是谓语就带来他的小分队:系动词和表语is系动词Watermelon 主语肯定式1:主语 + 谓语(系动词+表语)谓语delicious 表语陈陈述句肯定式watermelon对伙伴们说人们喜欢夏天吃西瓜:People eat watermelon in summer于是伙伴们(谓语、宾语、状语)都来了People 主语肯定式2:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 状语eat谓语watermelon 宾语in summer 状语CheckSummer is hot.主语:Summer 系动词:is 表语:hotMary and Jones plant flowers in the yard.主语:Mary and Jones 谓语:plant 宾语:flowers 状语:in the yardCheck连词 成句1. playing, like, I, baseball, on Sunday morningI like playing baseball on Sunday morning.2. waiting, bus, for, the, we, areWe are waiting for the bus.3. I, some, dont, rice, have, supper, forI dont have any rice for supper.Check连词 成句4. weekend, went, last, Mike, skiingMike went skiing last weekend.5. older, than, your, Im, brotherIm older than your brother.6. by, went, holiday, our, we, on, Canada, to, planeWe went to Canada on our holiday by plane.原本其乐融融的陈述句团队却在此刻出现了危机接受神秘任务的间谍们一旦接收BOSS的指令便开启瓦解陈述句团队 的行动BOSS的指令是什么?陈陈述句否定式Watermelon is not delicious.Some people do not eat watermelon in summer.do notis notFriends will not like watermelon after this summer.will not not间谍间谍 都是谁谁否定式否定式1 1:主:主语语语语 + be+ be动词动词动词动词 + not + notWatermelon is not delicious.is not1号间谍间谍 :系动词动词 里的Be动词动词肯定式变变否定式noteg: Im not hungry now.主语:I 表语:hungry 状语:now 间谍间谍 都是谁谁否定式否定式2 2:主:主语语语语 + + do/does/diddo/does/did + not + + not + 动词动词动词动词 原形原形Some people do not eat watermelon in summer.do not2号间谍间谍 :助动词动词 do/does/did肯定式变变否定式noteg: He doesnt play football today.主语:He 谓语:doesnt play 宾语:football 间谍间谍 都是谁谁否定式否定式3 3:主:主语语语语 + will/have+ will/have等等 + not + . + not + .Friends will not like watermelon after this summer.will not3号间谍间谍 :助动词动词 will/have等肯定式变变否定式noteg: We will have an English class next Tuesday.主语:We 谓语:will have 状语:next Tuesday CheckLets do itThe boy does some housework at home.(一般疑问句)Does the boy do any housework at home? The children had a good time in the park.(否定句)The children didnt have a good time in the park. Jim has some story-books.(一般疑问句)Does Jim have any story-books? He often goes to library on Sundays.(否定句)He doesnt often go to library on Sundays. I put a book on my head.(否定句)I dont put a book on my head. They play basketball on Sundays.(一般疑问句)Do they play basketball on Sundays?CheckLets do itGrandpa dont tell stories to us every evening.Grandpa doesnt tell stories to us every evening. They does a lot of homework at school.They do a lot of homework at school. Because Peter dont have English class, so he goes to the zoo with his friends.Peter doesnt have English class, so he goes to the zoo with his friends. This coat isnt red, and that one isnt red, too.This coat isnt red, and that one isnt red, either. 想知道Watermelon团队团队 最后怎么样样了吗吗?我们们先学好陈陈述句再说说嘛你来捉我吖吖
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