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学习必备欢迎下载八年级下册句子翻译1.将来人们会有机器人吗. people have .2.我应当做什么. I do.3.当飞碟到达时你正在干什么. you when the UFO .4.他说我学习努力.He said I .5.假如你去参与聚会,你会过得很高兴.If you go to the party, you ll .6.你收集贝壳有多久了. have you shells.7.你介意把音乐声关小一点吗.Would you mind the music.8.你为什么不给她买条围巾呢. you get her a scarf.9.你曾去过游乐园吗. you ever an amusement park.10.今日是个好天气,不是吗 .It s a nice day, .11.你能给我一些建议吗.Could you me .12.他沉迷上了电脑.He fell the computer. 13.她可以说英语和汉语.She speak English and Chinese.14.将来会有更多的污染.There will .15.哪一个国家会在下一届世界杯中胜出. will win the next World cup.16.他们不想在电话中谈论那件事.They don t want to talk about it .17.罗斯不想和她的表兄吵架, 由于他是她最好的伴侣.Rose doesnwt antto hercousin, because he is her .18.父母应好好照料孩子.Parents take good their kids. 19.勿进 .她正在睡觉 . . She is sleeping.20.你可以向你的哥哥借些钱.You could some money your brother.21.当外星人出来时,女孩正在购物.The girl was shopping when the alien .22.他站在同学们前面.He is standing his class.23.当飞机起飞时,你在做什么 .When the plane , what were you doing.24.喝杯咖啡怎么样. drinking a cup of coffee.25.第一 ,你应当说对不起. , you should say you re sorry.26.他说他对汤姆很愤怒.He said he Tom.27.我告知她我将在其次天去公园.I told her I go to the park .28.他说他善于口语.He said he speaking.29.当我长大后 ,我将周游世界.When I , I will . 30.高中毕业后 ,我想上高校 .I want to after I leave high school.31.请拿走袋子 ,我不想它在这儿.Please the bag, I don t want it here.32.那位老人以卖报纸谋生.That old man went to sell newspaper to .33.你假如迟些起床,你会上学迟到的.If you get up late, you school.学习必备欢迎下载34.他在数学方面做得较好.He can in math. 35.有很多闻名的预言从没有实现.There are many famous predictions that never . 36.在我 7 岁的时候 ,我得到了这件礼物.I get the present .37.顺便问一下 ,你的爱好是什么. , what s your hobby. 38.自我 8 岁以来我就始终在学习弹吉他.I ve the guitar I seven years old.39.昨天我们闲聊了一会儿.We had a yesterday.40.你介意不在这里唱歌吗.Would you mind here.41.请你不要插队好吗.我们都在排队等候.Could you please . We are all .42.有人在我工作的时候跟我说话,我会很愤怒 .I when someone talks to me while I am working.43.不同的人喜爱不同的礼物.Different like different gifts. 44.她花了大量的钱买学习用品.She too much money school things. 45.我有足够的时间去完成这项任务.I have the task. 46.我从没去过上海.I Shanghai before.47.是由于我的英语说得好才使我得到了这份工作. was because I spoke English very I could get this job. 48.事实上我想去拜望我的伴侣. , I want to visit my friend.49.我曾去过北京,并在那里呆了七天.I have Beijing and had for 7 days. 50.别遗忘带上雨伞.Don t forget to an umbrella you.51.你是新生 ,不是吗 .You re here_, .52.比尔和我相处特别融洽.Bill and I well.53.每天这个时候交通都特别拥挤.The is very at this time every day.54.我们始终等了一个小时.We ve been an hour.55.不要在教室里踢足球,好吗 .Don t play soccer in the classroom, 请翻译以下句子;1 我父母期望我每天晚上都呆在家里;2 我和最好的伴侣争执起来了;3 你要给他一张球类竞赛的门票;4 我不想在电话上谈论它;5 或许他应当说他对不起;6 我需要钱来付夏令营的费用;7 你可以向你的哥哥借钱;8 我认为你应当找到一个业余工作;9 他要找到一位家庭老师去他家;10 我的伴侣的衣服比我的美丽;11 我的伴侣与我穿着同样的衣服而且跟我的发型也一样;12 我总是认为我在学校受欢迎;13 我不能摸索我做错了的事;学习必备欢迎下载14 有很多你能做的事;15 你不知道你的身份证在哪儿;16 我不想争执,让我们忘掉它吧;17 我们相处很好,但她总是借我的东西;18 我不想和我的堂妹打架,由于她是我最好的伴侣;19 我不知道做什么;20 他们上学的日子够忙的;21 她不得不下午7 点到家;22 医生说很多同学压力太大;23 家长观察其他的孩子做很多事情,他们感到他们自己的孩子应当做同样的事;24 他们总是把他们和其他的孩子相比较;25 家长应当学会给他们的孩子更多的他们自己的时间;26 美国和英国人的孩子做很多课外活动;27 我猜我能吧,但我不想让他感到诧异;28 让我们看看是否有听众对你何建议;29 我认为 Erin 应当对她的伴侣喜爱她的衣服和发型感到兴奋;30 Cathy Taylor 的三个孩子的生活特别忙;31 我应当做什么?32 我需要一些钱为我的家人买礼物;33 我认为 Erin 应当告知她的伴侣穿不同的衣服;34 我刚查出我的伴侣们正为我最好的伴侣方案一个生日聚会;35 我们班除我以外的每个人都受到了邀请,可我不知道为什么;36 我心里很烦而且不知道做什么;37 让我们给Joe 打电话并邀他打网球;38 你应当和你的父母谈论你的问题;39 我的伴侣跟我愤怒;我应当对他说什么.40 我想我考试失败了但我刚知道我过关了;41 或许你应当学会放松!42 尽量的尽可能多的适应孩子们的生活;43 但是现在的父母像是更要推着他们的孩子行动;44 在孩子们很小的时候,妈妈把他们送到各类的班上去;45 她说当孩子们长大后,会发觉他们很难独立摸索;46 当这些孩子成为成年人时,他们会发觉很难自己支配方案;47 在另一个方面,他们也需要时间和自由的空间来放松;48 现在的家长们推动着他们的孩子比以前困难得多;49 你可以从你的兄弟那儿借些钱;50 没人想交一个没有个性的伴侣!1 My parents want me to stay at home every night. 2 I argued with my best friend.3 You could give him a ticket to a ball game.4 I don t want to talk about it on the phone. 5 Maybe he should say he s sorry.6 I need to get some money to pay for summer camp. 7 You could borrow some money from your brother.8 Then I think you should get a part-time job.学习必备欢迎下载9 He could get a tutor to come to his home. 10 My friend has nicer clothes than I do.11 My friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as Ido.12 I always thought I was popular at school. 13 I can t think what I did wrong.14 There are a lot of things you could do.15 You don t know where your Id card is.16 I don t want to argue, let s forget it. 17 We get on well, but she always borrows my things.18 I don t want to have a fight with my cousin, because she19 I don t know what to do.20 Their school days are busy enough. 21 Then she has to take home until
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